The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 437 Konoha’S Strong Reaction

"Sir Hokage, the Chinese Hidden World Village has established a novice village, and they have begun to share the new players from our five major villages." Konoha's ninjas began to report back.

Hokage had just come out of seclusion to practice, and when he heard his subordinates reporting back, he suddenly became shocked.

"What? Huaxia Village established a novice village?" Hokage stood up.

Tsunade and Jiraiya stood there, shocked at the same time.

"Uchiha Qing's ambition was finally exposed, what did I say at first?" Jiraiya laughed.

Tsunade frowned slightly, now even she couldn't help Uchiha Ao speak.

Hokage stepped forward and said: "The Novice Village is the patent of our five major villages. In the Ninja League, other villages dare not get involved in such interests, but Uchiha Qing dares to do this.

"Hokage, this is all caused by your incompetence." Danzo walked over slowly, showing disdain.

Hokage raised his head and said, "Danzo, is that you?"

Danzo showed up without being summoned by Hokage, which meant that he must have come here for a major reason.

"Based on the decision of the top management of Konoha Village, I will take over Uchiha's affairs with full authority," Danzo said.

Danzo died as a hawk in Konoha Village. His usual methods against the outside world were iron-blooded and cruel.

Nowadays, Uchiha Qing has hastily established a novice village. Although it is a novice training camp to the outside world, it is still mainly composed of people from the village. This is a training and teaching method of the Chinese Hidden Village.

However, the entry of unknown players has revealed that Huaxia Hidden World Village has begun to share the quota of the five major villages.

"Danzo, what do you want to do? Do you want to provoke a war between Konoha and the Chinese Hidden Village?" Hokage said extremely worried.

In Danzo's way, he is enough to start a war between Daye and Huaxia Hidden Village.

"Is it possible that we in Konoha are afraid of the small Chinese Hidden Village?" Danzo stood in front of the Hokage and said: "This is the intention of the top management of Konoha. I am not here to discuss with you, but I am officially informing you that I will start Officially taking over the matter of Uchiha Ao."

After Danzo finished speaking, he turned to leave. Hokage stepped forward and said, "Danzo, please don't make a big deal this time. Uchiha Ao is not someone else. If you don't make a mistake, your life will be in Uchiha Ao's hands."

Danzo stopped, showed a look of disdain, and said: "What a coward. It is because of your timidity that we, Mu (affj) Ye, are in such a passive situation."

Under Danzo's words, Jiraiya and Tsunade looked angry.

"Danzo." Hokage became slightly worried and said, "He will cause us a lot of trouble, Tsuna.

After Danzo left, Hokage immediately called Tsunade, and Tsunade's eyes lit up.

"Master." Tsunade said.

Hokage looked at Jiraiya beside him and said: "Jiraiya, you go down first, Tsunade and I have something to talk about."

Jiraiya was stunned. Just now Hokage was angry that Uchiha Ao had established a novice village, but with Danzo's participation, Hokage seemed to be sending out Tsunade.

"Lord Hokage, why did you send Tsunade to help Uchiha Ao? We can just sit back and ignore such things." Jiraiya said unconvinced.

Danzo wants to use iron-blooded methods to deal with Uchiha Ao himself, which is easily met with Uchiha Ao's strong counterattack.

If there is a fierce battle between Konoha and Huaxia Hidden Village, then I don't know what the outcome will be.

Cloud Shinobi Village was already a tragic example. Now that Raikage lost to Uchiha Qing, and suffered the heaviest suppression from Huaxia Hidden World Village, he couldn't breathe for a long time.

Under this situation, the reputation of Huaxia Hidden World Village has increased, and the number of tasks it has accepted has increased. Under this situation, Huaxia Hidden World Village must have a big vacancy in ninjas.

The establishment of a novice training camp will not only allow Huaxia Hidden World Village to replenish soldiers in a timely manner, but also solve the problem of soldiers. It will also allow these newcomers to accept tasks to alleviate the problem of Huaxia Hidden World Village's huge tasks.

"This is my decision, you go down first." Hokage said with absolute certainty.

Why Huaxia Hidden World established a novice village? Hokage could naturally imagine that this was not enough to trigger a war between the two villages.

But if Danzo takes action, it will easily cause trouble, and Hokage will of course be alert.

Under such circumstances, Hokage would naturally not just watch Danzo do whatever he wanted.

"Yes." Jiraiya frowned and turned to leave.

Hokage and Tsunade were the only two people left in the room, with Hokage sitting in his seat.

"Master, are you going to send me out to help Uchiha Ao himself?" Tsunade questioned.

The Hokage shook his head and put his hands on the table.

"Danzo's action was approved by the top management of Konoha. Even I can't change their attitude." Hokage said: "If you are helping Uchiha Ao, wouldn't you give Danzo an excuse?"

Obviously, at this time, even Hokage could not dare to let Tsunade help Uchiha Ao himself.

"What do you mean?" Tsunade asked confused.

Hokage's eyes lit up and he stared at Tsunade in front of him.

"Just tell Uchiha Ao." Hokage said: "Let Uchiha Ao understand that this is Danzo's behavior."

Danzo's behavior will inevitably trigger a new round of war. Now Hokage must be prepared for the worst possible trouble with the Chinese Hidden Village at any time.

"Yes, Master." When Tsunade was about to leave, he was stopped by Hokage.

Hokage sat in his seat and said: "Tsunade, tell Uchiha Qing that our Konoha action this time is just to prevent the Ninja Alliance from being in chaos, and it is not because of our Konoha's strength that we will be afraid of the Chinese Hidden World Village."

Hokage's words are very clear. Even if Tsunade is talking to Uchiha Ao himself, there is no need to be humble.

Tsunade nodded and said, "Yes, Hokage-sama."

Tsunade left, and Hokage sat alone in the office, looking outside.

"Danzo's intervention will definitely cause a lot of trouble. It seems that we in Konoha must also prepare for the worst case of disagreement with the Chinese Hidden Village." Hokage said.

Following Hokage's words, the room became quiet. Hokage took a few puffs of cigarette, and the smoke rings were exposed.

In Konoha Village, everything seems to be quiet, but Danzo has already dispatched with members of the Root Organization.

After leaving Konoha Village, Danzo took Gen straight to the realm of Huaxia Hidden World Village.

"Uchiha Ao god-tier, Konoha Danzo is coming with a large number of Anbu people." Lin Jiachen came in a hurry.

Uchiha Qing was stunned and stared at Lin Jiachen in front of him.

"What did you say?" Uchiha Qing was shocked. Danzo was a hawk in Konoha, and suddenly he quietly lurked into the hidden village of China with members of Anbu. He must have something up his sleeve.

Lin Jiachen said: "We received news that Danzo has set off.",

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