The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 531 Begins To Launch Intensive Attacks

The earth dragon bullet hit Uchiha Ao's Sunō Sago. Uchiha Ao didn't need to dodge at all. After all, such ninjutsu couldn't cause any damage to him.

"What a troublesome group of people." Uchiha Qing flew up unceremoniously and directed towards Takashi.

Takashi smiled and said: "Everyone can start to launch the most violent attack on Uchiha Ao."

At this moment, everyone who had been standing beside Long raised their heads and quickly began to form seals.

When Iwagakure's earth dragon bullet hit Uchiha Ao's Sunō Sago, the mud began to flow down.

Uchiha Ao stared at the soil on his body out of the corner of his eye, and felt something was wrong in his heart. Normal soil would fall off Sunō Sago's body automatically, but now the soil on Uchiha Ao's body seemed to be stuck to his body.

"Fire Style!"

For a moment, Iwagakure's ninja used Fire Style ninjutsu.

Uchiha's eyes lit up. As a ninja from Iwagakure, they rarely use such ninjutsu.

05 "It's really troublesome." Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes.

At this moment, when Uchiha Ao passed Fire Style, his whole body began to ignite.

The constant explosions on "Boom" made Uchiha Ao's body fall down.

"What?" Uchiha Ao glanced around and hugged Tsunade.

Tsunade frowned and said, "What on earth is going on?"

Uchiha Qing finally understood that the earth flow wall that Takashi used just now seemed to have a mystery.

"The Earth Style Wall that Takashi used just now is not an ordinary Earth Style." Uchiha frowned and said, "Could it be that when he was performing ninjutsu, his subordinates all around would come to help him.

It turns out that Takashi combined everyone's ninjutsu, making the earth flow wall that attacked Uchiha Ao not only sticky, but also containing detonating particles.

This is something invisible to the naked eye, and even Uchiha Ao didn't notice it at first.

Under the constant "boom" explosions, Uchiha Ao's body fell down and fell heavily to the ground. Fortunately, he was protected by Suno Sahu, otherwise even Uchiha Ao himself would have been injured.

"Damn it." Uchiha Ao frowned.

At this moment, as Uchiha Ao fell to the ground, Takashi stood there and laughed.

"Uchiha Qing, are you nothing more than that?" Long snorted coldly.

Uchiha Ao slowly stood up and stared at the mocking Takashi in front of him.

"If I didn't want to save Takashi's life, I wouldn't play such a trick with these brats." Uchiha Ao frowned.

Tsunade turned to look at Uchiha Qing and said, "I'll go out and teach these people a lesson."

Uchiha Qing held Tsunade with one hand and said: "Your strength is too great, these people can't bear it at all, plus you use a little bit of huge strength, then the people in Iwagakure will definitely know your identity."

Tsunade was shocked and frowned slightly.

Uchiha Qing raised his head and looked at Takashi before him, and a figure flew up.

Takashi frowned and said, "Didn't such an intensive attack defeat the Sunō Sahu on Uchiha Ao?"

When Uchiha Ao approached Takashi again, Takashi was still on the spot and used a huge ninjutsu.

"Tu Liubi." Long roared angrily.

Uchiha Ao snorted coldly. When he saw the Doryūbi ninjutsu attack, he quickly picked up his shield to block it in front of his eyes and swung the long sword in his hand.

The rock was hit hard. At this moment, as Uchiha Ao used powerful ninjutsu, Long was shocked.

With a "boom", wherever the Uchiha Blue Divine Sword touched, there was a mess.

Iwagakure's ninjas didn't have time to dodge, and fell to the ground one after another, injured and dead.

In the smoke, the figures of Uchiha Ao and Tsunade came forward, and Sunozu lifted them up [Uchiha Xiao slowly walked in front of Ichitaka.

Takashi fell to the ground and said in disbelief: "Impossible, how come our ninjutsu is ineffective against you."

Uchiha Ao smiled, Takashi's ninjutsu just now was indeed powerful when combined with it, but for Uchiha Ao, ninjutsu of this level did not have much damage at all.

Uchiha Ao just didn't want to kill Takashi himself in the war, so he used Suno Sahu to passively defend.

Now that Takaya and his men have all fallen, Uchiha Ao no longer needs to be so passively defensive.

"Takashi, if it weren't for the fear of killing you by mistake, I wouldn't be Sunoh Sahei in front of you." Uchiha Ao snorted coldly.

Although Suno Sahu is powerful, it also has absolute defensive power, so Uchiha Ao chose Suno Sahu to protect him and Tsunade first.

"Kill me by mistake?" Long was shocked.

The gap between Uchiha Ao and Takashi is too big, and Takashi cannot pose a threat to someone like Uchiha Ao.

"That's right. If you die, how will I know what's happening on the front line." Uchiha Qing laughed.

Takashi's eyes lit up, and he fell to the ground with his feet injured, and saw Uchiha walking towards him.

"Damn it, even if I die, I won't let you succeed." Takashi held a kunai and wanted to commit suicide.

Uchiha Ao frowned, the ninjas of Iwagakure were really tenacious. When they were about to be captured, they would always find a way to end their own lives.

"But you can't commit suicide in front of me, Uchiha Ao." A figure of Uchiha Ao came to Takashi.

Takashi's wrist was forcefully grabbed by Uchiha Ao. Takashi raised his head and smiled: "I knew you would do this."

At this moment, the Iwagakure ninjas on Long's body scattered one after another.

When Uchiha Ao attacked just now, Iwagakure's ninjas had already thought of a way to deal with Uchiha457 Ao.

When Uchiha Qing came to Takashi, at this moment, Takashi finally seized the opportunity.

"Uchiha Ao, I already knew you would come to stop me." Long said bluntly.

Suddenly, Uchiha Ao took a breath and stared at Takashi in front of him.

"You actually guessed it." Uchiha Qing frowned and raised his head, only to see Iwagakure in mid-air throwing detonators continuously.

"Uchiha Ao." Tsunade stepped forward.

The ninjas of Iwagakure, including Takashi, wanted to kill Uchiha Ao together.

"I will hold you back until I die." Long stretched out his hand and hugged Uchiha Ao tightly.

Uchiha Ao raised his head, and the detonating talismans around him had already arrived. Now Uchiha Ao had no time to activate Sunō Sago.

"Uchiha Qing, I know you won't let me die in vain, now let's go to hell together." Long shouted.

Tsunade stepped forward and saw a violent bombardment in front of him. The dozen or so surviving Iwagakure ninjas landed one after another and stared at the situation inside.

In the smoke, Uchiha Ao grabbed Takashi who was knocked unconscious by him and walked out.

"I knew you wouldn't die so easily." Tsunade picked up Uchiha Ao's walking figure with a smile on his face.

Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes and said: "I almost caught Takashi.".

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