Uchiha Ao frowned, Danzo was not only a high-level official in Konoha, but also a person with the qualifications to become a Konoha Village Hokage.

It's just that Danzo is insidious, and he has always been in darkness, and his actions are very extreme. Even the top people in Konoha will not allow such a person to become the Hokage of Konoha.

"Uchiha Qing, as long as I can kill you, Konoha's top brass will no longer have any reason to oppose me becoming Konoha's Hokage." Danzo said disdainfully: "Yuan Fei is old and it's time to retire."

Uchiha Ao laughed. When Danzo mocked Sarutobi, didn't he look even more old-fashioned?

Although he is only middle-aged, he already has signs of old age. Compared to Sarutobi, Danzo is more old-fashioned.

"Why are you laughing?" Danzo asked angrily.

Uchiha Qing pointed at Danzo and said: "Compared to Sarutobi, you look more old-fashioned. When you talk about others, you forget yourself."

Danzo's face twitched as he stared at Uchiha Ao in front of him.

"What did you say?" Danzo clenched his fist tightly, and under Uchiha's sharp teeth, Danzo~ suffered a lot.

Uchiha Ao flexed his muscles, rubbed his nose, and said disdainfully: "I'm telling the truth. You look more old-fashioned than Sarutobi. If someone like you was allowed to become a Hokage, a new round of riots in the Ninja Alliance might have erupted. Ninja war.-"

Although the Ninja Alliance has been in war for a long time, at least all parties have been more restrained at critical moments.

Even Raikage of Cloud Shinobi Village did not dare to trigger a ninja war at the critical moment.

Otherwise, the movie would not have given in when Uchiha Ao led the ninja army from the Chinese Hidden World Village to Cloud Shinobi Village.

"Whether it's Cloud Shinobi Village or Kirigakure, they don't dare to start a ninja war easily, and you, Danzo, have a dark side in your heart and will always provoke wars. The reason why Konoha can be stable to this day, to be honest, It's all Sarutobi's fault." Uchiha glanced at Danzo's clone from the corner of his eye.

Sixteen clones of Danzo have appeared. That is, after Uchiha Ao kills the clones of Danzo this time, the number of clones of Danzo will increase again.

Danzo gritted his teeth. He was not good at arguing with others, because in his roots, no one dared to disobey Danzo's orders. Even in Konoha Village, Danzo was not a Hokage. With Danzo's status, no one dared to ignore his existence.

No one dares to disobey Danzo. Everyone knows Danzo’s character and avoids Danzo himself as much as possible.

"Uchiha Ao, you have to pay the price for your words." Danzo said: "Even if I, Danzo, cannot go back alive, I will let you taste the power of my Danzo, which you will never forget."

Uchiha Qing sneered and said: "Do you want to use the powerful Chakra in your body to self-destruct and die with me? If it were someone else, you might be able to do it, but in front of me, it is best not to use this trick of dying together. wonderful."

Suddenly, Danzo's body became sluggish, and Uchiha Ao sneered. If it were Danzo's situation against Uchiha Ao's stupid brother Sasuke, it might be a bit threatening to use self-destruction.

But for Uchiha Qing himself, it is of no use at all.

In Uchiha Ao's view, Danzo's self-destruction trick can only scare people. Now Uchiha Ao's biggest headache is the Danzo clone in front of him.

Danzo is right, there are eight Sharingan in Danzo, which means that Danzo's clones have to be killed four times.

But whenever Uchiha Qing uses advanced ninjutsu like Kirin, the Chakra in his body will be depleted a lot.

In addition, there will be more and more clones of Danzo, so Uchiha Ao can't use Kirin to deal with Danzo himself every time.

Sixteen Danzo clones kept coming, Uchiha Qing showed a look of disdain.

"This time it was sixteen, next time it will be thirty-two." Uchiha Ao frowned.

Suddenly, Danzo snorted coldly and stared at Uchiha Ao in the crowd.

"How will you respond this time?" Danzo asked Uchiha Ao.

Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes and stared at Danzo in front of him.

"How should I deal with it? Do I still need you to hand it over?" Obviously, at this time, even Uchiha Ao felt pressured.

Danzo moved extremely quickly, especially when there were more clones of Danzo, Uchiha Ao among them began to step back.

"Danzo." Uchiha Ao gasped.

In Danzo's view, Uchiha Ao is feeling the pressure now.

"This is only sixteen clones. You have already felt the pressure. If there are more than two hundred clones, how will you deal with it?" Danzo shook his shoulders and laughed.

Under Uchiha Ao Rinnegan and Sharingan, he kept looking at the Danzo clone in front of him.

0…Please give me flowers…

"What a troublesome thing." Uchiha Ao stretched out his hand, seemingly wanting to use Rinnegan's strength.

In Uchiha Ao's view, the large number of Danzos appearing now has brought a lot of trouble to Uchiha Ao.

Uchiha Qing must retain a considerable amount of Chakra at this time. There must be only a dozen clones of Danzo at this time.

There are hundreds of Danzo clones behind him, and the Sharingan on Danzo can resurrect at least four batches of clones.

"Uchiha Ao." Danzo narrowed his eyes and said, "No one can defeat my ninjutsu."

Danzo has never used it in front of others because no one has forced Danzo into a desperate situation.

Now Uchiha Ao's obstruction, although he has no intention of killing Danzo, is constantly consuming Danzo's Sharingan.


Instead of letting Sharingan be wasted in the hands of Uchiha Ao, Danzo would rather use this secret technique directly, which at least might eliminate Uchiha Ao himself.

Sixteen clones of Danzo? Uchiha Ao stretched out his hands and roared.

"Shinra Tensei!" Under Uchiha Qing's hands, the Danzo clone that came quickly flew out immediately.

With a bang, Danzo's clones continued to fall to the ground. Danzo was standing there with an extremely cold look in his eyes.

"He actually used Rinnegan's ability." Danzo snorted.

Uchiha Ao constantly has perfect Sharingan, and there is also a Rinnegan that Danzo wants to get. In this case, Danzo not only wants to escape safely from Uchiha Ao.

If possible, Danzo would like to kill Uchiha Ao himself.

It is precisely because of this that when Uchiha Ao used the Shinra Tensei, Danzo was extremely excited. With only sixteen clones, Uchiha Ao had already used the power of the Rinnegan.

If there really are hundreds of clones, then Uchiha Ao must be in a desperate situation of life and death.

"Uchiha Ao, the sixteen clones may be a little too little, you can experience the power of my thirty-two clones." Danzo's sixteen clones were instantly ejected, and now Danzo used Sharingan's Forbidden Technique again.

The clones appeared again, and the number increased from sixteen to thirty-two. For a time, there were so many clones around Danzo.

Precisely because of the increasing number of clones, Uchiha Ao almost never stopped being attacked. .

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