The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 469 Breakthrough From Within

Danzo clones are coming one after another, and Uchiha Ao, who is at the center of the Danzo clones, stares at the Danzo clone in front of him.

Are there nearly two hundred clones? Uchiha Qing sneered and couldn't help but snorted in his heart, it was really a troublesome thing.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Ao Rinnegan, his Shadow Clone appeared, and a huge scene appeared. This was a clone battle.

In Uchiha Ao's eyes, although Danzo is powerful, after all, the number of clones produced by Uchiha Ao is much less.

Suddenly, a large number of his clones appeared in front of Uchiha Ao, and they came to Uchiha Ao one after another.

"What?" Danzo's eyelids twitched.

Uchiha Qing already knew Danzo's secret. Danzo was not immortal in his last clone. At this moment, Danzo had been hiding in the clone and did not dare to confront Uchiha Qing himself.

Uchiha Ao snorted coldly and stared at Danzo in front of him.

"Danzo." Uchiha Qing said politely: "No matter where you hide, as long as your clone is defeated, you will be revealed."

Obviously, in Uchiha Ao's eyes, Danzo is not invincible. In the Ninja League, Uchiha Ao has created numerous impressive achievements.

This time, although Danzo forced Uchiha Ao into a desperate situation, he also allowed Uchiha Ao to gain knowledge of Sharingan from this battle.

"Uchiha Ao." Danzo roared and said, "Do you want to stop my clone army with just these clones like you?"

Uchiha Ao snorted coldly, and Danzo's tone was extremely irritable. Especially at this time, he never thought that when Uchiha Ao broke in, his clone also took the opportunity to enter the center of Danzo's clone.

Uchiha Qing narrowed his eyes, snorted coldly, and said disdainfully: "Your clones are indeed powerful in combat, but if they are divided, they will eventually be devoured by my clone army."

In Uchiha Ao's view, Danzo's basic ninjutsu is indeed powerful, but it is not strong enough to dominate the ninja alliance.

"Here we come." Uchiha's green clone laughed.

Densely packed clones of Uchiha Ao come to Uchiha Ao, and the winner of this clone battle is about to be determined.

Uchiha Qing stood in the crowd with a determined expression.

"Danzo." Uchiha Qing said politely: "It seems like you are not sure of winning now.

Danzo was stunned and said harshly: "Uchiha Qing, I asked you to keep too much Chakra in the early stage."

Uchiha Ao was shocked, but Danzo knew the reason. In the previous rounds, Danzo did not consume too much of Uchiha's Chakra.

Now, in Uchiha Qing's opinion, the reason why he can use so many clones is because of the abundant Chakra around him.

"Damn it." Danzo waved his hand and shouted: "Fuck me.

Uchiha Ao's clone army has disintegrated from within Danzo, and Danzo, who was restless, began to resist to the greatest extent.

Now, there are clones of Uchiha Ao and Danzo all around, and the two groups of clones are constantly fighting.

Uchiha Qing's main body stood in the middle, scanning the surroundings, and did not take action easily. He did not have much Chakra left on his body. At this time, he must retain enough Chakra to completely defeat the group.

Danzo's true form is difficult to identify, but as Danzo's clones continue to be cut down, Uchiha Ao knows that sooner or later Danzo will reveal his flaws.

In the battlefield, a figure of Danzo jumped up and looked at the situation around him. The green clone of Uchiha was too huge and kept swallowing up Danzo's clones.

Danzo's clones began to disappear in large numbers. At this moment, Danzo's eyelids twitched and he began to turn around and leave.

"Want to run?" When the Danzo clone on the tree trunk was about to leave, several Uchiha Ao clones surrounded it and destroyed it.

Uchiha Qing's main body sneered and showed a knowing look. He knew that Danzo on the tree trunk must be a clone.

"It's true." Uchiha Ao's figure began to blend into the Shadow Clone.

The battlefield was in chaos. When Uchiha Ao's clone came, Uchiha Ao had already blended into it, and he also needed to hide his identity.

At this time, the Danzo clones on the battlefield were defeated by the Uchiha Ao clones, and they began to take the opportunity to turn around and leave.

But the moment Danzo's clone was about to leave, it was surrounded by Uchiha's green clone and destroyed it.

Uchiha Ao frowned, Danzo's clones continued to shrink, but Danzo's true body had not yet appeared.

"Danzo hasn't appeared yet. How calm he is." Uchiha Ao, who was among the clones, frowned.

0......Please give me flowers 0

At this moment, Uchiha Ao's clone stood in the center of the field, still pretending to be his true form.

"Uchiha Ao." Suddenly, a figure appeared from the ground, and Danzo inserted a kunai into the Uchiha Ao clone.

Uchiha's green clone's face changed, showing an expression of surprise.

"You've been hiding underground?" Uchiha's green clone said.

Danzo sneered and said: "The reason why you have been hiding in the center of the clone and keep taking action is because you want to save Chakra and deal with me, don't you?"

Uchiha's green clone smiled and disappeared in front of Danzo's body.

Uchiha's eyes lit up, and now he finally found Danzo's true form.

"Danzo, it's really hard to find you." Uchiha laughed.

In Uchiha Ao's view, he has actually used his clone to attract Danzo's true form.

Danzo was stunned, and Uchiha Ao, who was mixed in with the clone, immediately held a kunai and attacked Danzo with a figure.

Danzo was shocked, and when he turned around, he saw Uchiha Ao, who had teleported over, picked up a kunai and inserted it into Danzo.

"You are really cunning. When did you let the clone dress up here?" Danzo looked puzzled.

Uchiha Ao smiled. When Uchiha Ao's clones began to invade Danzo's clone army from the center, Uchiha Ao knew that to defeat Danzo, he needed the help of the clones.

"Danzo, you are really an old fox." Uchiha Qing snorted coldly and said, "It's really not easy to attract you.

Danzo's eyelids twitched and he lowered his head to stare at the dagger in Uchiha Qing's hand.

"Can you use your clone to resurrect this time?" Uchiha Ao laughed.

The figure of Danzo, who was tattooed by Uchiha Ao, disappeared in front of Uchiha Ao's eyes, and the figure began to appear on the clone not far away.

Uchiha Qing smiled, and he knew that Tuan still had a trick up his sleeve.

"Sure enough, there is still a chance to be resurrected." Uchiha Qing turned to look at Danzo behind him.

After Danzo was resurrected, he discovered that he was surrounded by clones of Uchiha Ao.

Uchiha Qing began to sweat all over his body. The Chakra in his body was extremely depleted and there was not much Chakra left. .

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