The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 61: The Immediately Triggered Ninja Beast Mission! (Seeking The First Order, The Ninth Updat



Deathly silence!

The players around were stunned for a few seconds before they realized it, and the eyes that fell on Li Qing could only be described as dull.

They couldn't even see how Li Qing fought, they just felt that the battle was over in the blink of an eye.

[Super God Alliance] It is very famous even in the world, and almost everyone knows it. The members of the trade union are composed of top-level players, and it is built by a world-class group with a lot of money. It can be said that this alliance players, standing At the forefront of the world.

And the alliance players with such strong strength lost within one move?

If you don't experience it yourself, I believe that no one will believe it, right?

Faintly closed 【Shinigami Breath】, Li Qing had a faint smile on his mouth from beginning to end, he glanced at Captain Tianba, turned and left.

13 Looking at Li Qing's leaving figure, Tian Ba's gaze was complicated, unwilling, and at the same time extremely shocked.

Who would have thought that the player 【Uchiha Qing】had already reached such a level after not seeing him for just a few days!?

"Uchiha Qing, if I don't beat you, I won't be called Tianba!"

In grief and anger, Tianba took out a long knife and killed himself, and sent himself back to the novice area. As a top player, he has always been proud, and he wants to imprint today's shame in his bones!

Li Qing, who didn't know about Tianba's behavior, or to be precise, didn't pay attention, was already heading for the destination with the A+ task scroll.

The task of A+ is very simple, that is to kill a group of rebels dormant in the outskirts of Konoha Village, task level: 120, task reward: 3000000 experience points, ninja certificate*12.

For Li Qing at this moment, completing this task is simply a piece of cake.

Arriving at the destination, before these rebels could open their mouths, a strong Chakra gathered in the throat, and a mouthful of Explosion Style: Explosive Fireball Technique killed all the rebels, and he also reached level 114 at this time.

Just as Li Qing was about to leave, a deafening roar of tigers resounded through the forest, and then several giant ninja beasts with bright fur that looked like steel needles rushed out and surrounded him.

Ninja Tiger Leader, Level 210 Ninja Beast, Lord Level BOSS!

Ninja Tiger Armor, Level 180 Ninja Beast, Elite Boss!

Ninja Tiger B, Level 180 Ninja Beast [Elite Boss!

Ninja Tiger C, Level 180 Ninja Beast, Elite Boss!

Ninja Tiger, Level 180 Ninja Beast, Elite Boss!

Seeing the ninja beast rushing out suddenly, Li Qing smiled slightly. He was thinking to see if there were any lord-level bosses around, but he didn't expect that he would send it to his door.

Compared with ninjas, although ninjas lack wisdom and powerful ninjutsu, they are stronger in blood volume and flexibility. These ninjas with more than 200 levels may not be so easy to deal with!

While he was thinking, a system announcement successfully swiped the screen of World Channel.

[World Channel] System Announcement: The player [Uchiha Qing] accidentally met the Ninja Beast Leader [Ninja Tiger Leader] outside Konoha Village (314,135). Gather, players are invited to strangle! Killing ninjas will give you quite a lot of experience points, and you can even capture these ninjas to sign a Summoning contract!

With the release of the system news, countless players were shocked and gathered at the coordinates.

But Li Qing, who saw the system announcement, was surprised. He never thought that he would be able to trigger the system announcement when he ran into a ninja beast?


Another roar of a tiger resounded through the forest, and I saw countless ninja beasts bursting out of the dense forest, including ninja monkeys, ninja turtles, ninja deer, ninja wolves, etc. They all have sharp fangs and hideous faces. Even animals like ninja deer and ninja turtles have been blackened, and their faces are quite terrifying.

Li Qing glanced over, there were at least ten thousand of these Ninja Beasts, and the number was still increasing rapidly!


Suddenly, another roar sounded, and the leader of the Ninja Tiger suddenly roared, and rushed to Li Qing at an extremely fast speed, and the sharp fangs covered his face!

It can be seen that this Ninja Tiger has learned some ninjutsu, not only the movements are standard, but also the angles are tricky. It looks ordinary, but in fact it blocks all the dodging angles of the target!

Before the paw could be struck, Li Qing felt suffocated for an instant, as if a mountain had fallen down.

Don't think about it at all, if it is hit by a claw, what kind of damage will it cause!

[Sharingan] is turned on, and a pair of clear eyes are instantly filled with scarlet jade. When [Sharingan] is turned on, all the movements of Ninja Tiger become extremely slow, as if everything is under his control, even The pressure that suppressed him from being out of breath just now disintegrated in an instant!


[Shinigami breath] With a sharp lift, a cold light illuminated the dim sky like day, and the scorching fire instantly raised the 200 temperature by several degrees.

Under the unstoppable sharp light of 【Shinigami Breath】, the sharp tiger claws instantly became as fragile as paper, and the fire attached to the blade also quickly climbed onto the fur of the leader of the ninja tiger, causing the leader of the ninja tiger to scream stand up!

A terrifying number popped out instantly, 50911!

Under the six times critical strike, a full 50,000 points of damage appeared, and it turned out that only a quarter of the blood volume of the ninja leader was destroyed!

The Ninja Tiger's attack was very fast, and the other claw had already slapped it fiercely. Li Qing, who had seen through the movement of the Ninja Tiger's leader, had been prepared for a long time. The moment the claw arrived, the whole person entered the state of [hydration]. A MISS came, and the attack of the Ninja Tiger leader was missed!

The angry ninja leader roared and charged at Li Qing again, while other elite ninjas also rushed at him!

A few ninja tigers formed an unavoidable pinch attack, and Ji Qing must be strangled here!

Facing the Ninja Tiger's attack, Li Qing didn't panic, the strong Chakra gathered in his throat, and shot out [Explosion Style: Explosive Fireball Technique] in an instant!


There was a deafening explosion, and several Ninja Tigers who came to kill them were instantly swallowed by the flames and turned into a vast amount of gold coins!.

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