Orochimaru smiled and looked at Danzo in front of him.

"You are really despicable. It seems that Hokage will definitely not agree with your decision, so you will come with all the members of the root this time." Orochimaru responded to Danzo in front of him.

Danzo snorted and said: "Hokage? He looks extremely weak. Under his leadership, Konoha will decline sooner or later."

Orochimaru stretched out his hands and said, "Don't say that. After all, Hokage is also my teacher. If you say that, he will be very unhappy."

"Teacher?" Danzo said disdainfully: "Have you ever thought he was a teacher?"

Apparently, when Orochimaru rebelled against Konoha, the master-student relationship between him and the Hokage ceased to exist.

Nowadays, Orochimaru's own formation of Deyin Ninja also has certain strength, and the legendary Sannin's reputation still exists to this day.

"One of Konoha's Sannin, plus me, Danzo, is enough to provoke a war in the hidden village of China. Uchiha Qing wants to rest and recuperate. Will you agree?" Danzo stepped forward and asked.

Orochimaru smiled and said: "I won't agree, so you make it clear~ me.

Danzo's eyes lit up, and Orochimaru said: "Come with me - tell me your plan."

"Master Danzo, how many people are there in the base? How about Orochimaru dealing with you if he enters?" said the guard beside Danzo.

Danzo smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, Orochimaru won't touch me."

Joining forces with Akatsuki would bring Konoha's infamy to the Ninja Alliance. This is a mistake Danzo would never make, but by cooperating with Konoha's defected ninja Orochimaru, if he could defeat Uchiha Ao, Danzo would not hesitate.

"You guys wait for me outside." Danzo didn't care about the advice around him and led two ninjas into Orochimaru's base.

Orochimaru glanced at Danzo next to him out of the corner of his eye. Danzo had a cold face.

"You are really bold." Orochimaru smiled and said, "Aren't you afraid that I will kill you here?"

"If you really want to kill me, then you will lose the chance to deal with Uchiha, won't you?" Danzo said calmly, barely moving.

Orochimaru stretched out his hands and said: "As expected of Danzo, he has always claimed that he wants to become the Hokage man of Konoha with my teacher."

In Konoha Village, Danzo has always wanted to take over Hokage's position, but his goal has never been achieved.

"Please don't talk nonsense here. I'm here just for Uchiha Qing himself. Things about the village have nothing to do with you." Danzo said rudely.

Orochimaru is already a defected ninja from Konoha and has no qualifications to care about the village's affairs. Danzo will not discuss Konoha's affairs with Orochimaru.

"In addition to Uchiha Qing, we can also cooperate and deal with my good master together." Orochimaru laughed.

At this time, Danzo stopped and showed disdain.

"Orochimaru, if you dare to have any thoughts of attacking Konoha Village, I can kill you here." Danzo showed a hint of murderous intent.

The two guards around Danzo became alert and stood in front of Orochimaru.

Orochimaru laughed and said: "I was just joking, I have feelings for Konoha, how could I have the idea of ​​destroying Konoha.

Danzo looked at the two guards beside him out of the corner of his eye, and then walked in the Orochimaru base.

Orochimaru suppressed his smile and glanced at Danzo beside him, but he did not expect that Danzo would be so insistent when it came to the safety of the village. No matter who he was, he would not threaten the safety of Konoha with Danzo.

"Danzo." Orochimaru snorted and muttered in his heart: "In this attack on Uchiha Ao, I have to find a way to make the people of Konoha believe that you will betray the village."

Danzo is very wary of Orochimaru around him. Although Orochimaru says that he will not attack Konoha Village, according to Orochimaru's words, Danzo knows in his heart that Orochimaru has such an idea. Anyone who threatens Konoha Village is Danzo's own enemy.

"Sir Danzo." Danzo's two guards walked in front of him, and when Orochimaru pushed open the stone door, "Kabuto and the others are here.

Orochimaru said: "Don't worry, I just want them to be alert and ready to deal with root attacks at any time."

This time there were many people in the base. When Danzo learned about the Orochimaru stronghold, he immediately came quietly from the border of the Huaxia Hidden World Village.

Danzo ignored the warnings of the two guards around him and quickly walked into the house.

Several people in the room were stunned. Orochimaru and Danzo were walking together. What on earth was going on?


"Master Orochimaru? Why did Danzo come here?" Kabuto asked with some confusion.

Danzo glanced at Kabuto from the corner of his eye and said, "Konoha raised you up, but you helped Orochimaru.

A trace of cold sweat broke out on Kabuto's forehead. Kabuto was well aware of Danzo's cold-bloodedness.

Orochimaru sat on his chair, looking relaxed.

"It's nothing, I just have something to discuss with Danzo. Just do whatever you have to do." Orochi insisted on Gudou.

Kabuto was stunned and quickly walked out of the house with the people around him.

There were only two people left in the room, Danzo and his men. Orochimaru looked at the two people beside Danzo.

"Are they suitable?" Orochimaru asked, sitting firmly in his chair.


Danzo sat down slowly and said: "They are my confidants, if you have anything to say, just say it.

"Since you are asking me to cooperate this time, you have to tell me your plan." Orochimaru said: "If you want me to trust you, you'd better find a plan that you can believe in."

Danzo held the crutch in his hand and smiled.

"Orochimaru, don't I know who you are?" Danzo said without any hesitation: "This time we rashly attacked the Huaxia Hidden World Village Novice Village and were discovered by Uchiha Qing. They will definitely be prepared.

"Especially every move of our roots, Uchiha Qing and others will definitely be on strict guard." Danzo narrowed his eyes and said, "I need you to help me distract Uchiha Qing."

Orochimaru put his hand on his chin and said: "My life will be in danger if I do this. You don't want to use Uchiha Ao's hand to kill me, do you?"

Of course Danzo meant this. It would be better if Uchiha Qing could kill Orochimaru, so that Konoha would have one less terrible opponent.

It's just that Danzo won't say it out loud. Now he only needs to convince Orochimaru to contain Uchiha Ao himself.

"No one can kill you, unless you don't want to live, so you choose to commit suicide stupidly." Danzo said with absolute certainty.

With Orochimaru's training, almost no one can kill him. Even the members of Akatsuki can't do anything against Orochimaru.

"I like your compliments, but I'm holding back Uchiha Ao, what about you?" Danzo said.

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