Uchiha Qing stood on the same spot and said: "I am passing by this place. Because I am a little tired, I want to stay here for one night.

After an all-out battle with Eight Tails, Uchiha Ao seemed tired.

"Stay overnight?" The people in the village looked Uchiha Ao up and down and asked, "Where are you from? We don't welcome outsiders here."

Today is an era of war, and people are unwilling to accept outsiders. This village is located in a remote place near Qinghua City, and the people in the village make a living by growing crops.

"I came from Cloud Shinobi Village, and I took the path here to return to Huaxia Hidden World Village." Uchiha Qing said.

Just now, Uchiha Qing heard people around him talking about him, so at least Uchiha Qing could tell that he was from Huaxia Hidden World Village.

"Are you a ninja from the Hidden World Village in China?" The people in the village became wary.

After all, this is the territory of Cloud Shinobi Village, and the people in the village are very concerned about ninjas who come to the village unexpectedly.

Uchiha Qing said: "I am a businessman.

"Businessman? You don't seem to have any goods on you, right?" The people in the village looked at Uchiha Ao himself.

Uchiha Qing laughed and slowly took out a bag from his body, which was filled with diamonds.

"It is impossible for these things to be exposed to the outside. If you can let me stay for one night, I will leave a diamond in return." Uchiha Qing823 said with great certainty.

Suddenly, the people in the village's eyes lit up.

"So you are really a businessman. Are you a businessman who came to Huaxia Hidden Village?" People in the village surrounded Uchiha Qing.

Uchiha Qing laughed and said: "No, I don't have a specific place. As long as there are good things, I will resell them."

The people in the village looked envious and quickly and warmly welcomed Uchiha.

"If you don't say that you are going to Huaxia Hidden World Village, we may not accept you, because recently there was a well-known ninja in Huaxia Hidden World Village who spoke out for us." The old man in the village said: "That's why we reluctantly accept you. "

Suddenly, following the words of the villagers, Uchiha Ao smiled.

"Thank you so much." Uchiha Ao said.

At this time, a good-looking woman ran out of the village and quickly came to Uchiha Ao.

"Village chief, let me receive this outsider." The woman said like a flower.

The village chief frowned, sighed and said, "Ruhua, are you doing it for other people's diamonds? This will ruin the reputation of our village."

Ruhua secretly laughed and said (affe): "I will never ask for other people's things."

Ruhua said, and took Uchiha Qing into her house. In a corner of the village, Ruhua lived alone. His husband died in the war two years ago, and he has not met a reliable man since then.

"Are you going to the Huaxia Hidden Village?" Ruhua asked Uchiha Qing after walking into the house.

Uchiha Qing nodded and said: "That's right, what's wrong?"

Ruhua raised her head and said, "Can you tell me about the outside world?"

Obviously, Ruhua has never left the village because she has to receive assistance from the village all year round, so Ruhua is very active in whatever happens in the village.

"There is danger outside, but there is peace in the village." Uchiha Qing took out two diamonds and placed them in front of Ruhua and said: "If you really want to go out, go outside and see the world by yourself."

Suddenly, Ruhua showed an excited expression, but took her hand back.

"The village chief didn't let me take it. If he knew, he would definitely blame me." Ruhua still held back.

Uchiha Qing laughed and said: "I won't tell the village, only the two of us know about this.

At this time, following Uchiha Qing's words, Ruhua couldn't help but quickly picked up the diamond and put it in his pocket.

"I'll get you some food now." Ruhua said.

Suddenly, following Ruhua's words, Uchiha Qing laughed. After all, he had to live in this village for a few days to recover the Chakra in his body.

Therefore, if Uchiha Ao wants to get convenience here, he must maintain a good relationship with Ruhua. Ruhua seems to be a helpless woman who is extremely eager for money.

"Your food is here." After Ruhua brought the food to Uchiha Ao, she immediately turned and left.

Uchiha Qing ate his meal and went to sleep.

After a night's rest, Uchiha Qing got some recovery and began to restore Chakra secretly.

A few days passed, and none of the ninjas in Cloud Shinobi Village found Uchiha Ao, let alone Uchiha Ao, who was still hiding in the village.

"It's all your fault for insisting on leaving. We still don't know whether the Aochiha Aoki God is alive or dead." Jujiro blamed Sasuke beside him on the way.

Sasuke snorted coldly and said, "It was my brother who asked us to leave first, not my suggestion."

There is no news from Cloud Shinobi Village, and Sasuke and Jujiro have no news about Uchiha Ao. At this time, Sasuke and others are very anxious.

"There is such a thing." While the village chief was eating, he heard the villagers coming and said that several ninjas were coming, which alarmed everyone in the village.

The villagers picked up their weapons and began to gather at the entrance of the village.

"Who are you?" The village chief led the villagers to stop Sasuke and others.

Sasuke was stunned, and Jujiro stepped forward and said, "Hey, we are ninjas from the Hidden World Village in China. We just come here to rest and won't do anything bad."

The village chief put his hands behind his back and said: "This is the boundary of Cloud Shinobi Village. If the ninjas of Cloud Shinobi Village know that our village accepts you, there will definitely be no good end.

Jujiro was covered, Sasuke lowered his head and said: "Idiot, you know that we are still in Cloud Shinobi Village, and you still claim that you are a ninja from the Chinese Hidden World Village."

Jujiro wanted to refute on the spot, but someone in the village suddenly shouted.

"Village chief, it's them, they are the ninjas who killed Blue Flower Castle." Someone recognized Jujiro [who was on the bridge when Jujiro, Uchiha Ao and others fought against Blue Flower Castle Shiraku.

At this time, as the villagers complained, the village chief and villagers began to be shocked.

"Is it him?" the village chief said.

Sasuke broke into a cold sweat and said, "Jujiro, you idiot, hurry up and leave."

"Wait, we are willing to take you in. You can rest as long as you want." The village chief saw Sasuke and others about to leave and was about to step forward to stop them.

At this moment, Sasuke stopped and turned to look at the village chief behind him.

"Village Chief, what on earth are you talking about?" Sasuke asked in confusion.

The village chief stepped forward and said: "You have done a great good thing for us. You killed the lord of Qinghua City. We cannot thank you enough."

Suddenly, Sasuke and Jujiro looked at each other.

"You live here, we will entertain you with delicious food and wine." The village chief stepped forward and said. .

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