Orochimaru narrowed his eyes and stared at Fei's background.

"What happens after killing Uchiha Ao?" Orochimaru looked wary.

Orochimaru, who was once a member of the Akatsuki organization, also had a lot of hatred with Akatsuki. Now A Fei broke his promise with Orochimaru and began to use all his strength to block Uchiha Ao's way back to the village in the canyon.

"If you kill him, if you want his body, I will give it to you." A Fei laughed.

Orochimaru took a step forward and said, "Didn't we agree at the beginning that Uchiha Ao was my prey, Orochimaru, and you were not allowed to touch him?"

A Fei raised his hands and said: "You can't deal with Uchiha Ao at all, it's up to us Akatsuki to deal with him. 11

What Orochimaru needs is a living person, not a dead Uchiha Ao.

If Akatsuki did this, he was obviously working with Orochimaru to fight the "670". Now Orochimaru sees A Fei's expression. Once Uchiha Ao is killed by Akatsuki, the next target seems to be Orochimaru himself.

"After killing Uchiha Ao, is it time for you to take action on me too?" Orochimaru asked A Fei.

A Fei snorted coldly and said: "We will solve the matter of your betrayal of Xiao before, but this time our opponent is Uchiha Ao, isn't it?"

"Lord Orochimaru," Kabuto said as he stepped forward.

Uchiha Ao raised his hand to stop Kabuto's move. Seeing that Orochimaru didn't respond, A Fei slowly turned around and said: "If you can help me kill Uchiha Ao this time, maybe I will not hold you accountable for leaving Akatsuki. "

Before A Fei finished speaking, Orochimaru's snake-hiding hand stretched out, and a large number of snakes began to attack A Fei's back.

A Fei's body suddenly ducked, and he instantly avoided Orochimaru's secret killer.

"Orochimaru is still good. He always attacks others from behind." Zetsu immediately used Earth Style and burrowed into the ground.

Orochimaru stood on the ground with an expression of reluctance.

"Damn it." Orochimaru clenched his fists tightly.

At this moment, Orochimaru did not expect that Fei could dodge his attack instantly.

"Did something happen?" Other members of the Akatsuki organization raised their heads and looked at Fei and Zetsu on the mountain. Orochimaru started to attack Fei afterwards.

"Hidan, angle, Orochimaru is left to you." A Fei quickly left in front of Orochimaru and stood on another hillside.

Hidan and Angle heard A Fei's words, and they quickly came to Orochimaru.

"Orochimaru, let me play with you." Fei stuck out his tongue and licked his weapon.

For a time, members of the Akatsuki organization began to divide into two groups and began to deal with Orochimaru and Uchiha Ao.

Uchiha Ao frowned and raised his head to look at the battle between Orochimaru and the Akatsuki organization.

"There's a disagreement between Orochimaru and Akatsuki. It seems I have a chance to leave here." Uchiha Ao laughed.

If Uchiha Qingyi wants to deal with people in the Akatsuki organization, it will obviously be difficult.

After all, the people in the Akatsuki organization are all S-level defected ninjas, and now they are all gathered in front of Uchiha Ao. Even if Uchiha Ao god-tier wants to kill all of these people, it will be difficult.

"Uchiha Ao." Kisame Kisaki picked up the sword in his hand and attacked, saying: "Do you still have the mind to look around?"

Uchiha Qing came back to his senses and took a few steps back, showing a look of disdain.

"Uchiha Itachi, what are you doing?" When Kisame Kisaki continued to attack Uchiha Ao, Uchiha Itachi did not send out black flames to attack Uchiha Ao.

Uchiha Itachi narrowed his eyes with a serious expression, completely ignoring Hoshigaki Kisame in front of him.

"Black flame?" Uchiha Ao snorted coldly. He is also a person with blood chakra eyes. Uchiha Ao himself knows very well about Uchiha Itachi's attack, but he is faced with Akatsuki members all around him.

Uchiha Ao doesn't want to waste too much Chakra here yet, and it is precisely because of this that Uchiha Ao will continue to avoid attacks from Kaigan Kakisame and Uchiha Itachi.

"Uchiha Ao?" Hoshigaki Kisame's sword kept swinging in front of Uchiha Ao, and the unwilling Hoshigaki Kisame roared: "You can only avoid it?"

Uchiha Ao retreated, and a battle between Orochimaru and Hidan broke out on the mountain.

"It's disgusting that Orochimaru is disturbing the situation at this time." Jueleng snorted.

A Fei didn't pay attention to the battle between Orochimaru and Hidan not far behind him, but focused on watching the battle between Inigan Kakisame and Uchiha Ao.

"We can naturally deal with this guy Orochimaru in the future. For now, let's focus on Uchiha Ao himself..." A Fei said.

The remaining Akatsuki members stared at Uchiha Ao. Uchiha Ao knew that if he wanted to leave here, he had to take advantage of Orochimaru to disperse Akatsuki's power.

"Black Flame!" Uchiha Itachi saw the moment Uchiha Ao was distracted and quickly launched a black flame attack.

Under Amaterasu's attack, Uchiha Ao turned around quickly, but Uchiha Ao's Amaterasu attack was still very fast.

"Amaterasu!" Uchiha's blue blood chakra eyes opened, and a black flame was released.

In the canyon, the power of Uchiha Ao and Uchiha Itachi confronted each other, and the black flames began to collide.

The powerful Uchiha Ao Chakra forces continued to collide and began to collide.

"Hoshigaki Kisame, what are you doing in such a daze at this time?" Cold sweat broke out on Uchiha Qing's forehead, and he quickly reminded Hoshigaki Kisame.

Kisame Kisaki reacted quickly and quickly picked up the sword and attacked Uchiha Ao.

Uchiha Ao frowned. Just as he was confronting Uchiha Itachi, Hoshigaki Kisame began to attack from behind.

"Uchiha Itachi." Uchiha Ao snorted coldly: "You are not as powerful as me, but you let your companions help you."

If it weren't for Kisame's infection, Uchiha Ao's black flame would sooner or later completely suppress Uchiha Itachi himself, allowing the black flame to attack Uchiha Itachi himself.

Unfortunately, under the interference of Kisame Inakisaki, Uchiha Ao himself had to give up, and his body quickly left the scene. 3.6 With a "boom", Hoshigaki Kisame's sword hit the ground and he fell down.

After Uchiha Ao dodged, Uchiha Itachi's black flames quickly attacked Mikigaki Kisame.

Hoshigaki Kisame, who was hit by the black flame, felt the pain and showed an angry expression.

"Uchiha Itachi, what are you doing?" Suddenly, Uchiha Itachi saw the black flames burning on Kisame's body and quickly withdrew the black flames.

The black flame disappeared in the canyon, Uchiha's eyes lit up, and he quickly formed seals to escape.

"I want to run!" Konan's voice sounded, and countless thin shards began to attack.

Uchiha Ao frowned and smiled bitterly. Even after Kisame Kisaki and Uchiha Itachi joined forces, Konan appeared.

"Konan is more anxious than me." Nagato laughed.

Uchiha Ao sided to avoid Konan's attack. .

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