The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 77: The Sealed Book That Was Targeted! (Second Update!)

At this moment, many Konoha players who entered the forest have received follow-up tasks.

[System Message]: You have found [Uzumaki Naruto], but there are still a few characters guarding there, please defeat them with all players to get the [Sealed Book], task difficulty: SS, task level: level 0, task reward :【Multiple Shadow Clone Technique】, 5,000,000 experience points, 5,000,000 gold coins!

Seeing the rewards for this follow-up mission, many players were overwhelmed. Five million experience points are worth five million gold coins! That's right!

But when the players rushed in front of Uzumaki Naruto, they couldn't help being dumbfounded. The excited and excited expressions were like frost hitting an eggplant in an instant...

There is actually a player guarding [Uzumaki Naruto], and this player is called [Uchiha Qing]!

[Uchiha Qing], this god-like name, every plot mission and weekend mission is an existence that kills tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of enemies. It can be said that it is almost impossible to complete this task with him in charge.

The vanguard players froze there as if a basin of cold water had been poured on them, but the players who came later pushed the vanguard players to the front because they couldn't see the front... Poor Pioneer players, want to retreat but can't retreat, fight but definitely can't fight, can only watch helplessly as 293 is pushed by the flow of people.

“Explosion Style: Fireball Technique!”

Li Qing obviously didn't intend to soften his hands at all, a mouthful of strong Chakra gathered in his throat, and the next moment, he spat it out fiercely. The scorching and terrifying firelight carries the terrifying explosive power of Chakra... At the same time, the scorching firelight also raises the temperature and air a lot, players just feel like they are in a furnace.

Almost instantly, accompanied by a series of shrill screams, the lives of three or four thousand players were swallowed up into a vast amount of gold coins and equipment!

At this moment, the follow-up Konoha players noticed that it was Uchiha who protected Uzumaki Naruto!

Seeing those four simple words, almost everyone took a breath, and at the same time, they were so angry that they started to itch!

Nima, why is there such a kid somewhere!?

Among the crowd, players such as [Super God Alliance], [Ninja League], and [Western Holy See] learned that Uchiha Qing was present, and fell into silence and (bdci) helplessness with bitter faces. Originally, when they started the mission, they thought they could take this opportunity to make a fortune, but who would have thought...

"I'll take care of Naruto, if you're sensible, leave now!" Li Qing clasped her hands on her chest with an impatient expression on her face.

Sha Mei who was at the side saw Li Qing's arrogance, and then looked at the expressions of the surrounding players as if they had eaten flies, covered her mouth and giggled.

And Iruka secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and worriedly looked at Uzumaki Naruto who was still learning 【Multiple Shadow Clone Technique】.

As NPCs, they actually have complex emotions like humans, and they have already accepted the setting of players in their minds.

Hearing Li Qing's words, the players were not reconciled, but they had no choice but to turn around and leave one by one. It was very hurt to be hung back to Novice Village once. If you are lucky, you just drop some gold coins. The good equipment and levels have all dropped, and they don't want to lose the hard-won levels and equipment like this.

"Hey, Uchiha Qing is here, let's go back..."

"We should brush up the favorability of Uzumaki Naruto earlier, otherwise the task we started might be to protect Naruto..

"Tch, do you think we didn't brush Naruto's favorability...For some reason, Naruto's favorability dropped as soon as we opened our mouths, and I turned my head and ran away in fright.

"I really don't know how Uchiha Qing got the favorability, he is too perverted, the game is almost unplayable..."

"Yeah, I can't play anymore..."

The players talked a lot and left in despair.

However, there are still some unwilling players around, unwilling to leave.

"Why, aren't you going to leave?" Li Qing stared into the distance with scarlet eyes, and immediately scared the unwilling players to turn around and leave. Soon, only a few elite players from the trade union alliance remained in the crowded dense forest.

[Ninja League], [Super God Alliance], [Western Holy See], [Holy See Alliance] and other elite players looked at each other, and then rushed towards Li Qing together!

As the top elite players of various trade union alliances, they are unwilling to be left behind. Although they are defeated by Uchiha Qing every time, they are like Xiaoqiang from Immune to Death. Even if they fail, they must be fearless. Fear to fight!

"So annoying..."

Li Qing pursed her lips, held [Shinigami Breath] in her palm, and rushed towards dozens of elite players.

Under the rapid rotation of the scarlet Gouyu [Sharingan], the movements of the elite players are so slow and dull...

Accompanied by numbers one after another, the elite players were hit in the chest without even splashing a little water, stabbed to death, and turned into a vast amount of gold coins and equipment! Once again, these so-called elite players Players, have you experienced what it means to be powerful and what it means to be desperate...

United States, East.


"The game is unplayable!"

Several muscular white-skinned men who had just been sent back to Novice Village angrily threw their online game helmets to the ground, their faces full of anger.

Thinking of Uchiha Ao's arrogant face and their incompetence...they became even more angry, and even smashed the wooden board beside them with a bang.

"Yes, the game is unplayable... Uchiha is too strong."

Another white-skinned American player smashed his online gaming helmet to pieces.

Thinking that these players are all carefully selected existences, are they not even as good as a little Uchiha Qing?

"Don't worry, it's just a little Uchiha, under the super technology of our country, everything is scum." At this moment, a broken Chinese came, and several scientists in white coats He held a thumb-sized chip in his hand and handed it to the white-skinned player. .

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