The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 83: The Battle With Itachi! (Third Update!)

"Hey, okay! I'm going, Brother Qing, you have to be careful!"

Sasuke, who was ignored at first, was very happy when he heard this, and suddenly showed an excited smile.

He took out a Kunai from his waist and rushed towards Li Qing quickly.

Uchiha Sasuke, level 165 Genin, god level BO~SS!

Seeing Sasuke's level, Li Qing couldn't help but feel a little depressed. Once this version was updated, Sasuke, who had no level before, ran ahead of him... And this god-level boss, I think it also shows that Sasuke is -Ninjutsu potential.

While he was thinking, Sasuke's Kunai stabbed at him very quickly.


Li Qing looked at the serious look on Sasuke's small face, smiled slightly, and lifted Kunai's hand slightly, only to hear the sound of metal collisions, and in the dazzling golden light, the two Kunai collided heavily.

The next moment, Sasuke kicked Li Qing's face in the air with the force of the shock, and Li Qing raised his hand to block his flying kick.


Sasuke's flying kick was full of strength, but it was completely invisible to Li Qing, and it only shook Li Qing's body. Just when Sasuke was about to launch a second attack, the risk suddenly turned into a bubble and exploded.

"Clone Technique!?" Sasuke frowned, and immediately denied himself: "No, it's Shadow Clone Technique! Clone Technique has no attack power...."

He looked around, looking for Li Qing's figure.

Uchiha Itachi on the side shook his head with a smile. I haven’t seen Uchiha Qing’s skills and strength in the past few days. It’s true that Uchiha Ao’s skills and strength have improved a lot. Don’t look at being beaten now. In fact, he has been letting Sasuke

If he tried to make a move, Sasuke would be defeated in an instant.

"I'm here!"

Suddenly, a icy light appeared in front of Sasuke's neck without warning, and Li Qing, who appeared silently behind Sasuke, was like a judge who pronounced the sentence coldly, announcing the result of this match destined to crush the game.

"Brother Qing is so powerful, I am not your opponent at all..." Sasuke retracted the dagger, regret appeared on his face, but there was no other unnecessary expression, and his tone was unprecedentedly firm: "But next time, I will It may not be your opponent!"

"Hey, I'm looking forward to it!" Li Qing smiled and touched Sasuke's head, Sasuke reluctantly pushed away his right hand, pointed to the ninja forehead protector on his finger, and pouted: "I'm a I'm a Genin who can stand on my own, I've grown up, you are not allowed to touch my head casually, brother Qing, others say I am not tall."

These words instantly amused Itachi and Li Qing.

I have to say that compared to the original work, Uchiha Sasuke, who did not experience the night of genocide, is much more cheerful and sunny.

"Qing, let me see how strong you are now." Suddenly, Uchiha Itachi's eyes fell on Li Qing, and a deep curiosity flickered in his eyes.

Since Itachi did not experience the Genocide Night at this time, and his beloved Uchiha Shisui did not die, so his eyes are still Three Tomoe Sharingan.


System message: Automatically trigger Uchiha's main task [Uchiha Itachi's Discussion], do you accept it?

Mission details: Uchiha Itachi hasn't seen you for a few days. After seeing the skills you showed in the sparring with Uchiha Sasuke, I couldn't help being curious and want to invite you to spar with him.

Task Difficulty: SSSS.

Mission reward: [Ninjutsu Guidance Handbook], 5,000,000 experience points!


Li Qing smiled lightly. This is to compete with Uchiha Itachi, and you can also get experience and guidance letters, fools will not accept it.


Accepted the main quest, Uchiha Itachi's sparring.

"Well, please!"

Uchiha Itachi smiled lightly, walked out of the practice room, and came to an open place. At this time, many Uchiha people who practiced Qigong noticed this place and gathered here one after another.

"Uh, which one do you want to cheer's better to cheer for both of them!" Seeing the two people gradually walking into the field, Uchiha Sasuke hesitated a little in his heart, and then waved his hands: "Both Come on brother!"

...asking for flowers......

As soon as Sasuke's oily words fell, Uchiha Itachi's scarlet eyes suddenly lit up, and the three hook jade [Sharingan] spun at an extremely fast speed. The next moment, Uchiha Itachi took out a short blade from his waist and took the lead to Li Qing went on the offensive.

Uchiha Itachi, level 789 Jōnin, god level BOSS!

Li Qing's scarlet Ergouyu [Sharingan] spun rapidly, and it was only a few levels away from reaching Kage-level. It seems that the level and strength of Uchiha Itachi's version is pervert's high!

There was also an expression of concentration in his lazy eyes that had never been seen before!

Although I know that Itachi is not doing his best, but when dealing with enemies, he must be focused and serious. This is a necessary quality for an elite player!


Itachi's speed is very fast, the ninja sword slashed towards Li Qing's waist almost in the next second, it was so fast that people couldn't react, even if Li Qing turned on [Sharingan] at this time, he still found it difficult to catch!

It's also fortunate that Itachi didn't do it with all his strength, otherwise he would be chopped into meat sauce at this moment!?

Is this the strength of the Jōnin Elite?

While Li Qing was shocked, his body movements were not slow at all. The moment the ninja knife was about to hit his body, his whole body entered the state of [hydration], and the ninja knife whizzing past him immediately struck out. Got a MISS!


Uchiha Itachi was very satisfied with Li Qing's ability to respond, and nodded with a smile, but his movements never stopped. The ninja sword he cut was suddenly covered with a layer of intense flames!

At his level of strength, Fire Style Chakra has been used casually, and Nature Transformation is simply trivial.

Li Qing in the [Hydration] state, although able to defend against physical attacks, but unable to defend against the flames. Seeing the flames coming, Li Qing's brain spun rapidly, and one hand was hidden in the cuff Print] get up.

The moment the ninja sword with flames came to attack, Li Qing's whole body became a piece of [substitute wood], but his real self appeared behind Itachi, volleying the corporal!.

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