The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 534 Kneel Down And Beg For Mercy

begging for mercy

What Uchiha Qing hates the most is people who cause trouble in secret. At first, only the owner of the restaurant misunderstood that he had an abnormal relationship with Tsunade.

Nowadays, Uchiha Ao's relationship has become a hot topic in the world, surpassing Uchiha Ao's partial victory over Iwagakure in Yuno Kuni.

Originally, Uchiha Ao wanted to take advantage of this victory to pursue the victory into Yuno Country and eliminate the coalition forces in Iwagakure and Rain Shinobi Village.

However, with Uchiha Ao's relationship, at this moment, people began to pay more attention to Uchiha Ao's abnormal relationship.

"In this world, besides you, who else could see what happened between me and her?" Uchiha Qing narrowed his eyes.

At this moment, following Uchiha Qing's questioning, the restaurant owner kept backing away, showing a surprised look.

"It's not me at all." The restaurant owner said, "How do I know who is behind this? Now everyone in the town knows."

Uchiha Qing grabbed the restaurant owner and said, "It seems you don't want to talk anymore?"

At this time, following Uchiha Qing's words, the restaurant owner almost turned pale and kept shaking his head.

Uchiha Qing snorted coldly, it seems that the restaurant owner will not know the importance of it if he doesn't give him some color.

"It's up to you. 140" Uchiha Qing turned to look at Tsunade.

Tsunade kicked down, and the cabinet at the cashier was shattered on the spot. Tsunade punched down, and the wall cracked on the spot.

It was so destructive that the restaurant owner almost cried on the spot.

"I said, please don't punish my restaurant. It was me who spread the word. I just wanted to take revenge on you at the time. I didn't expect it would develop into this." The restaurant owner kept begging Uchiha Ao for mercy.

Uchiha Qing snorted coldly. At this moment, with the restaurant owner's admission, Uchiha's eyes became cold.

In fact, Uchiha Ao doesn't take this kind of thing too seriously, but at this moment, with the rumors of Uchiha Ao, the news of the victory of the Huaxia Hidden World Army has been covered up. At this time, people are almost paying attention to Uchiha Ao On the abnormal relationship with Tsunade.

"You finally admitted it." Uchiha Qing loosened the collar of the restaurant owner.

The restaurant owner kept lowering his head and said: "I admit that I did it, but please let me go. You are the number one figure in the Ninja League. Don't care about a little person like me."

Uchiha Ao covered his face and laughed. Since the restaurant owner (afeb) also knew that Uchiha Ao was the top figure in the Ninja League, he still dared to slander Uchiha Ao here.

If this continues, the victory report of Uchiha Ao and the army of Huaxia Hidden World Village defeating Iwagakure here will become of little use.

Uchiha Qing is not a vain person, but if he does not put pressure on Iwagakure and Rain Shinobi Village in terms of momentum, then the two hundred elites coming from Huaxia Hidden World Village will easily be subject to greater sniping.

On the spot, Uchiha Aohua tried his best to ambush Iwagakure's ninjas here, and perfectly solved the ambush of Iwagakure's ninjas. However, he did not expect that because the restaurant owner was talking nonsense in the world, all people's attention would be focused on Uchiha Ao's private affairs.

"Damn it." Uchiha Qing thought of this, Sharingan became extremely scary.

"Don't kill me." The restaurant immediately knelt down on the ground of Uchiha Ao and said, "I was just confused for a moment. Please don't blame me, Uchiha Ao-sama."

Suddenly, as the restaurant owner fell to his knees, Uchiha sneered.

"I didn't expect that the things we have worked so hard for will be destroyed in your hands." Uchiha Qing's tone was extremely cold.

People will pay attention to Uchiha Ao private matter, who cares about the small battle between Huaxia Hidden Village and Iwagakure, so that the fishing boat cannot pose any threat to Iwagakure.

"Burn." Uchiha Ao Sharingan's black flames appeared and burned into the restaurant.

Suddenly, the restaurant became ablaze, Uchiha Qing turned around and said: "This is a lesson to you, if everyone spreads rumors behind my back, wouldn't I be the focus of people every day.

The restaurant owner knelt on the ground and his figure softened.

"How could this happen?" The restaurant owner thought that Uchiha Ao would not notice it at first, but now he found that this was not the case.

"Uchiha Ao." Tsunade frowned.

Uchiha Qing's face looked grim, and he slowly stopped while chasing Lin Jiachen.

"This time we worked hard to ambush Iwagakure's people here. I just want to use this small-scale victory not only to allow our ninja army to go to the battlefield of Yuno Country unimpeded, but also to let the whole world see that Iwagakure People are vulnerable to us." Uchiha Qing snorted coldly.

"But this little restaurant owner ruined our good deeds." Uchiha Ao clenched his fists tightly.

Tsunade stepped forward and took Uchiha Qing's hand and said, "Let me come forward to clarify this matter."

In fact, people are spreading rumors that Uchiha Ao is a gay patient, but they don't know that the person next to Uchiha Ao is Tsunade himself.

"Although it is very likely that your identity will be exposed this time, you cannot admit it until the last step." Uchiha Ao held Tsunade's neck with one hand and said: "You are a ninja of the Hokage after all. If the people of Konoha know, Then you'll be in trouble."

"I'm not afraid of trouble. Even if I can't become a ninja of Konoha, it doesn't matter, as long as I can stay by your side." Tsunade said loudly.

Uchiha's eyes lit up, but he didn't expect Tsunade to think so.

"How could you think so?" Uchiha Ao was shocked.

Tsunade's face turned red, he lowered his head slightly and said, "I'm already yours, where do you want me to go?"

Although Uchiha Ao had sex with Tsunade that night, his attitude toward Uchiha Ao afterwards was lukewarm.

Now that Tsunade said such words, Uchiha Qing was stunned on the spot.

"But?" Uchiha Qing smiled bitterly and said, "You were so cold before, so I thought you didn't take it to heart.

Even Uchiha Ao was deceived by Tsunade. It turned out that Tsunade was already Uchiha Ao's person in his heart.

It was only at this moment that Tsunade could bravely admit it. Now Tsunade walked to Uchiha Ao and bit his lip.

"I didn't want to admit it before, for fear that you would look down on me." Tsunade lowered his head and said.

Tsunade, the princess of Konoha, has had a sense of superiority since she was a child. She couldn't accept that Uchiha Qing was much better than him for a while. .

Suddenly, following Tsunade's words, Uchiha gently lifted Tsunade's chin up with one hand.

"Tsunade." Uchiha Qing said.

Tsunade's face was rosy and her eyes did not dare to look at Uchiha Qing.

"Don't be like this, okay?" Tsunade was confused for a moment and didn't know what to do. .

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