"Are you coming from Ruixiang Restaurant across the street?" Fu walked in front and asked.

Kimimaro stepped forward and said, "That's right."

"The town is not peaceful recently. In fact, our restaurant is not very willing to accept unfamiliar guests, but our boss has been competing with Ruixiang Restaurant. It may be because of this that the boss will let you stay here."

Uchiha Qing smiled, but he was quite lucky. He walked out of Ruixiang Restaurant when the owner of Xianghe opened the door, so he could stay.

"No matter what, I really want to thank you." Kimimaro took out the money and handed it to Xiaoerfu.

Fu opened the door and said, "Thank you, boss. If you need anything, just ask us."

After Fuku left, Uchiha Ao and Tsunade walked into the house, and Kimimaro also started to make arrangements.

After all, there are extra rooms, so Kimimaro and others have room to stay.

"Finally I can sleep peacefully." Uchiha Ao immediately lay on the bed.

When Tsunade stood next to Uchiha Ao, Uchiha Ao came back to his senses, stood up quickly, and coughed.

"I sleep on the floor." Uchiha Qing knew that Tsunade had a bad temper, so it was better not to provoke the princess of Konoha Village too much at this time.

Tsunade grabbed Uchiha Qing's arm and said gently: "I am already yours, so naturally I can't let you sleep on the ground anymore."

Following Tsunade's words, Uchiha Ao could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, sleeping on the ground is not a good thing. After seeing Tsunade agree, Uchiha Ao fell asleep with Tsunade in his arms.

At noon, when Uchiha Qing and Tsunade were still resting in bed, Xiao Erfu opened the door and said nervously: "No, Ruixiang's boss has brought people here to cause trouble, and he specifically wants to see you."

While Fuku was talking, he saw something he shouldn't have seen, and Uchiha Ao and Tsunade hugged each other tightly.

"He really is someone who came down from the back of the mountain." A trace of cold sweat broke out on Fu's forehead.

At this moment, following Fu's words, Kimimaro came to the house instantly and scanned the surrounding situation.

"Why did you come here?" Kimimaro looked wary.

Uchiha Qing opened his eyes slightly and said: "The child just came in to tell Ruixiang's people to come, and you go down and have a look."

Tsunade moved his body slightly and pressed against Uchiha's King of Feelings.

"Yes." After Kimimaro finished speaking, he said to Fu (afcb): "I will handle it.

Fu was stunned and said, "Is this okay?"

"It's no problem. If we adults are allowed to go down, it will be a big noise." Kimimaro said.

Fu kept nodding and took Kimimaro downstairs.

Ruixiang's boss kept saying: "I kindly remind you that the people who stayed in your restaurant this morning were bandits. They smashed our restaurant beyond recognition. If I don't ask them to recover the losses, how can I renovate my house?"

For a moment, following Ruixiang's boss's words, Xianghe's boss frowned.

"This is your personal grudge. If there is trouble in our restaurant, I will not sit idly by and ignore it." Boss Xianghe looked at the wandering ninja behind Boss Ruixiang.

This time, boss Ruixiang spent a lot of money to recruit some wandering ninjas.

"Boss." Fu came to the boss's side.

Boss Xianghe frowned and saw Kimimaro.

"This guest, they said you damaged the restaurant, so they came to you." Boss Xianghe said.

Kimimaro smiled and said, "Are you going to call some wandering ninjas too?"

"You are just a dog under your lord, tell your lords to come out." Boss Ruixiang slapped the table.

Kimimaro's eyes lit up, he pinched the boss Ruixiang's neck with one hand, and a figure left the restaurant lobby.

"What?" The ninja next to the owner of Ruixiang Restaurant was shocked and stepped forward and said: "Such a fast speed.

On the street, Kimimaro pinched the neck of the owner of Ruixiang Restaurant with one hand.

"What do you do for food?" the owner of Ruixiang Restaurant kept yelling.

At this time, following the words of the owner of Ruixiang Restaurant, the wandering ninjas who were recruited ran forward one after another.

"You're really looking for death." The bones on Kimimaro's body appeared and flew towards the wandering ninjas, many of whom fell to the ground.


Many wandering ninjas fell to the ground and screamed.

"The blood successor limit?" A figure flew to Kimimaro's forehead, raised the sword in his hand and chopped it down.

Suddenly, the spine of Kimimaro's back rose and he thrust into the wandering ninja in mid-air.

"You are Lord Kimimaro from the Hidden World Village of China." The wandering ninja said before he died.

Kimimaro didn't say anything, Qin Guang glanced at the wandering people around him and endured it.

The wandering ninja backed up, turned around and ran away.

"Hey, hey, I paid you, you guys without conscience." Ruixiang's restaurant owner shouted.

With this moment, Ruixiang's restaurant owner felt desperate.

A drop of blood fell, and at this moment, Ruixiang's restaurant owner felt the blood, touched it with his hands, and raised his head to see the dead wandering ninja with Kimimaro's bones.

"Don't kill me. I don't want compensation. Let me go." The owner of Ruixiang Restaurant began to beg for mercy.

Kimimaro held the owner of Ruixiang Restaurant on the ground with one hand, showed a look of disdain, and walked upstairs without saying a word.

Everyone on the street saw this scene. When Kimimaro walked to Xianghe Restaurant, everyone around him got out of the way.

"It's amazing. One person died instantly and ten people were seriously injured. What level of ninja is this?" The audience began to discuss.

Suddenly, as people started talking, the owner of Ruixiang Restaurant sat on the ground and touched his neck.

"Fortunately, I'm still alive." The owner of Ruixiang Restaurant looked at the crowd around him and roared: "What are you people doing standing there and helping me up?

The guys at Ruixiang Restaurant came to their senses, came to the owner of Ruixiang Restaurant one after another, and helped him up.

The owner of Ruixiang Restaurant's legs felt weak. At this moment, no one would have thought that Kimimaro could fight away so many wandering ninjas with just one move.

"These guys who live in vain are really useless." The owner of Ruixiang Restaurant kicked the dead wandering ninja hard, looking extremely angry.

"You really deserve it. The money is useless and you have lost face." The owner of Xianghe Restaurant laughed.

The owner of Ruixiang Restaurant narrowed his eyes and said: "I will come again, just ask them to wait."

When the owner of Ruixiang Restaurant was about to leave, he rolled his eyes and turned around slowly.

"Don't be complacent. You've seen how powerful these bandits are. Now that I live in your restaurant, I'm happy. Anyway, I don't have to bother to defeat you by then. I'll probably be destroyed by them." Ruixiang Restaurant The boss laughed.

The owner of Xianghe Restaurant's eyelids twitched and he looked a little shocked.

"This guy." The owner of Xianghe Restaurant stood in a daze.

"Fu." Boss Xianghe shouted. .

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