The Daimyo of Yunokuni came to his senses, and what Uchiha Ao said was not unreasonable.

Now Yuno Country has just experienced a turmoil. In this case, it takes a few days to recover. It is certain that Yuno Country and Huaxia Hidden World Village will face the people of Iwagakure and Rain Shinobi Village this time.

It was at this time, with Tsuchikage leaving, that even Uchiha Qing himself felt a little worried.

"Daimyo, didn't you say before that you would let me temporarily command the troops of Yu no Kuni?" Uchiha Ao stepped forward and said seriously.

The people we have to deal with this time are mainly troublesome. If we follow the thinking of people in Tang Country, it will eventually affect the entire situation.

"This war is obviously one where the enemy is strong and we are weak. If there is no one person to lead, it will be difficult to win." Lin Jiachen said.

The Daimyo of Tang Country said without any worries: "I will hand over the military power of Tang Country into your hands now."

There are only a few thousand warriors left in Yuno Kuni. Compared with Iwagakure's ninja army, they are a world of difference.

Now at this time, not to mention Uchiha Ao, even the ninjas of Konoha may not be able to win in the Country of Yu.

"Everyone, from now on you will obey the orders of Uchiha Qing god-tier." said the Daimyo of Yunokuni.

Immediately, they all stepped forward and said: "Daimyo, we are in the same place.

"Nothing but, this is an order." The Daimyo of Tang Country said very firmly.

Uchiha Qing took a deep breath and said: "Let's go to the city to deploy first."

Uchiha Qing left, and all frowned and stepped forward: "Daimyo, Uchiha Qing is from the Huaxia Hidden World Village after all. If he has ideas about us and takes the opportunity to get rid of us, there will be no one around you who can protect you."

"No." The Daimyo of Yunokuni slowly walked towards his residence and said: "This time there are only two elite ninjas coming to Huaxia Hidden World Village. Besides, Huaxia Village is far away from us, and Uchiha Ao has no intention of taking action against us. "

"But it's hard to tell if he has mastered our military power." They are still worried.

The Daimyo of Yunoha frowned and said: "We are located in the gap between the five major villages and have been affected by wars all year round. This time Iwagakure took advantage of the turmoil in Konoha Village and started to attack us. Our enemies are Iwagakure and Rain Shinobi. Village, so no matter what this time, let Uchiha Ao drive them away first.

"Yes." They all stepped forward and said.

The Daimyo of Yunokuni waved his hand and said: "Go down and see our warriors. Listen to Uchiha Ao and protect our last line of defense."

This is the last line of defense of the Kingdom of Tang. If it is lost here, the Kingdom of Tang will be completely destroyed.

After everyone left, Uchiha Qing came to the castle and looked down, seeing a large group of Iwagakure's ninjas gathered together.

"People from Iwagakure." Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes.

At this moment, with the arrival of Uchiha Ao, even Tsuchikage was very alert and doubled his deployment.

"Iwagakure's deployment is obviously because they don't want us to have any way to sneak attack on them." Uchiha Ao sneered.

At this moment, following Uchiha Qing's words, the Lin retainer next to him stepped forward.

"Uchiha Qing god-tier, the country of Yu is quite cooperative now, but with just a few people like us, how can we deal with the people of Iwagakure and the Akatsuki organization?" Lin Jiachen was very worried. Is it necessary to add more people from Xia Yinshi Village? .

Uchiha Qing frowned and said: "If we add more manpower, it will take time. Besides, our front line is too long. The more people coming, it will actually be a risk to our Chinese Hidden World Village."

The Kingdom of Tang is no better than the villages surrounding the Huaxia Hidden World Village. It takes a long distance from the Huaxia Hidden World Village to the Kingdom of Tang.

If more people are sent from the village, the village itself will definitely fall into an extremely difficult situation.

If anything unexpected happens, Uchiha Qing will be in trouble.

"Tsuchikage?" Uchiha Qing snorted. At this time, even Uchiha Qing himself was shocked. If it weren't for Tsuchikage, Uchiha would probably carry out a sneak attack.

When the enemy is strong and we are weak, a surprise attack is necessary to open a breakthrough.

But in this case, Huaxia Hidden World Village will officially break with Iwagakure, which may face the pressure of Raikage and Mizukage.

Three of the five major villages are united, and even Uchiha Ao himself would feel very oppressed.

"Let's defend here first. Looking at Iwagakure's posture, it is also a defensive posture." Uchiha Ao laughed and said: "They will not attack the capital of Yuno Country for the time being."

"Yes." Lin Jiachen quickly dispatched men to garrison the Tangzhi siege.

"Uchiha Qing god-tier, I wonder how I can help you?" Du stepped forward and said.

Uchiha Qingleng took a breath, this time Iwagakure attacked, it indeed caused a lot of disaster to the country of Yu.

Fortunately, Uchiha Qing arrived in time to prevent the destruction of the country of Yu.

#I first inspected the city and settled the injured, and then figured out how many people there are in Yu no Kuni now? How many people are outside?" Uchiha Ao looked at everyone and said: Tell me all the information as soon as possible."

They all lowered their heads and said: "Yes, Uchiha sets the god of heaven."

At this moment, Uchiha Ao was placed in the Daming Palace of Yuno Country.

At night, they all quickly walked to Uchiha Qing and said: "Uchiha Qing god-tier, I have followed your instructions and counted all the people. There are a total of 1,800 soldiers in the city, and hundreds of people are besieged outside. .

"Besieged?" Uchiha Qing frowned and said, "What's going on?"

They all said truthfully: "According to the news we received, the Yuno Country army on the front line was defeated and returned to the capital of Yuno Country. However, they were attacked by Iwagakure halfway and were trapped in the mountains not far away."

"Why didn't Iwagakure's people destroy your troops?" Uchiha Ao frowned.

They all took a deep breath and said: "These (De Zhao) hundreds of people are royal warriors of the Kingdom of Yu. They are extremely brave, so even the people in Iwagakure are a little worried, so they are just trapped in the mountain and slowly consume these people. We went to support several times, but were pushed back by Iwagakure's people."

"I see." Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes and stood up.

"Uchiha Qing god-tier, what are you?" they all said in confusion.

Uchiha Qing narrowed his eyes and said: "Now we are very short of men and horses. As long as there are people who survive, we must go to rescue them, no matter how many people there are?"

"But it's very difficult to eliminate them whether they are dead or alive. Why should you take the risk?" They all stepped forward and said.

Uchiha Qing walked out of the house and said: "This is not a risk, to win a little hope for our war.

In Uchiha Qing's view, only by adding a few more people can we firmly protect this place.

"Yes." They all lowered their heads and watched Uchiha Qing leave. .

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