The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 433 The Powerful Huaxia Village Appears

Uchiha Qing was stunned, and saw that both the children and the people in the village ran out and surrounded Uchiha Qing.

The news of Uchiha Ao's victory over Cloud Shinobi Village has already reached the village, where people have been waiting for Uchiha Ao's arrival.

"What is this?" Uchiha Qing was stunned. The villagers around him caught him off guard.

Cheng Mengmeng and Lin Jiachen were at the back of the crowd, staring at Uchiha Ao himself.

"What's going on?" Uchiha Ao was helpless for a while, surrounded by villagers. The villagers did admire Uchiha Ao himself in the past, but they have never been so enthusiastic as today.

Lin Jiachen stepped forward and said: "The news of your victory over Cloud Shinobi Village has already spread to the village, and we can't stop them at all."

Even Lin Jiachen couldn't stop the villagers in the village. Their enthusiasm almost moved Lin Jiachen. If it weren't for Lin Jiachen's position, he would have wanted to join this group.

Cheng Mengmeng showed an extremely jealous look and said, "Now you are doing well. Not only are you the most powerful person in the Ninja League, you are also a hero in the eyes of the villagers!"

For a time, all kinds of compliments came out, and Uchiha Qing shook his head helplessly. He never thought that such a thing would happen.

"Uchiha Qing god-tier, I want you to give me your autograph." A child from the Huaxia Hidden World Village said.

"We want it too." After one child finished speaking, the women around him, including a few men, also came forward.

A trace of cold sweat broke out on Uchiha Qing's forehead. Even when fighting against Raikage, Killer Bee, and Eight Tails tailed beasts on the battlefield, he had never been so scared.

"Don't you want to give me an autograph?" The child pouted on the spot, tears about to flow out.

Uchiha Qing sighed, if the child hadn't looked so pitiful, Uchiha Qing would have really made a move to leave.

"Of course I'll sign it for you." Uchiha Qing took the pen from the child's hand and began to sign the child's body.

The child was overjoyed and laughed immediately.

Following Uchiha Ao's actions, the people around him became even more uncontrollable, and Uchiha Ao was caught in the middle of the crowd.

Jujiro, Sasuke and others led the army and looked a little disappointed when they saw Uchiha Ao himself in the crowd.

"As expected of Uchiha Ao god-tier, he has so many fans!" Jujiro sighed.

At this moment, the villagers who couldn't squeeze into Uchiha Qing's side pointed to Sasuke, Jujiro beside him.

"Since we can't get Uchiha Ao to sign it, it would be a good idea to let them sign it." For a moment, people in the village rushed to Jujiro, Sasuke and others.

The villagers not only surrounded Uchiha Ao, but some also returned to their relatives and continued to praise him.

The Chinese Hidden World Village's attack on Cloud Shinobi Village was an act of justice. When Uchiha Ao was captured by A Fei, Cloud Shinobi Village led the Ninja Alliance's army to attack the Chinese Hidden World Village. If Uchiha Ao himself had not appeared in time, Huaxia Hidden World Village would have been destroyed long ago.

"Uchiha Ao god-tier!"

"Brother Jujiro!"

"Brother Sasuke!"

"It's Commander Samyi."

For a time, a large number of villagers surrounded the Huaxia Hidden World Village, and they kept wandering among the returning Huaxia Hidden World Village legions.

"It's them." There are still some players outside the village who have not left. They are hiding in the dark and watching this scene.

The reputation of Huaxia Hidden World Village has spread throughout the Ninja League, and some players no longer focus on the five major villages, but want to come to Huaxia Hidden World Village.

"Who is it?" Lin Jiachen narrowed his eyes and watched with several ninjas around him not far away.

Now the villagers of Huaxia Hidden World Village are here and cannot do anything.

"We, we are just new players, we want to come to your Chinese Hidden World Village to play for you. The new player said.

Suddenly, following the new player's words, Lin Jiachen was stunned, and Bo Qing glanced at the new player in front of him.

"Why did you come to our village?" Uchiha Qing asked.

For new players, Huaxia Hidden World Village is definitely not one of the five major villages. What is their purpose in coming here?

The new player stepped forward and said: "We, we think you are powerful. Even Cloud Shinobi Village is not your opponent. In the future, Huaxia Hidden World Village will definitely become a village that surpasses the five major villages."

The new player spoke loudly, and the scene fell silent. Even Lin Jiachen and others did not dare to say this.

Uchiha Qing is the soul of Huaxia Hidden World Village. He would never say such words to avoid causing unnecessary trouble.

0…Please give me flowers…

"You are really good at talking." Uchiha Qing laughed, stood up and said, "Since you said so, I will accept you.

"Lin Jiachen, quickly set up a training camp for newbies in Huaxia Hidden World Village." Uchiha Qing said.

Nowadays, Huaxia Hidden World Village already has a good reputation in the Ninja League. At this time, even Cloud Shinobi Village is not Uchiha Ao's opponent.

Of course, Uchiha Qing wants to take the opportunity to attract novice players. Even if the novice players in front of him do not take the initiative to come, Uchiha Qing also wants to establish a novice camp.

"Novice camp?" Lin Jiachen was stunned.

Uchiha Qing said with certainty: "These players who defected to our village must be reused, but their strength is limited, so a training camp should be established for them.

"Yes!" Lin Jiachen came to his senses and quickly led the novice players to make arrangements.

Uchiha Qing stood there, watching these novice players. Now even the players are beginning to enter the Chinese Hidden Village.

"The strength of our village has been recognized by the players. I believe that the Chinese Hidden World Village will be on an equal footing with the five major villages in the near future. Sam Yi stepped forward and said.

Uchiha Qing nodded, "He has always thought so.

"That's right, no one can stop the power of Huaxia Hidden World Village." Uchiha Qing said: "Samyi, immediately lead the army and Kimimaro to defend the border.

Huaxia Hidden Village created a great victory, but Uchiha Ao will not let down his guard at this time.

Whether it is the Five Great Villages, Akatsuki, or Orochimaru, they will be eyeing the Huaxia Hidden World Village. Now it is up to Samui and Kimimaro to guard the border of the Huaxia Hidden World Village.

"Yes." Samyi stepped forward.

Outside the Chinese Hidden Village, Samyi and Kimimaro led their subordinates to leave.

People in the village began to bid farewell, and when there was a peaceful atmosphere outside the village, Uchiha Qing turned his head and looked around.

"Uchiha Ao god-tier." Before everyone could react, the child who had just signed launched another wave of attacks and said: "I want to kiss you."

"Kiss me?" Uchiha Qing was stunned.

People started to gather around and said, "We want it too."

Especially the women hiding in the crowd were almost crazy and kept coming forward to work.

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