The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 399 Kakuzu’S Participation In The War

Orochimaru sneered and stood there to see Hidan's thoughts.

"You can understand that even though it was Kakuzu who abandoned you, you are still trying to be brave." Orochimaru sneered.

Hidan was furious and injected Orochimaru who laughed at him in front of him.

"Snake, how dare you laugh at me." Hidan picked up the weapon and attacked Orochimaru.

Orochimaru stood there and narrowed his eyes.

"Master Orochimaru, you don't have much Chakra left. If the stalemate continues, terror will be detrimental to you." Kabuto stepped forward and said.

Following Kabuto's reminder, Orochimaru stood there with a look of extreme disdain.

"So what, we have fought so hard anyway. Once Akatsuki kills Uchiha Ao, where will I find such a perfect body?" Orochimaru's pupils flashed a bright light and he stared at Uchiha Ao in the canyon.

U "920" Chiha Ao, whether he has a perfect Sharingan or an excellent physique, is what Orochimaru can possess.

"Orochimaru?" Hidan attacked with a weapon.

Orochimaru stepped back and looked at Hidan beside him.

"Hidan, are you the only one left who wants to deal with me?" Orochimaru asked Hidan in front of him.

Hidan snorted coldly. He had the immortal body of a cult, but even when faced with a figure like Orochimaru, he seemed to be stunned.

"Orochimaru, don't think that I can't kill you alone." Hidan began to wave his scythe and began to attack Orochimaru continuously.

Orochimaru's body kept retreating. He knew Hidan's methods very well. At this time, no matter what, Orochimaru could not be touched by Hidan.

"Kabuto." Orochimaru began. Chakra couldn't hold on.

After Kabuto knew what Orochimaru meant, he quickly came to his side and took out the medicine to replenish Chakra.

"Orochimaru-sama," Kabuto said.

Orochimaru took the chakra supplement medicine and frowned.

"Everyone in Akatsuki is full of troublesome people, even I have trouble dealing with them." Orochimaru said.

Kabuto watched Hidan's desperate attack.

"If Kakuzu hadn't left, we wouldn't have been able to survive until now. Kabuto said.

Orochimaru sneered and looked down at the front of the canyon.

"Uchiha Ao is really powerful. He can attract all Akatsuki's troops with just one person." Orochimaru said.

In the canyon, following Orochimaru's words, Uchiha Ao was stunned in place.

"Kakuzu." Surrounded by dried persimmon Kisame Water Style, Uchiha Ao even saw Kakuzu coming, and began to curse Orochimaru in his heart.

This useless snake can't even entangle Kakuzu.

Kakuzu stood outside Water Style, watching the situation inside. Hoshigaki Kisame used almost all of his Chakra to continuously attack Uchiha Ao in front of him.

"Uchiha Ao." Kisame Kisaki smiled: "No one can get out of my water prison, unless you kill me, this ninjutsu will be broken."

Uchiha Ao is in the water, and Uchiha Kisame is really powerful. Even if Uchiha Ao has whiskers all over his body, Uchiha Kisame can use powerful Chakra to surround Uchiha's whole body with Water Style.

"It's really amazing." Uchiha Ao smiled and said, "It seems like you want to attack me desperately?"

First it was Uchiha Itachi, and then it was Kisame Inikigaki, and the Akatsuki members attacked Uchiha Ao himself in such a crazy way.

No matter how much Uchiha Ao Chakra is, it can't withstand the attacks of so many powerful enemies.

Uchiha Itachi used all his strength, wouldn't it seem a little selfish if I still have reservations now?" Kisame snorted coldly.

Uchiha Ao took a deep breath and stared at Hoshigaki Kisame, known as the tailless Jinchūriki, in front of him.

"You want to kill me here even if you risk your life?" Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes.

In Water Style, Kisame Kisame's speed is astonishing, and it is impossible for Uchiha Ao, who is wearing a huge Susanoo, to avoid Kisame Kisame's attack.

"What?" Kisame Kisame said disdainfully: "You want to escape from my water prison?"

Uchiha Qingcai will not do this. He knows that when moving in Hoshigaki Kisame Water Prison, the water prison outside will follow the movement of the enemy, unless the water prison is opened from the outside or the caster Hoshigaki Kisame is defeated.

"Escape?" Uchiha Qing sneered and said, "Didn't you just say that I can only leave here if I defeat you?"

Hoshigaki Kisame was stunned, he did not expect Uchiha Aokin to believe his words so much.

"You believe what I said so much?" Hoshigaki Kisame was shocked.

Uchiha Ao froze on the spot, staring at the dried persimmon Kisame in front of him...

"It's not that I believe it, but that I know the secret of your Water Style." Uchiha Qing narrowed his eyes.

Hoshigaki Kisame's body began to move. Since Uchiha Ao knew about it, Hoshigaki Kisame would not show mercy.

"Since you already know the secret of my water prison, I won't be merciful." Ten figures of Kisame Inigangaki moved towards Uchiha himself.

Uchiha Ao stood there, staring at the tailless beast in front of him, Jinchūriki Hoshigaki Kisame, and sneered: "If that's the case, then I will let you lift this water prison yourself.

In Water Style, Uchiha Ao was obviously in a disadvantageous position, but now Uchiha Ao has never died here. Even though Nagato and Kakuzu are waiting outside, Uchiha Ao has never been afraid.

"Uchiha Ao, are you still struggling?" Kakuzu laughed.

Uchiha Ao snorted coldly and looked at the Kisame in Water Style. The Kisame's whole body changed and began to swim using its powerful tail.

"Has it started to change?" Uchiha Ao frowned.

The powerful force of Kisame Kisaki hit Uchiha Ao, and Uchiha Ao began to retreat, showing a shocked expression.

"Hoshigaki Kisame, you actually saved so much Chakra." Uchiha had a green forehead pretending to be cold sweat.

After fighting Orochimaru, Uchiha Itachi and others, Uchiha Ao has lost a lot of Chakra.

Now it will be difficult for Uchiha Ao to rush out in front of Hoshigaki Kisame, Nagato and others in 2.2.

"Uchiha Ao!" Hoshigaki Kisame roared.

Uchiha Ao took a few steps back, showing a shocked expression, and began to move back continuously.

"Hoshigaki Kisame, you really want to kill me." Uchiha Qing pressed Hoshigaki Kisame's body with both hands.

Hoshigaki Kisame's body was very slippery, and Uchiha Ao's commanding Sunō Sago could not block Hoshigaki Kisame's body with his arms. Hoshigaki Kisame immediately escaped from Uchiha Ao's hands.

"You can't catch me at all." After Kisame Mikigakaki's body escaped, he hit Uchiha Ao from behind.

Sunō Sago was attacked again by Kisame Kisaki and began to become weak.

Uchiha Ao frowned, Hoshigaki Kisame was eroding Sunō Sago's ability bit by bit. .

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