In fact, both Tianba and Li Qing knew it very well.

Due to the fact that the players have thin blood and high attacks, the confrontation between each other can often be won with one move, so the two of them are very cautious and careful in their actions.

Suddenly, Tian Ba ​​seized the opportunity and stabbed Li Qing's chest with a sword, but Li Qing turned into a squawking crow in an instant.

"Huh? Crow Ninjutsu!?" Tianba was startled, and looked up at the sky fiercely. He had seen many videos about Li Qing, and knew that this kid's usual habit was to fall from the sky!


This time there was nothing in the sky, Tianba subconsciously swung his long sword and drew a moon circle.

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!"

Suddenly, a flame illuminated the sky like daytime, and a huge fireball crashed towards him.

Tianba dodged sideways, and rushed towards Li Qing, who was sealed in the distance, at an extremely fast speed, wanting to win the battle with swordsmanship. However, he didn't notice at all that the Great Fireball that hit the air didn't explode, but It exploded like a bubble and turned into Li Qing.

Yes, Li Qing used [Clone Technique] to confuse Tianba with a clone, and then used [Transformation Technique] to transform herself into a [Great Fireball].


【Shinigami Breathing】Gone with a cold light, this decisive blow hit Tianba's back with 9042 points of damage!

In fact, the damage of this blow can at least cause more than 20,000 points, it is because Tianba's blood volume is too low.

Tianba's blood volume immediately bottomed out, he turned around in shock, gave Li Qing a unwilling look, and fell to the ground, exploding into gold coins and ninjutsu scrolls all over the floor.

Until his death, Tianba didn't know how he lost.

"You are indeed very strong, but your use of ninjutsu is still not as good as mine. Hehe."

Holding [Shinigami Breath] in her hand, and blowing gently, Li Qing looked at the ninja leader.

I have to say that the members of [Super God Alliance] are all good players. They cooperate with each other, some attack, some control, some assist to increase blood, and turn the ninja boss around. Only less than One-eighth of the blood volume.

"Sorry, your captain lost to me!" Li Qing sneered, his figure was extremely fast. They cut.

As the numbers popped up one by one, the players of [Super God Alliance] felt their eyes go dark before they could even react, and they were sent back to Novice Village.

Li Qing is not a decent person, so he wouldn't take huge risks and foolishly fight against a team with the world's top players. Sneak attacking them and sending them back to Novice Village is the best choice!

With several Super God League players killed, the ninja leader finally belongs to Li Qing alone.

He dodged the ninja leader's attack, and once again used [Uchiha Taijutsu: Sword Flame Dance], giving the ninja leader the heaviest blow!

This blow dealt a full 22,000 points of damage!

The ninja leader's blood volume bottomed out, his huge body crashed down, and then he closed his eyes in despair.

Hyūga Hinata in his arms also quickly broke free from his arms and ran into the arms of the rushing Hyuga.

[System prompt]: Hyūga Hinata's favorability towards you has increased...

"I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled...I haven't pry into Baiyan's secret yet..."

As soon as the voice fell, the belly of the ninja leader was like a blowout. Countless gold coins, equipment, and scrolls were sprayed into the air, and a rain of money and equipment scrolls came!

[World Channel]: After [Ninja Boss] killed 67,891 players, the player [Uchiha Qing] finally killed him and became the hero of all players. He will receive a lot of rewards!

A total of three messages, maxed out the entire world channel!

Followed by countless messages and comments!

[World Channel] Black chemical fertilizers will evaporate when they turn gray: Uchiha Qing, you will always be a god-like man!

[World Channel] Gray chemical fertilizer will turn gray when it turns black: [Super God Alliance] Players like that are played by him in the applause, it's scary.

[World Channel] Gray chemical fertilizers volatilize, turn black and fly flowers: It is said that the price of Uchihaqing's head in the black market has risen again, from 800,000 to 5 million! It is almost catching up with the price of the leaders of some small countries!

[World Channel] Black chemical fertilizers will turn into ashes when they volatilize: Hey, so what if it is five million? Who can beat him...

[World Channel] The black gray chemical fertilizer will volatilize and turn gray and black into flowers: Anyway, I can't beat it, I just want the big brother's legs.

[World Channel] Oh my god: the name 6666 upstairs almost broke my tongue!

Ignoring these comments, Li Qing's ears heard various sounds of rewards.

"You got 6,000,000 experience points!"

"You got the Ninja Proof*100!"

"You got 999 points!"

"You got 1000 PK points!"


"You break through! You have reached level 88!"

"You break through! You have reached level 89!"


"You break through, you have reached level 95!"

"You break through, you have reached level 96!"

"You break through, you have reached level 97!"


"Your PK level has risen, and you have risen to one silver star!"

Looking at the vast amount of equipment and gold coins, Li Qing clicked to use the [Auto Pickup] function at this time...

"You got 4567981 gold coins!"

"You got the artifact [Nin God Wind Boots]! Required level: level 100, movement speed +50%! Passive skill: Chakra volume +10%.

"You got the artifact [Ninja Wind Armor]! Requirement level: Level 100, defense +50%! Passive skill: When attacked, there is a certain chance to trigger [Earth Style: Earth Wall Technique] to protect the Host!"

"You got the ninja code [Lightning Style]!"

"You got the rare [Poison Kunai]!"

"You got the rare 【Toxin Taidao】!"

"You got the rare [Ninja Heart]!

"You got ginseng*20!"

"You got the ninjutsu scroll [Ninjutsu: Six Blades]!"

"You got the ninjutsu scroll [Lightning Style: Lightning Armor]!"

"You got the secret scroll [Ninjutsu: Eight Swords Style]!"


Li Qing was dazzled by so many rewards, there was a lot of rubbish, but there were also a lot of heaven-defying rewards!

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