The devil snorted coldly and said: "How could my people make a mistake? Don't you know that Tang Zhiguo has asked Huaxia Hidden World Village for help, and the people from Huaxia Hidden World Village have already sent people.

Suddenly, following the devil's words, the boss Ruixiang was stunned.

"Uchiha Ao is the number one figure in the Ninja League, and Kimimaro next to him is even more powerful. You let us go out easily without understanding the situation, and now you have caused the death of one of my brothers. How are we going to settle this debt?" Enter the demon? asked before.

Suddenly, following the devil's words, Boss Ruixiang kept retreating.

"How do I know their identities?" Ruixiang's boss became frightened.

Everyone here knows what kind of character the devil is. If it weren't for the boss Ruixiang who had no other choice, he wouldn't have come to look for someone like the devil.

Uchiha Qing stepped forward and said politely: "You don't know? Do you dare to come to us to deal with Uchiha Qing if you don't know?"

For a moment, Boss Ruixiang kept retreating and was speechless.

At this time, 05 boss Ruixiang kept breaking out in cold sweat as the devil questioned him.

"But..." Boss Ruixiang said, "You didn't complete the task."

The devil snorted coldly and sat down.

"The information you gave is wrong." The devil said: "Well, this time I will not pursue the matter of losing my men. It's just that I can't return your previous money to you, so it will be used as settlement expenses for my dead brother. "

"But what about my affairs?" Boss Ruixiang was shocked.

At this moment, following the words of Boss Ruixiang, the devil said rudely: "If you need our help, you need to make a new bid.

"How much do you want to pay?" the owner of Ruixiang Hotel asked.

The devil stepped forward and said: "In the black market, Uchiha Ao's head is worth 100 million, which was originally released by Cloud Shinobi Village Raikage.

"What?" The devil took a deep breath and said: "The price of Uchiha Aoki is this, let alone the people around him, I think you should go back.

"You're obviously trying to trick me." Boss Ruixiang said angrily.

When Boss Ruixiang came to the demon mercenaries, he promised that the demon would hunt down Boss Ruixiang for his losses. But now, not only did Boss Ruixiang fail to recover him, but he actually gave the devil a large sum of money.

"I won't talk nonsense about this matter. You will know it if you ask around." The devil said: "It seems that you can't afford this price to see off the guests.

At this moment, following the devil's words, the people from the devil's mercenary group came out and quickly stepped forward.

"Well, you devil, you did this to me." Boss Ruixiang pointed at the devil and said, "I will definitely go out and tell others that your devil corps is a waste of fame."

"How dare you." The demon was furious, and a Wind Style struck, destroying the door behind Ruixiang's boss, and said: "It's your fault this time. If you let me know that there is someone outside who damages the reputation of our demon mercenary group, I will I won't spare you lightly.

Following the devil's words, the boss Ruixiang stood there and turned to look at the broken door.

"See you off," the devil said.

Boss Ruixiang was kicked out of the Demon Corps. As Boss Ruixiang walked out, the hotel kid who had been waiting at the door asked: "Boss, how are you?"

"How is it?" Boss Ruixiang said rudely: "Didn't you see me being kicked out?"

After Boss Ruixiang left, the devil's men stepped forward.

"Boss, is this really good this time?" The demon's subordinate stepped forward and said.

The devil said rudely: "You trash, you can't even be sure about people. How can you do this if you don't do this?"

The devil had long known that his subordinates had failed, but none of his subordinates were sure of the opponent's identity.

"However, the opponent at that time was too terrifying. I was afraid that if we escaped too late, our lives would be in danger." The demon's subordinate stepped forward and said.

The devil snorted coldly and looked at the person in front of him.

"If you want to know if the other person is really Kimimaro, you have to confirm it." The devil narrowed his eyes.

Everyone in the Demon Corps became vigilant.

When the sun goes down, Kimimaro can come.

"Uchiha Ao god-tier, we have found out that there is only one member of the Nightmare Mercenary Group nearby, and there are hundreds of them." Kimimaro lowered his head and said.

Suddenly, following Kimimaro's words, Uchiha Ao was stunned.

"Only people from the Demon Mercenary Group?" Uchiha Ao took a deep breath.

Kimimaro lowered his head and said: "That's right, there were several small forces before, but they were all swallowed up by the devil. Now there is only one big one here."

"A big family?" Uchiha Qing took a deep breath.

Kimimaro stepped forward and said: "The number of people in the Demon Mercenary Group has grown to almost 200, instead of just a hundred before."

"There are more than two hundred people." Uchiha Qing sneered.

Tsunade kept tapping her fingers on the table, looking bored.

"So what can two hundred people do? They are just a bunch of wandering ninjas anyway, and they won't make a difference at all." Tsunade said unceremoniously.

At this time, following Tsunade's words, Uchiha snorted coldly.

"In that case, we will visit this demon mercenary group tomorrow." Uchiha Ao smiled.

Nowadays, people from Huaxia Hidden World Village need to pass through here, so Uchiha Qing knows that if he wants to pass here safely and does not want to be harassed, he must make an agreement with the people of these demon mercenary groups.

"Yes." Kimimaro stepped forward and said.

Uchiha Qing said: "You guys should have a good rest tonight.

Following Uchiha Ao's words, Kimimaro590 started going down.

"Have you forgotten the Iwagakure spy at Ruixiang Restaurant?" Tsunade said: "If he knew about it, Iwagakure's people would also have plans."

Uchiha Qing smiled slightly and said: "Our people have been moving around in the past few days, and Ruixiang's children will not notice anything."

Uchiha Qing was very sure that at this moment, because Uchiha Qing was out doing activities during the day, the spies from Ruixiang Restaurant did not dare to follow him rashly for fear of exposing their identities.

"It's hard to say now. After all, we have already left Ruixiang Restaurant." Tsunade said and quickly fell asleep on the bed.

Uchiha Ao took a deep breath and looked at Gu Tsunade's appearance.

"Looks like I'm going to sleep on the ground again tonight." Uchiha Ao frowned.

Tsunade is already Uchiha Ao's person, but Uchiha Ao cannot sleep with Tsunade, which really makes Uchiha Ao feel very helpless.

During the night, a figure kept shuttling through the town. When Uchiha Ao and Tsunade were sleeping with their eyes closed, a figure suddenly appeared.

"Who is it?" Tsunade stood up, saw a black shadow approaching, and quickly punched it.

The black shadow dodged, and the table was smashed on the spot, jumping towards the outside.

Uchiha Ao frowned and saw Tsunade quickly catch up.

"Hey, hey." Uchiha Ao couldn't stop Tsunade at all. .

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