The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 461 The Secret Of Danzo’S Resurrection

"Resurrected again?" Uchiha Qing frowned. The Sharingan on Danzo did not disappear, but he was resurrected again.

Or use the clone to resurrect. No matter how powerful Sharingan is, this is almost impossible. Uchiha Qing raised his head and stared at the Danzo clone in front of him.

"Uchiha Ao, you are really powerful. You can see clearly at a glance that I am in an extremely weak state after activating the Sharingan Forbidden Technique." Danzo said.

Suddenly, Uchiha Qing smiled.

"Danzo, now I understand why you can use the clone to resurrect." Uchiha Qing finally understood.

Danzo was physically shocked and walked forward slowly with his crutch in hand.

"Why?" Danzo asked knowingly.

Uchiha Ao glanced around at the Danzo clones. These clones not only inherited Danzo's strength, but also had a hidden function, which was to eliminate damage to Danzo's main body.

This explosion of ninjutsu really made Uchiha Qing feel the pressure.

"You are using your clone to resist the damage of your body." Uchiha Ao took a breath.

In other words, the clone created by Danzo is not only to enhance the incomparable combat power, but also has the main purpose of making Danzo an immortal body.

One Sharingan can only resurrect Danzo once, but the clones created by Danzo using two Sharingans are enough to resurrect Danzo hundreds of times.

It's just that Uchiha Ao's strength cannot be defeated by Danzo in his own body, so Danzo has hidden behind his clones time and time again and continued to accumulate his clones.

"As expected of Uchiha Ao himself." Danzo smiled and said, "It's just that you knew it too late. Now you can't escape from me."

Danzo and his clones surrounded Uchiha Ao so tightly that Uchiha Ao himself had no chance to escape.

"There is such a thing." Uchiha Qing took a breath.

If Uchiha Ao had found out earlier, he might not have been obsessed with getting rid of Danzo.

"You want to destroy me. When you kill me, remove all the Sharingan from my body." Danzo snorted coldly and said, "Such a stupid idea of ​​yours will only cost you your life."

Uchiha Ao took a breath and stared at Danzo himself.

"Damn it." Uchiha Ao glanced at the more than a hundred Danzo clones in front of him.

"Uchiha Ao." Danzo showed an extremely rude look and said, "Why don't you surrender obediently?"

In Danzo's view, Uchiha Ao has no chance of winning now.

Uchiha Qing took a breath and took a few steps back.

In other words, when Danzo's clone is present, Uchiha Ao has no chance to kill Danzo, nor is it possible for Danzo to activate his Sharingan to resurrect his body.

Because Danzo doesn't need it at all.

"Danzo." Uchiha Ao sneered and stared at Danzo himself.

Danzo laughed and said: "Now that you know the secret of my Sharingan Forbidden Technique, you can just wait to die."

Uchiha Qing was stunned. He stood there and began to hesitate.

Danzo himself possesses extremely high ninjutsu. Now under the Sharingan Forbidden Technique, he has immortality. There are more than a hundred Danzo clones alone.

"Kill!" Danzo stood among the clones and said coldly.

More than a hundred clones began to rush towards Uchiha Ao in a steady stream.

Uchiha Qing stood there and narrowed his eyes.

"You can't kill me. Once my Sharingan ninjutsu is activated, you can't leave." Danzo said rudely: "Uchiha Ao, what are you going to do?"

Uchiha Qing had no choice. He had no choice but to kill the Danzo clone in front of him.

"Danzo is really despicable." Uchi said angrily.

In Uchiha Qing's view, now he can only eliminate Danzo's clones in order to eliminate the two Sharingans on Danzo.

"It's really not worth it." Uchiha Ao frowned.

In Uchiha Ao's opinion, he spent a lot of effort and eliminated more than a hundred clones of Danzo before he could eliminate the two Sharingan in Danzo.

Danzo himself is a powerful ninjutsu, and just killing one of his clones is already extremely difficult.

More than a hundred clones kept coming forward, and even Uchiha Ao's Sunō Sahu appeared to be under great pressure.

"Uchiha Ao." Danzo said: "Even if you are protected by Sunozuo, you may not be able to withstand the attacks of more than a hundred of my clones."

Suddenly, Uchiha Ao frowned, Danzo's clones kept attacking, and Uchiha Ao could no longer dodge in time.

"What are you going to do?" Danzo narrowed his eyes.

Uchiha Ao took a deep breath and looked at Danzo in front of him. Danzo did not come to take action himself. In Uchiha Ao's view, Danzo was waiting for an opportunity.

The strength of Danzo's body is superior to that of his clone, especially in action and strength.

"Danzo himself cannot be killed, but with so many clones, I can't leave immediately. It's really a bad situation." Uchiha Qing smiled bitterly.

In Uchiha Ao's view, if he leaves now, Uchiha Ao will not suffer a loss, because during this period of time, Uchiha Ao has eliminated many Sharingan on Danzo.

"There are only two Sharingan left." Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes.

Even if Uchiha Ao leaves now, the two Sharingan left by Danzo in the future will not have much power.

"887 Do you want to leave?" Danzo personally stopped him in front of Uchiha Ao and said, "I can't let you leave easily."

Uchiha Ao laughed and said, "You really know how to read other people's thoughts."

Danzo looked at Uchiha Qing in front of him and said: "This is very clear. You can't kill my body, but I also have so many clones. Naturally, you don't choose to stay here."

Suddenly, Uchiha Qing smiled bitterly. At this time, as Uchiha Qing came forward, Danzo looked extremely confident.

"You are right. If I leave now, I will obviously not suffer at all." Uchiha Qing stopped smiling and said: "But I have changed my mind now, Danzo. Since I want to eliminate the Sharingan from you here, naturally I can't You won’t give up until you achieve your goal.”

Danzo was stunned. He didn't expect Uchiha Ao to be so courageous.

"You still want to continue fighting?" Danzo said in surprise.

Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes, and the Kirin in his hand appeared. Under the amplification of Sunezao, a powerful Lightning Style ninjutsu appeared, approaching the Danzo clones around him.

Danzo looked surprised. Now with hundreds of clones, Uchiha Qing had no hope of winning.

Even if Uchiha Ao uses all his strength to destroy the clone in front of him, there are still more clones behind him.

"Danzo!" Uchiha Ao roared. .

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