The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 439 A Secret That Must Not Be Revealed

secret treasure

Tsunade lowered her head. This time she came to Uchiha Ao to help Uchiha Ao completely crush Danzo's conspiracy.

But Uchiha Ao's behavior caught Tsunade off guard.

Now at this time, Tsunade seemed to feel Uchiha Ao's impulse, and his whole body was shocked.

Under the moonlight at night, Uchiha Qing's lips kissed Tsunade's lips hard.

Tsunade was forcefully kissed by Uchiha Ao, but Tsunade didn't make any move. Following Uchiha Ao's move, the master actually supported Uchiha Ao's waist.

Soon, Uchiha Ao stood up and looked at Tsunade in front of him. Tsunade quickly regained his composure and said, "It's time for me to go back."

Tsunade knew that she was a little reckless this time, so she quickly pushed Uchiha Qing's body away and left the room.

Uchi "Four One Three" Bo Qing in the room smiled, with Tsunade's body fragrance still lingering on his body.

"It seems that Konoha Village is also starting to make mistakes. God help me." Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes.

Obviously, the appearance of Danzo, a Konoha hawk, helped Uchiha Ao rapidly expand the power of the Hidden World Village in China.

Although Konoha is the most powerful of the five major villages, due to the existence of the hawk Danzo, many decisions in Konoha cannot be made by Hokage alone, which also determines that Konoha's operation cannot be truly realized.

In the past, Hokage turned a blind eye, but the strength of Huaxia Hidden Village has grown too fast, and Uchiha Ao is not a soft persimmon, so Hokage is worried that Danzo will provoke a war between the two villages, because he takes the opportunity to use Tsunade's mouth told Uchiha the news of Ao Danzo's arrival.

"Hokage is really smart. This time Danzo appears and has an aggressive plot to attack the Chinese Hidden Village. It will inevitably provoke a war between the two villages, so he gave me the news." Uchiha Ao touched his nose with a look of disdain.

With Uchiha Ao's expression, he now understands that whether it is him or Hokage, in fact, Odo does not want a war, so when it comes to dealing with Danzo, Uchiha Ao can deal with it unscrupulously.

"Lin Jiachen." Uchiha Qing opened his eyes, showing a majestic expression.

Lin Jiachen's figure appeared. This time Tsunade's arrival shocked everyone in the village, especially Lin Jiachen himself.

"Uchiha Qing god-tier, what are your orders?" Lin Jiachen asked.

Uchiha Qing laughed and looked at Lin Jiachen in front of him.

"Go down immediately and be ready to support Novice Village at any time." Uchiha Qing said.

Lin Jiachen was confused and stepped forward and asked: "What happened to Novice Village?"

Uchiha Qing sat down slowly and said: "According to Tsunade's report, Danzo is leading the people from the root to destroy the novice village in our village."

Lin Jiachen was shocked. Didn't such a move completely start a war between the two villages?

Uchiha Qing said: "Danzo's behavior will inevitably provoke a war between the two villages, but the Hokage does not want to fight with the Chinese Hidden World Village. Similarly, our village does not want to fight with Konoha."

Neither Uchiha Ao nor Hokage himself wants the war to start, but now in the hidden village of China, if Uchiha Ao does not leak the news, then Danzo will face political pressure if he fails here.

"The fact that Danzo came to attack our Novice Village cannot be leaked." Uchiha Qing looked at Lin Jiachen and said.

Lin Jiachen's eyes lit up and he quickly stepped forward and said, "I understand, I will proceed quietly."

Lin Jiachen only needed to assemble a trusted force, and after Uchiha Ao gave the order, he quickly rushed to Huaxia Hidden World Village to protect the new ninja who came to Huaxia Hidden World Village.

In the Novice Village, Uchiha Ao was guarded by Sasuke and Jujiro. It was already impossible for Danzo to successfully launch an attack on the Novice Village.

"I'll go out and put on a good show with Danzo right now." Uchiha Ao laughed.

In front of Uchiha Qing, Lin Jiachen lowered his head and said: "I will immediately prepare to lead people to ambush in Xinshou Village." "

Uchiha Ao nodded slightly, Danzo was undoubtedly seeking death when he came this time, and it was precisely because of this that Uchiha Ao showed a slight smile in the room.

"I'll leave first, and then you take people to Novice Village." Uchiha Qing said.

Immediately, following Uchiha Qing's words, Uchiha Qing himself disappeared into the room, and Lin Jiachen began to prepare.

In the dark night, Huaxia Hidden Village became restless. Except for Lin Jiachen, who knew about Danzo's attack on Novice Village, the rest of the people, including Cheng Mengmeng, did not know at all.

"Lord Lin Jiachen, why did you suddenly summon us?" Lin Jiachen's men were confused and gathered outside the Huaxia Hidden World Village. Their actions were extremely confidential.

Lin Jiachen walked out slowly and said: "This time I will follow the orders of Uchiha Qinggod-tier to start supporting the Novice Village. In order to prevent foreign villages from attacking our Novice Village, this training is extremely confidential. Do you understand? ?”

Lin Jiachen used the training of Novice Village as an excuse to launch the purpose of supporting Novice Village.

Just want to be in Novice Village, or do you want to train secretly at night?" Lin Jiachen's men were shocked.

Lin Jiachen stepped forward and said: "Go to Novice Village immediately. Don't let anyone discover you on the way."

All the ninjas in the Huaxia Hidden World Village began to take action [started to rush to the Novice Village in the evening.

Danzo is a well-known hawk who continues to engage in armed wars in the Ninja Alliance, and now he is targeting the Novice Village in the Hidden Village of China.

Uchiha Qing has already headed towards the Huaxia Hidden Village Novice Village. Danzo and the Root Organization are extremely covert in their actions, and even Uchiha Qing himself is difficult to find.

"Where are the people hiding?" Uchiha Qing kept walking around outside the Huaxia Hidden World Village, Novice Village, but found no trace of Danzo and his party.

As Uchiha1.7 Qing himself searches, Lin Jiachen also leads a large number of ninjas to come. This time, as long as Danzo shows up, a war will definitely be triggered.

However, now even Uchiha Ao himself has not discovered the whereabouts of Danzo and his subordinates, which makes Uchiha a little depressed.

"Danzo's whereabouts are really hidden? Where are they hiding?" Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes, and the Novice Village was right in front of him. Uchiha Ao himself had not had time to go in and inform Sasuke and Jujiro.

At night, two people who came out of the Novice Village started fighting in the woods.

"I said, your strength is no match for me." A member of the Novice Village said.

Not to be outdone, another person said: "I am not your opponent, so stop joking."

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