The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 379 The Alliance Between Raikage And Orochimaru!

The eight Jinchūriki Killer Bees looked puzzled and said, "Unite?"

Kabuto stepped forward and said, "That's right, I came here under Orochimaru's order this time."

The eight Jinchūriki Killer Bee laughed and said, "Why do you want to join forces with me?"

I have heard of Sound Ninja Village Killer Bee, and Orochimaru is also one of the legendary Sannin, but in the eyes of Cloud Shinobi Village, these people are not enough to compare with Cloud Shinobi Village.

"We can destroy the Huaxia Hidden World Village." Dou said bluntly.

Suddenly, Killer Bee stepped forward and said: "What? You want to destroy the Chinese Hidden World Village?"

Orochimaru has joined forces with many forces to take action against Uchiha Ao, and the Chinese Hidden Village is now in danger in the eyes of Kabuto and others.

"That's right. Since what you Cloud Shinobi Village can't do, let us Orochimaru-sama do it. This time Orochimaru-sama can "873" unite many strong people. Uchiha Ao is dead. As for you Cloud Shinobi Village It's up to you to decide whether you want to participate or not," Kabuto said.

Killer Bee stood there, looking at the place where Raikage was practicing in seclusion not far away.

"Raikage is in retreat, and the Five Kages seem to have agreed to practice, so Uchiha Qing will definitely relax his vigilance at this time. This time it is not only our Sound Ninja Village, but also other villages, including Akatsuki's participation." Kabuto Mi He raised his eyes and said: "If Cloud Shinobi Village wants to participate, we are very welcome."

"You're not asking for help," Killer Bee said.

Kabuto spread his hands and said politely: "I'm not begging you to join, but I'm discussing with you."

Suddenly, Killer Bee snorted coldly, Kabuto looked as if he could really destroy the Chinese Hidden Village.

"Uchiha Ao is not easy to deal with." Killer Bee said: "I have fought against him."

Kabuto laughed and said: "We, Orochimaru-sama, are free to take charge this time. All I can say now is, do you, Cloud Shinobi Village, want to participate?"

Killer Bee was stunned and stood there thinking for a long time.

"Participate." Killer Bee said seriously.

Kabuto turned around and said: "I will tell you the time and place. If this news is spread, we will not make it easy for Cloud Shinobi Village."

Cloud Shinobi Village and Uchiha Ao are rivals, and with the existence of Eight Tails, Orochimaru still wants to invite Cloud Shinobi Village to join in.

As for other villages, Orochimaru has no such idea.

"Orochimaru?" Killer Bee stood there and turned around without any hesitation, preparing to return to Cloud Shinobi Village and no longer see his eldest brother Raikage.

"Master Killer Bee, why are you back so soon?" Darui stepped forward and asked.

Killer Bee said: "Darui, get ready immediately and come out with me."

Eight Tails Jinchūriki Killer Bee looked very serious, and Darui was stunned.

"Master Killer Bee, what happened?" Darui was puzzled. Didn't Killer Bee go to see Master Raikage? Why did he come back so soon?

Killer Bee helped lower the frame and said: "This matter is a long story, so you just go and prepare."

Following Killer Bee's words, Darui and others seemed a little confused.

Kabuto returned to Orochimaru. All the forces had been united and they would gather at the border of the Hidden World Village in China in three days.

"Lord Orochimaru, we have united everyone, and they will lead the elite troops to quietly enter the border of the Chinese Hidden World Village." Kabuto said.

Orochimaru smiled and said, "Well done. By besieging Uchiha Ao this time, we will not only weaken Uchiha Ao's power, but also let others know about my existence, Orochimaru."

In the room, Orochimaru laughed wildly, Uchiha Ao was almost invincible in the Ninja League, and no one could be his opponent so far.

Now Orochimaru, together with many strong men, are trying to make plans for Uchiha Ao.

"Lord Orochimaru." Kabuto stepped forward and said, "But this time we only bring a small number of people, how can we possibly fight against the many ninjas in the Hidden World Village of China?"

Orochimaru sat on a chair and said: "The people we united this time are just to open the gate of Huaxia Hidden World Village. Besides, whether it is the people of Cloud Shinobi Village or Takigakure Village, they will leave the ninja troops behind. , will definitely quickly assemble a large army to invade after the battle begins."

Kabuto's eyes lit up, and Orochimaru said: "Why do our Sound Ninja Village need to send people, as long as you and I go."

Orochimaru didn't want to lose his men at this time. He just united everyone and found an appropriate opportunity to launch an attack on the Chinese Hidden Village.

"I see." Kabuto narrowed his eyes and said, "Uchiha Qingyou suffered a lot this time..."

The exercise had just been held in the Huaxia Hidden World Village, and people were still immersed in an extremely stable environment. No one noticed anything was wrong around them.

Whether it was Takigakure or Cloud Shinobi Village, they secretly dispatched a group of people.

Shenmu took Seven Tails Jinchūriki Fu and others to the border of Huaxia Hidden World Village. Killer Bee took Darui and others also gathered at the border of Huaxia Hidden World Village.

Because the number of people was not large, no one would notice it at all. Akatsuki's troops were also ready, and the surrounding villages also sent people.

All the forces that have joined forces with Orochimaru have entered the vicinity of the Huaxia Hidden Village as agreed.

Uchiha Qing and the people in Huaxia Hidden World Village have not noticed it yet, especially Jujiro, Sasuke and others, who are still regretting this exercise.

"This is disgusting. I was eliminated at the last moment." Jujiro clenched his fist tightly.

Sasuke even showed disdain and said, "Jujiro, you can never defeat me."

In Uchiha Ao's office, he sat in the room with a serious expression.

"Samui, Kimimaro, take the people back to the border quickly." Uchiha Qing said: "The safety of the village in the future depends on you."

The two said respectfully: "I understand, Uchiha Ao god-tier."

Uchiha Qing nodded slightly, showing an extremely satisfied look.

Suddenly, Lin Jiachen's footsteps came forward, his face looking extremely panicked.

"Uchiha Ao god-tier" Our village's sensing ninja noticed something was wrong around us." Lin Jiachen was extremely nervous.

Faintly, a powerful Chakra aura flickered around the village. This was the first time this had happened.

"There is such a thing. Have you asked someone to investigate?" Uchiha Qing leaned on his chair.

Lin Jiachen said: "The most strange thing is that there is no one around at all."

Jujiro said rudely: "Are you too sensitive? Now that our Huaxia Hidden World Village is so powerful, who dares to provoke us?

Lin Jiachen shook his head and said: "It's impossible. The ninjas in our village sensed danger for a moment. This is definitely not a coincidence. We must pay attention to it.

Uchiha Ao put one hand on the table and asked, "Are you a foreigner observing the exercise?"

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