Danzo laughed and said, "You are still afraid of us Konoha after all."

Uchiha Qing snorted coldly. At this time, many ninjas from the Hidden World Village of China appeared around him, and they came to Uchiha Qing one after another.

In front of Uchiha Ao, Danzo no longer has any fighting power, and the Chakra on Uchiha Ao's body is almost exhausted.

The battle lasted for a full day, and Uchiha Ao finally won. However, Uchiha Ao's victory was hard-won.

"It's not because we are afraid of Konoha, it's just that we don't want a large-scale war to break out in the Ninja Alliance." Uchiha Qing said with great certainty.

In Uchiha Qing's view, killing Danzo is an extremely easy task, but once Danzo is killed, then people from Konoha will come to seek revenge. Uchiha Qing does not want Huaxia Hidden World Village to be destroyed at this time. Become a member of the Ninja Alliance and become the best among doctors.

"It's not that we are afraid of Konoha, what is it? Let me tell you, if the people of Konoha know that you capture me, they will definitely try their best to rescue me." Danzo roared.

Uchiha Ao smiled, this time 05 Uchiha Ao will not wait for Konoha to come, he will take the initiative to go to Konoha to ask for an explanation.

"Konoha?" Uchiha Qing looked at the people around him and said, "Take Danzo down first."

Uchiha Qing was not intimidated by Danzo's threat. Instead, he felt that by catching Danzo this time, he could sit down and talk with Konoha.

With the defeat of the two villages of Yunwu, it was obvious that the remaining villages, led by Ye, began to worry about the arrival of Uchiha Ao himself.

Originally, Huaxia Hidden World Village had extraordinary strength, but now at this time, even Hokage felt that it was time to guard against Uchiha Ao and Huaxia Hidden World Village.

Uchiha Ao stood there, staring at Danzo in front of him. Danzo was an extremely hawkish person. At this time, Uchiha Ao knew clearly that his existence was an extremely important role.

Konoha is the strongest village in the Ninja League. At this time, if Uchiha Ao captures Danzo, Konoha will definitely be shocked.

"Danzo was caught." Two of Danzo's cronies escaped and saw with their own eyes that Danzo was taken away by people from Huaxia Hidden World Village. They immediately disappeared and started to return to Konoha Shinobi World Village.

Danzo is a high-ranking member of Konoha Village, and he is also a conservative with extremely cold-blooded tactics. Among Konoha, except for Hokage, Danzo is the most powerful.

But now there is almost no suspense about Danzo being detained by the Hidden World Village of China. At this moment, the top management of Konoha is shocked.

"Sarutobi." Two high-level officials from Konoha walked into Hokage's office.

The news of Danzo's detention has reached Sarutobi's ears.

At this time, even the Third Generation Flame knew the meaning of the two high-level officials from Konoha. They were the ones who allowed Danzo to go to the Hidden World Village in China to destroy the Novice City.

Now, at this time, after Danzo was caught, the two top leaders of Konoha naturally couldn't sit still.

"I wonder why you two came here?" Sarutobi raised his head and asked.

Two high-level officials from Konoha stepped forward and said, "Danzo has been arrested. Do you know about this?"

Among Konoha, Danzo is an extremely influential person, especially the roots he established, which is also an extremely important organization in the village.

"I just found out. I don't know if the information is true or false?" said the Third Generation Flame.

The top management of Konoha stepped forward and said: "This news is indeed true. Two of Danzo's cronies have returned to the village and confirmed that Danzo was captured by Uchiha Ao."

The Third Hokage was very happy that Danzo was caught at this time.

"What do you two mean?" Third Hokage asked with a frown.

Immediately, following the Third Hokage's inquiry, the two top leaders of Konoha said without thinking: "No matter what means we use, we must bring Danzo back safely.

"But Uchiha Ao is not easy to mess with. Even in movies, Uchiha Ao has suffered a lot." Hokage frowned and seemed very hesitant.

Two high-ranking officials in Konoha said: "Danzo is a very important person to us in Konoha and cannot fall into other villages."

No matter what, in the eyes of Konoha senior officials, Danzo is indeed for the village. No matter what the means, Danzo's purpose is always to protect Konoha.

There are things that Sarutobi may not be able to do, but with Danzo, things become easier.

Konoha needs Danzo, and Konoha's top management trusts Danzo even more. Now that Danzo is caught, Konoha's top management naturally cannot sit still.

"It's not an easy task to rescue Danzo." Sarutobi stood up and stared at the top management of Konoha in front of him.

The top management of Konoha took a deep breath and said, "Aren't you blaming us for letting Danzo attack the Hidden World Village of China?"

Sarutobi laughed and said: "It has happened, and there is no blame. But this time Danzo's attack on Huaxia Hidden World Village was discovered beforehand. At this time, we went to ask for help."

Will it cause misunderstanding between the two villages? "

"Danzo knows a lot of secrets about our Konoha Village and cannot fall into other villages. You know this. No matter what method you use, Danzo must be brought back within three days."

"The top management of Konoha said extremely seriously.

In the room, as the top management of Konoha left, Sarutobi smiled bitterly.

"Danzo, after passing through the Huaxia Hidden World Village this time, I believe you will be more honest." Sarutobi said unceremoniously.

Tsunade and Jiraiya came over and looked at Sarutobi in the room.

"Teacher, do you really want to save Danzo?" Tsunade asked in confusion.

Sarutobi frowned and said: "Danzo must be an important figure in our Konoha Village. No matter what, he cannot fall into the hands of other villages, especially Uchiha Ao. 11

Jiraiya stepped forward and said: "Then I will rescue Danzo."

Sarutobi looked at Tsunade and said: "Tsunade, you first go to Uchiha Ao to ask for the person. If Uchiha Ao doesn't hand over the person, then the only option is to use force. This time you and Jiraiya act together."

Tsunade and Jiraiya are both legendary Sannin. They rarely act together. Now Sarutobi lets them act together, which proves the importance of this operation.

"Danzo." Tsunade snorted and said, "I really don't want to save this person."

"Me too, it's just that this time it's related to Konoha's safety. It seems like we can't help it unless we save it." Jiraiya said in agreement.

Danzo was a person that most ninjas in the village did not want to touch, but at this moment, after Danzo was caught, Konoha reacted immediately.

"Uchiha Ao god-tier." When Uchiha Ao grabbed Danzo and returned to the village, Jujiro outside the Huaxia Hidden World Village screamed.

Orochimaru was shocked and looked at the half-dead Danzo next to Uchiha Ao.

"Danzo fell into your hands?" Orochimaru said in surprise.

Uchiha Ao smiled and looked at Orochimaru in front of him. .

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