Orochimaru was shocked and watched Uchiha Ao leaving with the army in front of Cloud Shinobi Village.

"What happened? Why did they stop fighting?" Orochimaru asked in confusion.

Kabuto breathed a sigh of relief, now that Uchiha Ao was surrounded by ninjas from the Hidden World Village of China, it was impossible for Lord Orochimaru to attack Uchiha Ao himself at this time.

"Lord Orochimaru," Kabuto said, "We have no chance now."

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes and said: "I saw it all, I just want to know why Uchiha Ao and Raikage stopped fighting. Doesn't the movie know what the result is like watching Uchiha Ao at the door of his house now?"

"What's the result?" Kabuto asked confused.

Orochimaru said: "Uchiha Qing led the people from Huaxia Hidden World Village to the door of Cloud Shinobi Village, but Raikage did not dare to lead the people to fight. Once he goes back and the battle process is reported in Huaxia Hidden World Village, everyone will think that Cloud Shinobi Village is afraid of the Chinese Hidden Village."

Kabuto was stunned on the spot at Orochimaru's reminder.

"That means Uchiha Ao and the Hidden Village of China will become famous in a battle." Kabuto was shocked.

Orochimaru laughed and said: "Uchiha Qing has already become famous, but Huaxia Hidden World Village will become another powerful village besides the five major villages."

In the Ninja League, there are only five major villages, but now Uchiha has brought Hua Xia to the door of Cloud Shinobi Village.

Now that Raikage and Killer Bee are watching Uchiha Qing leave, the entire Ninja League will think that Cloud Shinobi Village is already afraid of Huaxia Hidden Village.

"Raikage, are you just going to let Uchiha Qing and others leave?" Darui stepped forward nervously and asked.

Raikage said politely: "Can we stop Uchiha Ao himself?"

Although this is in front of the entrance of Cloud Shinobi Village, and there are a large number of ninjas gathered in Cloud Shinobi Village, they still cannot stop Uchiha Ao himself.

"Uchiha Ao god-tier." Jujiro said next to Uchiha Ao: "You almost killed Raikage just now.

Uchiha Ao frowned. Just when Uchiha Ao and Raikage were about to decide the winner, they were interrupted by two groups of people.

"So what?" Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes and said, "Didn't you kill him in the end?"

If Darui hadn't led everyone here, Uchiha Ao would not have stopped killing Raikage.

Sasuke snorted coldly and said, "The people in Cloud Shinobi Village are really despicable. Before the battle, we didn't agree not to provide private support, but they actually came in a hurry when they saw that my eldest brother was about to win."

Uchiha Ao frowned, he didn't win this time, and only Uchiha Stomach had a chance at that time.

I just don’t know if Uchiha Ao will succeed with the cooperation of Raikage and Killer Bee.

"We just had a tie, there was no winner." Uchiha Qing said with great certainty.

In Uchiha Ao's view, he only had one chance at that time, and it was unknown whether he could successfully kill Raikage or Killer Bee.

"Didn't you also disobey my order and come here?" Uchiha glanced at Sasuke and Jujiro beside him.

Sasuke was stunned, but Tajiro quickly responded.

"We came to protect Uchiha Ao god-tier when we saw something strange happening in the people of Cloud Shinobi Village." Jujiro stepped forward and said.

Whether it is Samui and others, or Darui and others, it is impossible to see Uchiha Ao himself or Raikage being killed.

This battle was unwinnable, and when Uchiha Ao found out, he decided not to fight anymore.

Besides, Orochimaru has been snooping, and Akatsuki has been keeping an eye on him. If Uchiha Ao consumes all the Chakra here, he will definitely give these people a chance.

"Uchiha green god-tier." Jujiro said, "Are we just going to leave like this?"

Uchiha Qing laughed and came to Sam Yi. Sam Yi led people to greet Uchiha Qing.

"Uchiha Ao god-tier, we have won this time." Samyi said.

Immediately, following Samyi's words, Uchiha Qing smiled.

"Victory?" Uchiha Ao took a deep breath.

That's right, at this time, even if Jujiro asked, Feng Zhiqing still didn't respond directly. 【

"How can we win? Just a tie with Cloud Shinobi Village?" Jujiro said rudely.

Under Jujiro's question, Samui secretly laughed.

"What's so funny? Did I say it wrong?" Jujiro asked in confusion.

Uchiha Qing turned to look at the Cloud Shinobi Village army behind him. Samyi was right. Although they did not win on the battlefield, Uchiha Qing and others did win.

"Samui, just tell Jujiro and the others." Not only Jujiro, but even Sasuke looked confused. Uchiha asked Samui to explain on the spot.

Samui stepped forward, looked at Jujiro and Sasuke in front of him, and explained on the spot.

« Cloud Shinobi Village is one of the five major villages in the Ninja Alliance. Now it has taken the initiative to seek peace. When our Chinese Hidden World Village army was pressing down, it actually negotiated peace. Now that people know about this matter, it will definitely increase the number of people in our Chinese Hidden World Village. Prestige. Samyi said proudly.

Cloud Shinobi Village Raikage negotiated peace at this time, which obviously increased the prestige of Huaxia Hidden World Village, which is also the reason for Uchiha Qing's victory.

"So that's the case, why didn't we think of it." Jujiro said in surprise.

Suddenly, following Samyi's words, the people around him started to get scared.

Uchiha Qingdao smiled, turned to look at Cloud Shinobi Village, and looked at the present with a victorious attitude.

"Raikage, if your Cloud Shinobi Village wants to launch an attack on our Chinese Hidden World Village again, the next time I come here I will destroy your Cloud Shinobi Village." Uchiha Ao said unceremoniously.

In Uchiha Ao's view, Uchiha Ao would not have spared Cloud Shinobi Village so easily if the surrounding situation did not pose a threat to Huaxia Hidden World Village.

"Leave here." Uchiha Qing said.

Orochimaru took a step forward and rolled his eyes.

"There is no chance. Cloud Shinobi Village actually gave in at this time. It's really unexpected." Orochimaru left with Kabuto.

Movie watched the Huaxia Hidden Village leave and squinted his eyes.

"Killer Bee, today the Huaxia Hidden World Village is leaving, this village is destined to rise completely." Raikage said.

Killer Bee stepped forward and said: "Brother, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have believed in Xiao."

Raikage said nothing, and when he turned to leave, Mizukage appeared.

"Raikage, I didn't expect you to bow to Uchiha Ao." Mizukage came in person.

In fact, the spies from Cloud Shinobi Village had long noticed that Mizukage was leading an army, but Mizukage had already informed Raikage that he would not participate in the battle at the beginning. .

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