"Uchiha Ao god-tier, come on. If this continues, as long as the reinforcements from Takigakure Village and Cloud Shinobi Village come, we will definitely be defeated." Jujiro said fiercely.

Lin Jiachen was not overly nervous. Faced with Jujiro's worries, he stood calmly.

"Reinforcements from the two villages?" Lin Jiachen said disdainfully: "So what?"

In the eyes of Lin Jiachen, as long as Uchiha Qing is alive, no matter how many reinforcements the two villages send, it will not help.

"Aren't you worried? Uchiha Ao god-tier has been unable to come back for a long time. At this time, once the reinforcements from Cloud Shinobi Village and Takigakure Village arrive, our current situation will inevitably lead to a defeat." Jujiro roared.

Samyu stood there and heard Jucilang's chirping voice below, and said very coldly: "You don't need to think about other things. You just have to do the things in front of you."

Sasuke snorted, and Fu seemed to have given up on the Tailed Beast Bomb attack.

"It seems that Samui has a backup plan. If this is the case, we are passively beaten, so it is better to take the initiative to attack. 05" Sasuke appeared.

Jujiro looked extremely shocked to see Sasuke's expression.

"You despicable guy, you actually started to take the initiative." Jujiro quickly followed.

Darui watched Sasuke and Jujiro coming, and smiled at the people around him and said, "They are here."

Sasuke slashed hard at Fu in front of him with his long sword. Compared to Darui and the others, Fu was a bigger threat.

Fu dodged in mid-air, and Sasuke's Thunderbird kept chasing Fu.

"Leave it to me Uchiha Sasuke." Sasuke snorted.

Fu moved in mid-air, appearing extremely flexible, and Sasuke couldn't catch Fu at all.

"Damn it, this guy Fu is strengthened by the power of the tailed beast. Even if I use the blood wheel eye, I can't catch him." Uchiha Ao said rudely.

At this time, Fu showed disdain and looked at Sasuke behind her.

"Sasuke? With your strength, you are also Uchiha Ao's younger brother. It's really embarrassing." Fu said rudely.

Sasuke clenched his fist tightly and looked at Fu in front of him.

"Fu, don't look down on others." Sasuke said rudely.

In Sasuke's opinion, Fu's actions now completely angered Sasuke. Sasuke swung out his long sword, and the ninja of Takigakure Village beside him immediately fell to the ground.

"Damn it." Fu gritted his teeth tightly. While Sasuke was chasing her, he also continued to kill the people in Takigakure around him.

Following Sasuke's actions, Fu began to become extremely nervous.

"Black Flame." In the process of chasing Fu, Sasuke's blood chakra finally gathered Chakra and began the most brutal pursuit of Fu.

Fu smiled. The young and energetic Sasuke fell into Fu's trap. While Fu kept avoiding, she led Sasuke around half a circle and quickly came to Lin Jiachen.

"What?" Lin Jiachen felt something was wrong and was ready to fight when he saw the beauty coming.

However, the black flames behind Sasuke emitted, and Sasuke was shocked. He was led around by Fu, but he did not expect that he would attack Lin Jiachen himself.

Lin Jiachen frowned and quickly dodged a figure.

"Lin Jiachen?" Sasuke was surprised. The moment Lin Jiachen was hiding, Fu took the opportunity to fly to the village.

"What?" Lin Jiachen turned around and saw Fu entering the Huaxia Hidden Village.

Sasuke's throat was choked as he prepared to take back the black flames at the entrance of the village.

"Wait a minute, since there is black flame at the entrance of the village, it can at least prevent others from entering." Lin Jiachen blocked Sasuke with his hand.

Sasuke frowned, wondering what Lin Jiachen's plan was.

"What do you mean?" he asked confused.

At this time, Lin Jiachen showed a mysterious smile and said, "What if Fu enters the village now?"

Lin Jiachen's words surprised Sasuke, who stood still.

"Is Samyi already deployed in the village?" Sasuke asked.

Lin Jiachen turned to look at the battlefield at the entrance of the village and said, "Look at the ninjas in front of you. Are they really all the ninjas in our village?"

Sasuke was stunned. He didn't care about this problem. When he saw the crisis in the village, he only focused on fending off Fu and others in front of him.

"I see." Sasuke laughed.

At this time, Sasuke finally understood that these ninjas were not the ninjas of the Huaxia Hidden World Village, but part of it. It could be said that [Samui was not an elite ninja hiding in the Huaxia Hidden World Village.

"When our village did the drill, we said it was all ninjas. Unfortunately, it was all a gimmick. We not only showed our strong strength, but also hid the other's strength." Sasuke laughed.

Lin Jiachen said unceremoniously: "That's right. It's precisely because of this that we have the opportunity to make a surprise attack, isn't it?"

Sasuke laughed, and the black flame he accidentally used at the entrance of the village helped them.

"Sasuke, Fu will come out in a hurry soon." Lin Jiachen laughed.

Fu looked excited when she entered the village, and was about to wreak havoc in the village. She was stunned when she saw that the village was completely silent, with no one at all.

"Were the people transferred out so quickly?" Fu was shocked.

Just before Fu could make a move, ninjas appeared one after another, and Samyi personally led the team and started running straight in front of Fu.

Fu was shocked and took two steps back.

"What? Samyi?" Fu was a little surprised. She didn't expect Samyi to bring people here in person.

Samyi snorted coldly and said, "Fu, are you the only one here?"

Fu said politely: "I am enough to deal with you."

From Fu's point of view, Samyi and the few ninjas around him were not in danger at all.

"Taled Beast Bomb!" Fu entered the village and prepared to release Tailed Beast Bomb to cause destruction.

Samyi sneered. If eight Jinchūriki Killer Bees entered the village and released the Tailed Beast Bomb, it would be an extremely troublesome thing.

As for Fu, Samui is not afraid, because the degree of integration between Fu and Seven Tails is very low, and the power of the Tailed Beast Bomb it emits is limited!

"Let's start!" Samyi took a step back.

When Fu was condensing the Tailed Beast Bomb, she saw the ninjas around Samyi starting to form seals.

"This is?" Fu was shocked.

The moment Fu launched the Tailed Beast Bomb, Samyi's men began to form seals one after another and shouted on the spot: "Earth Style."

Wall Earth Style wall appears, layer by layer of Tailed Beast Bomb that weakens and smiles.

Fu stood there with a look of disdain and said, "Do you want to use this ninja strength to stop my Tailed Beast Bomb?"

Obviously, in front of Fu, he still didn't believe that he could stop her Tailed Beast Bomb with the Earth Style in front of him.

With a "boom", Tailed Beast Bomb continued to pass through the Earth Style laid out by Huaxia Hidden World Village. After breaking through layer by layer, the ninjutsu used by Huaxia Hidden World Village could not stop the attack of Tailed Beast Bomb.

Tailed Beast Bomb broke through all defenses, and Fu had a smile on her face. .

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