"Isn't it?" The soldier leader snorted coldly and said, "Send a signal immediately and ask for support. There are many people on the other side, and it seems they are here to grab territory.

Since the bridge started charging fees, these greedy soldiers have earned a lot of income. No matter who they are, they will not give up this piece of fat.

With a "boom", the signal flare began to take off.

The leader of the soldiers laughed and said: "You are smart enough to leave as soon as possible. Otherwise, when our reinforcements arrive, it will be difficult for you to escape."

"Jujiro, haven't you always complained that you haven't done anything?" Uchiha Qing said in a cold tone.

Jujiro was stunned and stared at himself.

"Me?" Jujiro glanced at the soldiers in front of him from the corner of his eye and said uninterestedly: "I didn't deal with these little thieves.

"Who are you calling a little thief?" The soldier leader angrily slashed at Jujiro.

Jujiro ducked slightly and hit the leader of the soldiers, who fell into the river on the spot.

"Save me." The leader of the soldiers shouted.

Uchiha Qing sneered and walked slowly towards the bridge. Originally, he didn't want to argue with such low-level soldiers, but he was very unwilling to think about the ordinary people who often passed by.

"Brother, why don't you help the people here?" Sasuke said to Uchiha Ao.

Uchiha Ao stopped and Jujiro drove the soldiers on the bridge into the river. Reinforcements of these soldiers also arrived immediately.

"Who are these people?" Uchiha Ao turned to look at the crowd around him and asked.

"They are the subordinates of the city lord here." There is a blue and white city away from here, and the city lord is greedy.

Uchiha Ao took a deep breath. This was the territory of Cloud Shinobi Village. If he meddles in his own business here, it seems that he would be at odds with Raikage again.

"Brother, we have already offended Raikage anyway, let alone offend him again?" Sasuke said.

Uchiha Ao laughed and said: "If that's the case, then let's wait here for the reinforcements of these soldiers to arrive.

Passers-by around him began to shout. Jujiro had already relieved these people by knocking down these soldiers, but now they heard that Uchiha Ao was coming to fight with the reinforcements of the city lord here.

Seems more excited.

"You all should leave here, it will be difficult for others to leave." Uchiha Qing said.

At this time, Uchiha Qing looked at the people around him.

"Let's go." The people also knew that this matter was not something they could get involved in.

The people began to cross the bridge one after another. Uchiha Qing, Sasuke and others stood aside and watched, and the people hurriedly left.

In less than a moment, the soldiers running from the side of the bridge came to the bridge in order.

"Stop, you guys dare to break into the bridge privately." The general rushed to the people at the front with a whip.

The people fell to the ground, looking extremely painful.

"What?" Uchiha Ao looked up and saw the reinforcements of soldiers arriving here so quickly.

Are the soldiers coming from Qinghua City? Uchiha Qing frowned.

"Stop all these people!" the general roared.

Uchiha Qing walked out of the crowd and said: "They were not the ones who killed the soldiers in the river, but us."

The general looked at Uchiha Ao in front of him and narrowed his eyes.

"Who are you? You dare to touch our people. Don't you know that we are the subordinates of the Lord of Blue and White City?" The general snorted coldly.

Of course Uchiha Ao knows, but no matter whose subordinate it is, this bridge was not built by the city owner, and he is not qualified to come here to collect tolls.

"So what if you know, so what if you don't know?" Uchiha Qing said.

It is precisely because of this that the general's eyelids twitched following Uchiha Ao's words.

"How outrageous!" the general roared angrily: "Catch this man."

The soldiers stepped forward one after another, preparing to arrest Uchiha Ao on the spot. At this time, Sasuke's blood eye appeared next to him, and members of the Eagle Team began to step forward and block him in front of the soldiers.

"What? A ninja? Or someone from the Uchiha family." The general was stunned, and he looked surprised while riding on the horse.

The horse was frightened, and Sasuke took out his shuriken and slashed it down. The long sword with lightning knocked the soldier in front of him to the ground.

For a moment, the scene became chaotic, and the soldiers had no time to care about the poor people around them, and began to surround Uchiha Ao and others.

"Who are you?" The general felt that Uchiha Qing and others were not simple people.

Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes, Jujiro came to the general and said: "Uchiha Ao god-tier of Huaxia Hidden World Village."

When the general heard Uchiha Qing, he suddenly became dull and smiled.

"Forgive me, Uchiha Qing god-tier, why are you here?" The general dismounted and said, "It seems that my men were blind and offended you."

The general is not a fool. Who is Uchiha Ao? Can he offend him? Now the general can only surrender.

Uchiha Qing ignored the general's kindness and narrowed his eyes and said: "It's not your soldiers who offended me, but your city lord. Take me to see your city guards."

"Our city lord?" The general was shocked, froze on the spot, looked at Uchiha Qing in front of him, and said, "Why did our city lord offend you?"

Uchiha Qing sneered and looked at the general in front of him.

"This bridge was obviously built by us, so why should he charge tolls from people passing by?" Uchiha Qing asked.

After the people on the path bridge left, they watched from a short distance away.

The generals of Qinghua City have dismounted, and the scene seems to be peaceful.

"Is he really Uchiha Ao god-tier? It seems that even the generals of Aohua City are afraid." The people said.

At this moment, following the words of the people around Yu, they began to watch what would happen below.

"Will the Uchiha Youth League teach this group of people a lesson? But it seems that there are many of them, and this is not the territory of Huaxia Hidden World Village. They should not take action. (Li Dehao) will not attract many Cloud Shinobi Village Ninja." People around said.

No one knows what Uchiha Aoki will do next? It is precisely because of this that people around him began to worry.

If Uchiha Qing makes peace with the general, these people will still have to pay a lot of money when they pass here in the future.

"I think this is a misunderstanding." The general laughed and said, "I will report this matter to the city lord immediately, and I will also withdraw the soldiers immediately and no longer charge the toll for crossing the bridge.

For a time, the general relented and did not argue with Uchiha Ao, because he knew that Uchiha Ao was reasonable.

This bridge was not built in the city, and it did not cost Qinghua City any money, so the people in the city had no qualifications to collect tolls.

"Are you really going to do this? Who do you think I am, Uchiha Ao?" Uchiha Ao said disdainfully.

In Uchiha Ao's view, today's generals are just perfunctory Uchiha Ao himself. .

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