The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 549 Encountering A Sniper Attack

Tsuchikage did not lose his combat effectiveness due to the recurrence of his back injury during the battle. This was just Tsuchikage's strategy.

Behind Iwagakure, there is also the obstruction of the Akatsuki organization. Even if Uchiha Ao passes Iwagakure, he may not be able to escape safely from the Akatsuki organization.

"Master Tsuchikage, you are really treacherous." The guard beside Tsuchikage said with an honest look.

Tsuchikage stepped forward, slapped his guard hard, and said rudely: "What are you talking about?"

Suddenly, following Tsuchikage's behavior, the Tsuchikage guard kept touching his head.

"This is called tactics. If we fight to the death with Uchiha Ao, the Akatsuki organization will take advantage of it. I won't let them get this advantage." Tsuchikage snorted coldly.

"Master Tsuchikage, Uchiha Qing was blocked by Hidan and Angle." Iwagakure's people came to Tsuchikage.

Tsuchikage's eyes lit up and he looked at the people around him.

"What do I say?" Tsuchikage stepped forward and said: "This is not the case now. The Akatsuki organization will definitely not let Uchiha Ao leave. We immediately surrounded them and annihilated Akatsuki and Uchiha Ao together.

"Even Akatsuki was wiped out together. We didn't even stop Uchiha Ao, how could we possibly deal with them?" said the guard next to Tsuchikage. 990

Tsuchikage's eyelids twitched and he shouted: "Our main target is Uchiha Ao, do we still need to make Shogun speak clearly?"

Tsuchikage's guard started scratching his head and said, "How can I know if you don't explain clearly."

For a moment, Tsuchikage was so angry that his orifices started to smoke. Following Tsuchikage's words, Iwagakure's ninjas began to move towards the outside.

Uchiha Ao has started fighting with their people. Now Uchiha Ao, but with Kimimaro who was seriously injured, Tsuchikage knows that if they meet Hidan and Kakuzu, they will not let Uchiha Ao leave easily.

"Uchiha Qing." Aang Ao showed a sly smile and said: "It seems that your subordinates are not very good. Can you leave us safely?"

Suddenly, Uchiha Ao frowned. At this time, Angle and Hidan were waiting closely, as if they wanted to block Uchiha's way.

"Uchiha Ao." Hidan licked the corner of his mouth, showing a displeased look, and said, "Let Shinigami-sama punish you."

Uchiha Ao sneered, the Akatsuki organization sent these two people, Uchiha Ao showed a look of disdain.

"Is there no one left in the Akatsuki organization? You actually let your weakest person come." Uchiha Ao said disdainfully.

Whether it's Oni Gaku or Nagato, they are both more powerful than the combination of Hidan and Angle.

"What a shameless guy." Hidan rushed towards Uchiha Ao.

Kakuzu frowned and said, "What a reckless guy."

Apparently, Uchiha Ao was not injured at all in the Tsuchikage battle, and Uchiha is still here safe and sound today.

"This guy is really reckless." Kakuzu narrowed his eyes.

Jujiro saw Hidan coming and quickly stepped forward before Uchiha Ao could speak.

"Leave it to me for a level like Hidan." Jujiro stepped forward.

Uchiha Ao was surprised. In fact, he wanted Jujiro to take Kimimaro away quickly. After all, Tsunade was in the Yuno Kuni mansion.

As long as Kimimaro can persist until the end, Uchiha Qing believes that Tsunade's strength is enough to cure Kimimaro.

"Uchiha Ao." Kakuzu stepped forward, ready to fight Uchiha Ao at any time, and questioned: "It seems that this old guy Tsuchikage didn't do anything to you at all."

"What can he do to me?" Uchiha Ao said mockingly.

Kakuzu stepped forward and said, "What did you do to this old guy who seemed to leave so effortlessly?"

Uchiha's eyes lit up and he smiled.

"Tsuchikage does this because he naturally hopes that I will fight you to the death." Uchiha Qing smiled, Hidan rarely used his brain, so he naturally wouldn't think about such things (afaf), but Kakuzu was different.

Angle is a person who is very good at using his brain. Now at this time, Angle must be able to think that Tsuchikage intends to let Uchiha Ao leave.

"It's really this guy Tsuchikage." Kakuzu said: "He wants me and Hidan to be cannon fodder."

Uchiha Qing took a step forward and said: "I came here without losing almost any Chakra, what do you think?"

"Nonsense." Tsuchikage flew over and quickly came to Uchiha Ao.

At this moment, the surrounding Iwagakure ninjas appeared, and a trace of cold sweat broke out on Uchiha Ao's forehead. This was the worst result. Now Uchiha Ao not only has to deal with Hidan and Kakuzu, but also Tsuchikage and the others.

"Tsuchikage." Kakuzu snorted.

At this time, Tsuchikage quickly came to everyone.

"Are you from the Akatsuki organization?" Tsuchikage said disdainfully: "It seems you are here too."

"Stop pretending here. You knew we would stop Uchiha Qing, but you deliberately let him come. Do you want us to die in vain first?" Kakuzu said rudely.

Tsuchikage said: "It is indeed surprising that Uchiha Ao was able to escape from our encirclement, but it did not come without paying a price. You should know how fierce the battle was by looking at Kimimaro next to you."

Kakuzu turned his head and looked at the dying Kimimaro on the ground. Kimimaro was one of Uchiha Ao's closest confidants and was now lying on the ground.

"Tsuchikage, you are really good at making up stories. If you hadn't framed me, how could Kimimaro have blocked the knife for me?" Uchiha Ao stepped forward and said, "You seem to be familiar with Kakuzu and the others now. Do you want to get along with them?" Are they ganging up on me?"

Tsuchikage was nervous and quickly stepped forward and said: "I have nothing to discuss with the Akatsuki organization. Since you fall into my hands this time, I will catch you all.

"Catch them all in one fell swoop." After hearing this, Hidan became angry. After flicking Jujiro away from him, he attacked Tsuchikage with his weapon.

Several Iwagakure ninjas around Tsuchikage quickly stepped forward to protect Tsuchikage's safety.

"Presumptuous." Iwagakure's ninja shouted.

Now Uchiha Ao is surrounded by Iwagakure's ninjas, and he, Hidan, Kakuzu and others have been trapped inside.

"Want to kill us all together?" Uchiha Qing smiled slightly, Tsuchikage is really a cunning guy. At this time, he will never admit to cooperating with the Akatsuki organization.

"That's right." Tsuchikage said very firmly: "Uchiha Qing, if you fall into the hands of our Iwagakure today, don't even think about leaving alive. 11

Uchiha Ao frowned, Tsuchikage is entirely because Uchiha Ao is worried now, Kimimaro must be seriously injured, and now Uchiha Ao doesn't want to escape, but it is a troublesome thing. .

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