Killer Bee frowned and said: "As long as there is a way for us to confirm that Sannin is in the Huaxia Hidden World Village, I will believe what you say.

Ah Fei narrowed his eyes. Now, tens of thousands of ninja troops gathered in front of the Hidden World Village in China. Under such circumstances, Ah Fei did not want to take advantage of this opportunity.

"Jue, just go to the Hidden World Village in China." A Fei said.

Jue looked a little helpless and said: "It will be very dangerous to do this."

Killer Bee said: "Once it is confirmed that Sannin is in the Huaxia Hidden World Village, we will dare to attack the Huaxia Hidden World Village. At least your Xiao goal can be achieved."

Suddenly, following Killer Bee's words, Zetsu began to dive into the ground.

"If there is no other way, I will go to the Huaxia Hidden World Village to make sure." Jue left.

Killer Bee and the other members of Akatsuki were left in the room, waiting for Zetsu to return.

Hua "280" Xia Yinshi's village was on alert after being attacked by Killer Bee's army.

In particular, Jujiro and others took turns guarding the entrance to the village, preventing Killer Bee's people from entering.

"Killer Bee's people must pass in front of us if they want to enter the village." Jujiro stared closely in front of him.

Zetsu's figure began to enter the village. Faced with Killer Bee's request, Zetsu must find Konoha Sannin as soon as possible.

"Konoha's Sannin." Zetsu began to move around the hidden village of China.

In the dark night, almost everyone in the village was asleep. At this time, even Jue seemed very cautious.

"Jue." A Fei laughed and said, "I'm going to make it difficult for you this time, but I believe that as long as Uchiha Ao is not in the village, no one can make it difficult, right?"

In the room, Akatsuki members began to step forward and said, "It's really troublesome. Since Uchiha Ao is not in the village, can't we get rid of them with our Akatsuki strength?

"What do you know? We not only want to eliminate the Chinese Hidden World Village, but we also want to capture the tailed beasts." Kakuzu said.

In Kakuzu's view, A Fei's plan was actually very good, but Killer Bee didn't know it in his heart, and Sam Yi's words now greatly affected Killer Bee's decision, which caused A Fei's plan to change.

"As long as there is no Uchiha Qing in Huaxia Hidden World Village, then the remaining people will not be able to do anything." A Fei laughed.

In front of A Fei, they are all elite members of Akatsuki, and their combat prowess and mentality are above ordinary people.

"You just need to wait patiently." A Fei said.

The members of Akatsuki began to wait, and Killer Bee was actually very anxious. The army was reluctant to advance. At this time, no one was far away from easily invading the Huaxia Hidden Village.

"Killer Bee, what are you delaying?" Shenmu quickly came to Killer Bee.

Killer Bee said unceremoniously: "No matter what, we have to confirm whether what Sam Yi said during the day is true."

Suddenly, Shi Mu became impatient.

"Whether it's true or not, as long as we contact Xiao, won't we be able to destroy the Huaxia Hidden World Village?" Shemu said bluntly.

Killer Bee shook his head and said: "Even so, we will be swallowed up by Akatsuki in the end, right?"

Shenmu was shocked. In fact, everyone knew that Xiao did not simply help Killer Bee and others attack the Chinese Hidden Village.

In the hidden village of China, although he has become a thorn in Akatsuki's side, Uchiha Qing has been killed by Akatsuki. At this time, Akatsuki is trying his best to help Killer Bee, but there is a purpose.

"Killer Bee." Shibuki narrowed his eyes and said, "What else is Akatsuki's purpose?"

"I only know that they want to destroy the Huaxia Hidden World Village, and there is nothing else to ask. But you just need to be patient and wait for someone. I believe there will be news soon." Killer Bee said.

Killer Bee didn't say anything about Akatsuki's affairs with the tailed beasts. After all, if Shibuki knew about it, he would be on guard.

Killer Bee is Jinchūriki. Under such circumstances, he will not let Akatsuki succeed easily. In other words, if Shimu finds out, Akatsuki will definitely target Killer Bee himself if he cannot catch Fu.

Following Killer Bee's words, Shibuki began to stand on the spot.

"One night? If there is no news after tomorrow morning, our Takigakure Village will withdraw from this war." Shibaki said impatiently.

Killer Bee watched Shenmu leave and laughed.

"This guy is really adapting to the situation. He is ready to run away when he sees that we can't succeed." Darui said unceremoniously.

Killer Bee narrowed his eyes and said: "Forget it, we at Cloud Shinobi Village are not counting on other forces."

Among this group of people, except for Killer Bee, who is a big village, the rest of them are small forces. It is impossible for them to have as much courage as Killer Bee...

"Darui, prepare to let us people take a good rest. There may really be a big battle tomorrow morning." Killer Bee said.

The soldiers of Cloud Shinobi Village are already ready to attack Hanazhong Hidden Village at any time.

"Where on earth could Sannin be?" White Zetsu asked.

After entering the Huaxia Hidden World Village, Jue began to show an extremely anxious look.

The Huaxia Hidden Village was quiet, and Jue began to wander around the village.

"The people of Huaxia Hidden World have guarded all their manpower at the entrance of the village. They will definitely not notice our appearance. Jue laughed.

In the room, Sannin sat together with anxious expressions.

"Tsunade, you came here rashly this time to participate in the war between Huaxia Hidden World Village and Cloud Shinobi Village. You might make the relationship between our village and Cloud Shinobi Village tense again." Jiraiya said.

Tsunade said rudely: "Stop talking nonsense, I won't rest until I see Uchiha Qing leave A Fei's space."

Facing Tsunade's words, Jiraiya looked extremely shocked at this time.

"Tsunade, what Jiraiya said makes sense. If we leave now, we can avoid a lot of trouble." Orochimaru leaned against the wall.

Even Orochimaru doesn't want to participate in the duel with Akatsuki, these people must be powerful guys.

Tsunade said politely: "Trouble? I, Tsunade, have never been afraid of trouble."

Jiraiya lowered his head and said, "We all have the wrong friends, how could I have you as my friend."

When Orochimaru saw Jiraiya not moving Tsunade, he patted his shoulder and comforted him: "Just accept your fate."

Jiraiya showed a sad face, facing the fact that he could not persuade Tsunade, he could only endure where he was.

"Tsunade." Jiraiya sighed and said, "No matter where you are, I will definitely be by your side.

Tsunade turned around to leave, only to feel a pair of eyes in front of the house looking at the three of them.

"Konoha Sannin?" Zetsu laughed.

Tsunade roared angrily and quickly threw his hand at the eaves.

"Who?" Under Tsunade's attack, the house collapsed, and a huge noise appeared in the hidden village of China.

With a "boom", there was a huge noise in the real village in the middle of the night. .

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