Orochimaru narrowed his eyes and raised his hands.

"Now when you go back, immediately ask your people to retreat and hide, so that Uchiha Qing and the people of Huaxia Hidden World Village cannot find out." Orochimaru said.

The people around him dispersed, and Orochimaru stood there with a smile.

"No one really blamed Orochimaru-sama. Neither you nor I were blamed when we came here. Now I know how powerful Orochimaru is." Kabuto said.

Originally, Kabuto was still very scared. It must be Orochimaru himself who would mobilize everyone at this time, but he came alone with Kabuto, and he was the person with the least number of people.

"Stupid, if you cooperate with these people, if you bring more people, you will die in vain." Orochimaru sneered and said: "Why not let these people fight?

We have only one purpose, and that is to kill Uchiha. "

Orochimaru's purpose is very clear, to kill Uchiha Ao and take away Uchiha Ao's body.

As for other things, Orochimaru didn't care at all, especially the destruction of the Chinese Hidden Village. Even if Orochimaru didn't do it, others would.

Kabuto continued to agree: "What Orochimaru-sama said is that if we don't take action, others will."

After Orochimaru and others left, everyone began to return to their own camps.

A Fei and Zetsu came back, saw the Akatsuki and others, and said: "Orochimaru really has some tricks up his sleeve. It seems that this operation will not go wrong. Let's hide it first so that Toyochiha and other areas cannot discover it."

"Asshole, our Akatsuki actually wants to cooperate with Uchiha Qing and others." Akatsuki's person said.

Zetsu said: "Our enemy now is Uchiha Ao, he has already killed our Akatsuki members, let's kill this person first.

A Fei nodded and said: "That's right, kill Uchiha Qing first."

Uchiha Ao is Akatsuki's enemy. Fei and others have set their sights on Uchiha Ao, and their cooperation with Orochimaru and others is only temporary.

"Orochimaru is really cunning. He knew that Akatsuki was coming and only brought Kabuto with him." "A Fei smiled and said: "If there is a chance, I will take the opportunity to take Orochimaru's life.

Facing A Fei's words, everyone in Xiao said: "Okay!"

In the Shibuki camp, as the leaders Shibaki and Fu returned, the elite members of Takigakure Village stepped forward.

"Chief, what's going on?" the ninjas of Takiyin Village asked.

Shenmu nodded and said, "It seems that there is great hope for success this time."

In Shiki's view, Orochimaru did not lie to him this time. Many people came here, but they had strong strength.

"The Eight Tails Jinchūriki of Cloud Shinobi Village, members of Akatsuki, and more people from the village's forces." Shibaki laughed and said: "This time we will take revenge and kill the Chinese Hidden World Village, including Uchiha Ao."

Suddenly, people in the Shenmu camp were excited.

"The leader is brilliant. It is really brilliant to cooperate with Orochimaru this time." said the members of Takigakure Village.

Fu folded her hands on her chest and said: "But Orochimaru only brought one Kabuto. He really took advantage of our people to attack the Chinese Hidden Village. It's really despicable."

"Being despicable is not that important anymore. What is important is that only Orochimaru has the ability to unite so many people to attack Huaxia Hidden World Village and Uchiha Ao." Shibuki said.

Now everyone no longer cares whether Orochimaru has come with more people, but focuses on how to capture the Chinese Hidden World Village.

In the Cloud Shinobi Village camp, Eight Tails Jinchūriki Killer Bee comes. The Cloud Shinobi Village force is the most powerful except Akatsuki.

In addition, everyone was waiting for Killer Bee's return, and everyone started to stand still.

"Killer Bee-sama, we are secretly cooperating with Orochimaru and Akatsuki. If Raikage-sama finds out, he will definitely be furious," Darui said.

Darui looked at Killer Bee in front of him. Killer Bee touched his chin and said: "If I tell my brother, it will definitely stop our actions, so I started to keep it a secret when I came here. Today, it seems that Orochimaru still has some ideas. He will immediately The order was given and everyone was immediately asked to retreat and hide themselves so that Bao Zhiqing and others could not discover us.

Whether it was Orochimaru, Takigakure, Akatsuki, Cloud Shinobi Village and other forces, Kabuto began to hide one after another. After all, these people were now coming to attack Uchiha Ao and Huaxia Hidden Village.

Everyone began to evacuate, being more careful to hide their troops, and Uchiha Ao himself took Sasuke and Jujiro and began to patrol around.

"Uchiha Ao god-tier, Lin Jiachen is a little too sensitive, there is no one around the village." Jujiro said impatiently.

Uchiha Qing stood there. After a day, there were no ninjas from other villages around the village.

"Is it true that Lin Jiachen made a mistake?" Sasuke said in confusion.

Uchiha Qing stood there, raised his head and looked at the sky. It was still early, so Uchiha Qing frowned and said, "`〃We will continue the search in the evening."

Facing Uchiha Ao's words, Jujiro and Sasuke suddenly softened.

"Uchiha Qing god-tier, why are you so nervous because of Lin Jiachen's words? There are people out there who dare to take advantage of our Huaxia Hidden World Village. Jujiro said.

Sasuke was even more rude and said, "Brother, what Jujiro said is right."

"Sasuke, don't you agree with my request?" Jujiro stepped forward and said, "Why do you start agreeing with me?"

Uchiha Qing stood there and saw the two arguing again.

"My silly brother!" Uchiha Ao frowned and said, "If it were just something discovered by Lin Jiachen's men, I might not be so nervous, but if it is something discovered by our village's sensing ninja group, then it is different."

As the sky gradually darkened, Uchiha Ao, Sasuke, and Jujiro took a rest and began to move out.

"Night is when the enemy (Wang Li) becomes active. If the enemy is not discovered at night, I believe there will be no people around." Uchiha Qing said seriously.

Suddenly, Jujiro and Sasuke began to nod, and just like that, under the dark night, Uchiha Ao and Jujiro took action again.

"Brother, is our village's sensing ninja army really that powerful?" Sasuke became confused on the way.

Only Lin Jiachen and Uchiha Qing knew about this matter, Sasuke and Jujiro only knew about it now.

"Of course it's great, but we formed it secretly." Uchiha Ao laughed.

During the night, many NPC players began to gather.

"Huaxia Hidden World Village is just ahead, why hasn't the snake come yet?" The players began to get a little impatient.

Behind the trees, with the arrival of Uchiha Ao, many people were now visible.

"Sure enough." Uchiha Ao laughed. .

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