The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 65: Violent Cleansing, Uchiha? (Second Update!)

[System Message]: The assassination ninjas sent by [Nara], [Yamanaka], [Akamichi] and other families have come to [Uchiha Mansion], have killed 1345 [Guardian Uchiha] players, and are running away! Who will stop them ?

[System Message]: The assassination ninjas sent by [Nara], [Yamanaka], [Akamichi] and other families have arrived at [Uchiha Mansion], and have killed 1534 [Guardian Uchiha] players, and they are running away! Who will stop them ?

[System news]: The assassination ninjas sent by [Nara], [Yamanaka], [Akamichi] and other families have come to [Uchiha Mansion], have killed 1678 [Guardian Uchiha] players, and are running away! Who will stop them ?

At this time, the system message came out, and it rang in the ears of every "823" [Guardian Uchiha] player. Seeing the number of dead companions, the players couldn't help but collapse.

At this moment, a player landed in front of the mansion, in front of several bloody ninjas, and said loudly: "I am [Uchiha Qing], all players follow my command! Since everyone has chosen [ Protect Uchiha】, then we will complete the mission together!"

The loud voice sounded, and those players whose confidence was a little bit defeated, when they heard the name [Uchiha Qing], they all couldn't help shaking their bodies [The confidence of the defeat has been indistinguishable in an instant.

"The players on the east side of the mansion, I call you team 1 now, your task is to guard against the Uchiha players who come in with [Transformation Technique]. It is to resist the attack of the player and the teammates of the cover team, the players in the north of the mansion, your task is..."

As the orders were issued one after another, the morale of the noisy players gradually stabilized.

In their minds, Uchiha Qing is a god-like existence, and only such a god can lead them to the final victory!

"Guard Uchiha!"

"Guard Uchiha!"

"Guard Uchiha!"

The players shouted loudly, with high spirits and high spirits! Then, they quickly executed it!

"Hmph, it's impossible for you players to win!"

A cynical voice sounded, [Ninja League], [Western Vatican], [Jiaolong Alliance] and other miscellaneous alliance union players all came to the scene, and launched an attack on the Uchiha clan!

The tasks these players received were to violently clean Uchiha.

According to the task prompt, as long as they convince more than three Konoha families, they can start the task of [Final Cleaning].

The extent of their violent cleansing will directly determine the future fate of the Uchiha clan.

"As long as I'm here, nothing is impossible...hehe."

Li Qing sneered, his eyes fixed on the thousands of players rushing forward, the scarlet Ergouyu Sharingan flashed a icy light, and the next moment, he rushed towards the four Chūnin BOSS, these Chūnin BOSS were the biggest Obstacles must be removed as soon as possible!

At the same time, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Fugaku and others rushed out of the mansion of Uchiha, and fought with the high-level NPCs of [Nara], [Yamanaka], [Akamichi] and other clans. This is how the plot mission begins!

In fact, if Li Qing hadn't changed the plot of Genocide Night, the difficulty of this plot mission for players who choose [Guard Uchiha] would be even more difficult!

"Shadow Binding!"

Suddenly, the Chunnin boss of the Nara tribe made a sudden move, and saw a shadow entangled towards Li Qing's body in an instant, at an extremely fast speed.

Facing Nara Chūnin's attack, Li Qing's mouth twitched into a faint sneer. [Sharingan] was spinning, and he could see Chūnin BOSS's movements very clearly. He easily avoided the moment of [Shadow Binding Technique], and [Shinigami] Breath] has already fallen from the sky, striking Nara Chūnin's forehead.

"Uchiha Flow: Sword Leap Flame!"

Under the six-fold critical strike, the Chūnin BOSS with more than 100,000 HP, dealt extremely high damage with one blow, and more than half of the HP was deducted!


"More than 60,000 points of damage!?"

"Damn it, this is too pervert!"

"My blood volume is only over 20,000, didn't I get killed by him with one move!?"

Seeing the terrifying numbers that popped out, the players of [Destroy Uchiha] were shocked, while the players of [Guard Uchiha] widened their eyes and became even more excited!

As soon as Li Qing made a move, a huge fist hit him from a distance. It turned out that Akamichi's Chūnin BOSS used the doubling technique! At the same time, amidst the buzzing of countless bugs, they turned into a cloud of bugs and surrounded him. And go....

Judging by this posture, he must be destroyed here!


An imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of Li Qing's mouth, a strong mouthful of Chakra gathered in his throat, and at the moment of his [Jie Yin], he spit it out from his throat.

Explosion Style: Fireball Technique!

The scorching fireball illuminated the dark night sky, and then, the sound of bomb explosions sounded like thunder, shocking the entire night sky.

Chūnin of Nara, Yamanaka, Akamichi, Aburame and other races were instantly sent flying, and figures of 40,000 to 50,000 came out one by one!

These Chūnin BOSS can still withstand, but the players can't resist the terrible damage at all...For a while, the surrounding players were swallowed by the explosive fireball, and then sent back to Novice Village 2.0!

"You killed 1434 players! You are already like a god!"

"You killed 3421 players! You are already like a god!"

"You killed 5676 players! You are already like a god!"

"You get 5675 points in total!"

When the explosion of the fireball gradually subsided, all the players around him except Chūnin BOSS were dead, and turned into gold coins everywhere.

"Shadow Binding!"

"Heart Turning Technique!"

Suddenly, a Yamanaka Chūnin boss hiding in a dark corner made a triangle gesture to Li Qing.

And the shadow that appeared out of nowhere has already domineeringly fixed Li Qing's body!

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