The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 40: Mission Start: Ninja Boss Of The Kingdom Of Thunder!

"Huh? Why are so many people going to the Hyuga family's mansion?" Sha Mei was a little shocked when she saw that the Hyuga mansion was full of players. "Could it be related to my weekend mission this time?"

"Congratulations, you got the answer right!" Li Qing knocked on Sha Mei's forehead, Sha Mei covered her head in pain and frowned, shouting, "You won't grow up like this!"

"You're not tall anyway..." Li Qing babbled.

"Hmph, I'm still young!!" Sha Mei glared at Li Qing, then turned around with a cold snort, "Come on, what do you want me to do? It seems that this time the daily task can't be done without me, you can't start the task , So, be nice to me, otherwise, hehehe..." At this point, Shamei waved her pink fist.

"It seems that without me, a god-tier player, leading you, you wouldn't be able to raise your level, right?" Li Qing wouldn't be intimidated by a girl like Sha Mei.

"Uh..." Sha Mei said suddenly, and couldn't find any reason to refute for a while, so she stuck out her tongue.

"Okay, if I don't have any accidents, if this plot mission needs to be accompanied by Hyuga players or Hyuga NPCs, we should guard at the entrance of Konoha Village." Li Qing stroked his chin and briefly analyzed it.

"The entrance to Konoha Village? But many players are guarding Hyuga's mansion..." Sha Mei was taken aback.

"My intuition told me, why don't you think I can become a god-tier player!" Li Qing curled her lips, ignored Sha Mei, turned her head and left.

"Hey, hey, damn it, wait for me!" Seeing Li Qing walking away, Sha Mei hurriedly chased after her.

After a while, the two arrived at the entrance of Konoha Village. At this time, countless players flocked to the Hyuga family. The entrance of Konoha Village, which was originally very lively and crowded, was deserted and sparsely populated.

However, there are also some players who secretly followed Li Qing, waiting quietly not far away, wanting to get a piece of the pie.

For these players, Li Qing naturally didn't take it seriously. Before the mission was released, he simply cleaned up the surrounding mobs and brought Shamei to level 38.

"Wow, the speed of killing monsters in a team with you is so fast... Our Eliza clan has hired more than 100,000 players to help clear monsters, and it is not as fast as you... A Great Fireball passed by, and a large number of people died directly!" See Seeing the continuous golden light, feeling the filling of power, Sha Mei's face was smiling like a blossoming flower, and the eyes that fell on Li Qing were full of starlight.

"Tch, do you think god-tier is called for nothing?" Li Qing gave Sha Mei a white look, then looked up at the time, "Okay, it's time."

Hearing this, Shamei subconsciously took a deep breath, held her breath, and looked curiously at the distance of Konoha Village...

[World Channel] System Announcement: The weekend mission [Hyuga Event] has started, please go to the entrance of Konoha Village to find the NPC character: Ninja Leader of the Kingdom of Thunder, start your weekend mission! This task requires players of the Hyuga tribe or Hyuga NPCs to open it! Note: This task is time-sensitive. When the player completes the task, the ninja leader of the Kingdom of Thunder will disappear, and the NPC who receives the weekend task will also be replaced!

The system announcement has just been announced, and those players who successfully gained 50 favorability points hurried to the entrance of the village with Hyuga's NPC, but most of the players are still in the task of gaining favorability, trying hard to brush with those Hyuga NPCs Favorability. At this time, the influx of players has already overwhelmed the entire Hyuga mansion, and the number of Hyuga NPCs refreshed in the mansion is also increasing rapidly.

The Hyuga family, which originally had a population of only a hundred, now has an astonishingly high population of hundreds of thousands. Fortunately, this is only a weekend task, and the timeliness of the spawned NPCs exists. Otherwise, the Hyuga family would be overwhelmed by the huge population in a day up...

Not long after the system announcement was announced, Sha Mei, who had been skeptical of Li Qing's judgment, widened her eyes when she saw the dusty ninjas in the distance, especially when the ninja at the front wrote "Ninja Leader of the Land of Thunder". A trace of disbelief flashed across his eyes.

"How is it?" Li Qing gave Sha Mei a clear look, "Am I right?"

"Cut!" Sha Mei rolled her eyes, "It's just a fluke! Let's go get the task!"

I have to say that although it is a bit annoying to have a girl with you, at least one person is not so lonely.

The speed of the two was very fast, and they arrived in front of the ninja leader of the Kingdom of Thunder within a few steps.

"Ah, is this female ninja's white eyes the Hyuga clan? It's amazing..."

The leader of the ninjas in the Kingdom of Thunder is a pot-bellied ninja. When he saw Sha Mei, his eyes flashed, and a faint greedy look flashed across the corners of his eyes. He quickly returned to normal and pointed forward: "Excuse me, the front is Konohagakure?"

"Yes!" Li Qing nodded heavily.

"Thank you..." The ninja leader of the Kingdom of Thunder bowed slightly to Li Qing and his men, then moved on with his men.

In the game, players can change the color of their eyes according to their preferences. Although Shamei is a member of the Hyuga tribe, she doesn't like the decoration of white eyes, so she changed it.

At this time, voices rang in the ears of the two of them at the same time.

[System Message]: The Hyuga event mission has been successfully started!

Mission description: The ninja leader of the Land of Thunder seems to be very interested in the supercilious eyes of the Hyuga clan. What is he doing in Konoha Village this time? Task level: none, task reward: ? ? ? ? Task Difficulty: SSSS.

Hearing the prompt, Sha Mei was a little confused: "The mission is started, then what?"

Li Qing smiled mysteriously: "You think this guy is very interested in Hyuga's white eyes, so guess what he will do?"

Hearing the reminder, Sha Mei patted her head and suddenly realized: "Ah, so that's the case! I know... I want to..."

Before she finished speaking, Li Qing covered her mouth with one hand: "You idiot, let others know the content of this mission, and come share experience with you to grab equipment?"

"Uh, sorry, I forgot...too excited." Shamei blushed.

At this time, a small group of players have talked with the ninja leader of the Kingdom of Thunder, but the ninja leader said a lot less to them, only a few words: I am so curious about the supercilious eyes of the Hyuga clan...

curious? Curious about your sister!

The players couldn't help complaining, they were all confused and didn't know what to do next!

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