Gold coins and equipment all over the floor burst out.

[System Message]: You completed four kills and got a [Double Reward]!

Under the [Triple Reward] and the [Double Reward] of four kills, Li Qing gained a full 4.8 million experience points at once!

"You break through, you have reached level 73!"

"You break through, you have reached level 74!"


"You break through, you have reached level 83!"

"You break through, you have reached level 84!"

I saw golden light continuously coming out of his body, and a total of eleven golden lights went down, and the light dimmed. And here, Sha Mei, who teamed up with Li Qing, also took the plunge and rose to level 60 in one fell swoop!

There were a lot of things on the ground. At this time, Li Qing saw a scroll called [Auto Pickup] on the ground, then picked it up, and clicked to use it.

"You have turned on the automatic picking function!"

"Automatically picking up..."

"You picked up 245,555 gold coins!"

"You picked up a rare [sharp dagger]*1"

"You picked up a rare [Crystal Necklace]*1"

"You picked up the rare [Ninja Boots]*1"

"You picked up the rare [Ninja Sword]*1"

"You picked up HP potion*20, MP potion*20!"

"You picked up the ninjutsu scroll [Lightning Style: Thunder Tiger Rush]!"

"You picked up the ninjutsu scroll [Lightning Style: Lightning Armor]!"

"You picked up the ninjutsu scroll [Ninjutsu: Eight Blades]!"


Li Qing was dazzled by the vast amount of rewards, but apart from [Ninjutsu: Eight Swords Style], the equipment and scrolls he got could only be described as ordinary.

After tidying up, Li Qing raised his head to look at the ninja leader. At this time, the ninja leader lowered his head and saw that several followers had died, and his eyes couldn't help showing a touch of surprise!

"Gentle Fist!"

"Lightning Style: Thunder Tiger Out of Shame!"

And at the moment when the ninja leader was dazed, Hyuga Hiashi made a sudden move, wanting to touch the acupuncture points of the ninja leader, and take Hyūga Hinata back. Suddenly, a thunder light in the distance illuminated the entire dim sky like daytime, and a thunder tiger like a leopard suddenly came towards him. Several people rushed away.

The sudden change caught the NPCs present by surprise, and Hyuga Hiashi spurted out Chakra from the acupuncture points all over his body, playing a Revolving Heaven! The thunder tiger that came in was directly smashed by Chakra of Revolving Heaven, but because of this, the ninja boss also took the opportunity to escape!

Hyuga Hiashi and Hyuga Hizashi were about to catch up, when countless fireballs and thunderballs rushed towards them, blocking their path.

After a closer look, it turned out that millions of players from Cloud Shinobi Village rushed to the battlefield, all using their own ninjutsu!

"Revolving Heaven!"

Both Hyuga Hiashi and Hyuga Hizashi activated Chakra all over their bodies, forming an absolute defense that ignored everything. All the ninjutsu from the bombing turned into powder.

Seeing this scene, Li Qing ordered Sha Mei, and Li Qing chased the ninja leader of the Kingdom of Thunder alone, trying to get back the [Hyūga Hinata] in his hand, and the millions of players who came from Cloud Shinobi Village obviously Not wanting Li Qing to win [Hyūga Hinata], millions of players released ninjutsu one after another, bombarding Li Qing hysterically.

Although the levels of these players are not very high, and ninjutsu is basically C or D level, under this million scale, the power has far reached S level!


Terrifying energy engulfed Li Qing, but only showed a pitiful figure.


I thought I could instantly kill the server myth [Uchiha Qing] The player's dream was shattered in an instant, and millions of players realized that they were being tricked at this moment!

The energy exploded, dust and mist flew up, and a few burnt crow feathers slowly fell from the air. It turned out that what they hit was only Li Qing's [crow]!

Just when millions of players were looking for Li Qing and were about to vent all their teased anger on Li Qing, millions of Konoha players rushed out from Konoha Village in a murderous spirit, heading straight towards Cloud The Shinobi players bumped into each other.

"Kill, give Uchiha Ao time to complete the task!"


"You bastard players of Cloud Shinobi Village, kill us!"

For Konoha Village players, as long as [Uchiha Qing] can complete the guardian mission, then they can also win the final victory of this mission! At the same time, millions of players from Mist Shinobi, Sand Shinobi, and Rock Shinobi also rushed to the outskirts of Konoha, dormant quietly, ready to reap the benefits of fishing.

The scale of millions of players gathered in one place is simply terrifying, and there are countless players who are constantly replenishing, once again presenting the terrifying spectacle of online games with tens of millions of players online!

Of course, when several players were fighting together, the elite players from [Ninja League], [Western Vatican], [Vatican Alliance], [Huaxia Lin Family] and other trade unions had quietly formed small teams one by one to report to Lei. The ninja leader of the country rushed over.

The four minions have been killed by Li Qing, and they have obtained a lot of equipment. They will never miss this ninja leader!

some hill.

[Ninja League] The elite players of the squad have assembled, each of them is equipped with quite luxurious equipment, and there is a small chip installed next to their ears.

These chips are the latest high-tech technology developed by them. All the game data in the online game world is input into it. It can help the master process a lot of data in the first time and find the best attack route. It is a super cutting-edge technology.

"For the prosperity of the empire, kill!"

The elite players of the [Ninja League] team rushed towards one direction quickly like a well-trained special force.


"Is that kid Uchiha Ao... Tsk tsk."

The [Super God Alliance] squad has already assembled on another hill, and the eyes of these players are shining extremely fiercely, like tigers and wolves. And their levels are astonishingly 70, especially the leading player, wearing purple-blue sunglasses, shining golden light all over his body, and wearing a rare suit.

These players are the top professional players in the world, and they are also a group of super god teams built by the world-class company [Super God Group] with a lot of money!

The reason why they have an astonishing level of more than 70 in the servers that are generally in the 50s and 60s is entirely because there are hundreds of thousands of coolies behind them to help kill monsters and upgrade, and they have accumulated countless funds.

In other words, they are the legendary renminbi players, and they are the super rich ones, who can spend money on anything!

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