The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 80: Ninja Graduation Exam For Hundreds Of Millions Of Players! (Fifth Update!)

Although there was no hint in the announcement, Li Qing, who is familiar with the original work, immediately thought of Ninja Academy! Only the teachers of Ninja Academy can start the graduation exam!

Of course, there are also some smart players who rushed to the Ninja Academy. In just a quarter of an hour, the small Ninja Academy was crowded with players. However, after the players tried to communicate with the teachers of the Ninja Academy, Just dumbfounded.

Apart from saying to them: Ah, what a young and promising young man, why not join our Ninja Academy, there is no other hint, let alone start a mission!

Your sister! Where can I start the mission?

The players were sweating profusely, looking for all the possibilities while making complaints...

Seeing the players in a hurry, Li Qing smiled. He estimated that if he wanted to open the weekend mission, he probably had to gain friendship with the teachers of the Ninja Academy.

As for the favorability, he wasn't worried... because he and 13 Iruka's favorability had already been enough that day.

"Uchiha Qing, are you here to take the graduation exam?" Sure enough, as soon as he entered the door, Iruka, who was leisurely looking at the scenery on the second floor, greeted Li Qing from a distance

"As long as you pass the graduation exam, you can become a qualified Genin, but if you want to take the exam, you need to register... Come up, I will take you there!"

Hearing Iruka's words, the players who had been shut down a lot by the teachers of the academy immediately vomited blood. Especially seeing that the player who received such treatment from the NPC turned out to be the super god player Uchiha Qing, they can only describe it as a five-body cast!

"God-tier, I kneel down for you!"

"God-tier, what's going on? How can I start the mission? Ask for advice!"

"God-tier, tell me how to start the mission, I, I will warm your bed at night!"

"Damn, you didn't even look at your looks just now, you actually wanted to seduce our Uchiha green god-tier..."

Players came rushing in like a tide, all wanting to know how to start the mission... It's a pity that Li Qing is not enthusiastic about "fans", and instantly activated the second seduction [Sharingan], under the scarlet pupils, surrounded by The players around him only felt their heads faint, and then their bodies fell over uncontrollably.

The crowd dispersed quickly, and Li Qing walked up to the second floor with ease.

"Uchiha Qing, come with me!" Iruka brought Li Qing into the teaching office with a smile, and then helped him fill out a form for taking the graduation exam, and then he got a thing similar to the previous college entrance examination certificate. The location of the graduation exam is written.

"Take this test certificate and go to the place to take the test!" Iruka ordered, and at the same time patted Li Qing's shoulder heavily: "Naruto has already obtained the Genin forehead protector, I believe you can too... ..."

Seeing Iruka like this, Li Qing can now be sure of one thing, that is, every time a mission is released, the memory of the NPC mission will be deleted or hidden...... Otherwise, Iruka would not say the following In a word.

Then I heard Iruka babbled for a long time, such as what to pay attention to in the exam, what to beware of, what not to be careless, etc. Answering the questions with a pencil, Li Qing was finally relieved, and walked out of Ninja Academy with the admission ticket...

[World Channel] System Announcement: Players [Uchiha Qing] and [Mizunazuki Reime] have obtained the [Examination Admittance Ticket] required for the [Graduation Exam], and they will be the first players to start the [Graduation Exam] task. Please Everyone is working hard, players who have not started the task by 8:00 in the evening will lose the qualification to become 【Genin】 this time. (Note: The version is updated. Players who have become Genin before will be deprived of Genin qualifications if they cannot start this mission or fail the graduation exam!)

The players who were still gathered at the Ninja Academy, trying various methods to start the mission, and anxiously wandering around, saw the announcement information, and saw Li Qing who came down from the stairs with an admission ticket in his hand, all of them showed envy At the same time, they also became curious, [Mizunazuki Reime], which player is this? He is actually tied for the first place with [Uchiha Qing]!

But obviously, this is not the time for them to think about this matter, "Nimma, how can I start the graduation exam task!"

Not only Konoha players participated in the graduation exam, but at the same time, players from hidden villages such as Mist Shinobi, Rock Shinobi, Sand Shinobi, and Cloud Shinobi also poured into Ninja Academy to try to start their own graduation exam tasks.

They are used to the player [Uchiha Qing] swiping the screen again, but this [Mizunatsuki Lingmoe] that appeared out of nowhere surprised them a bit.

Could it be that Uchiha Qing, who has always been invincible, has finally bumped into an equal opponent?

"Waterless Moon Spirit Meng? Waterless Moon Clan?" Seeing the announcement of 890, Li Qing frowned, and at the same time showed a surging fighting spirit in his eyes: "It seems that someone is also moving very fast... .

At the same time, Kirigakure, Minazuki Reime who originally thought he could get the first place, showed a surprised expression: "Uchiha Qing, actually tied for the first place with me? Interesting......" As As one of the game developers, it can be said that she knows everything about this Hokage world, but now she only got the first place? This makes her feel a little unwilling!

There is still a long time before the start of the exam. Some smart players among the players finally found a way to start the mission, and quickly raised the favorability of the teachers of the Ninja Academy. When the favorability reached 60, it finally started smoothly. task, and got the 【Admittance Ticket】to take the graduation exam.

In the beginning, there were only a few players who got the [Admission Ticket], but the numbers snowballed later on, and in the end, tens of millions of players got the [Admission Ticket]!

And these tens of millions of players will be eligible to participate in the [Graduation Examination], just like the [College Entrance Examination] in China in the previous life, where a mighty million-strong army crosses the single-plank bridge, and only a few of them can be admitted to one or two universities!

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