The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 87: Top Of The List, Kakashi Arrives? (Second Update!)

"Uchiha Qing, you are the first one to pass the exam, congratulations!" Namikaze Minato said and walked towards Li Qing, "Genin who has successfully graduated will be assigned to different teams according to his performance in the exam. Register in this [Genin Registration Form] first, and you will be an official [Genin] member in the future."

"Okay!" Li Qing nodded heavily, handed the Genin certificate to Namikaze Minato and started writing.

At this time, players from all over the world have also defeated the examiners and passed the graduation assessment one after another, but they did not have Namikaze Minato personally greeted this treatment, registered and recorded with the teacher one by one.

At the same time, a test score list of the results of the three exams was born, all players can see this test score list, only players with test scores in the top 500 can see their names on the list!

As soon as the score list came out, almost all the players clicked in curiously.

The one who bears the brunt is naturally the first place on the test score list, which is displayed in particularly large characters.

The first player is none other than Uchiha Qing! With a full score of 600, he scored 480 to 599 points and ranked first!

The second place is the player Minazuki Reime, who scored 590 points!

The third place is [Super God Alliance] Tianba, who got 555 points!

The fourth place is [China Dragon Alliance] Lin Jiachen, who scored 510 points!

The difference in scores in the latter part is relatively small, almost a difference of one point in the test score can lead to dozens of hundreds of doctors!

You can post a message on the test score list, and left a lot of messages almost instantly.

"Peanuts and fruits are sold in the front row..."

"Uchiha Ao god-tier, 6 to fly!"

"When will I be able to dominate the crowd like Uchiha Qing? Hey......"

"I really want to give birth to monkeys for Uchiha Qing god-tier, but if you don't want to, it's actually a pig...

"I saw my name on the list, at number 500, ahahaha so happy! Don't you guys know? I've always been a fan of Uchiha Ao god-tier!"

Silently closing the test score list, Li Qing (bdah) smiled faintly. In fact, such a result was already within his expectation, but what made him curious was

Who is this sudden appearance of Mizunazuki Lingmeng, who has been biting behind him since the first round of weekend missions.


Is it a top player of a world consortium?

While he was thinking, players all over the world suddenly heard the sound of a system prompt in their ears.

"For players who have successfully passed the graduation assessment and obtained the Genin forehead protector, the system will automatically divide you into classes according to your performance. Please be prepared...Genins who have successfully graduated will generally be led by the team leader Jōnin Tasks, when players pass the Chūnin exam from Genin and become Chūnin, they can lead the team to become the captain to perform tasks. Generally speaking, the number of teams does not exceed four, and the tasks that can be performed will also increase due to the increase in the number of people and the cooperation between each other. increase the success rate."

"For players who have not passed, don't be discouraged. The graduation exam will be held twice a month. Players can go to the ninja school in their respective hidden villages to sign up. As long as they pass the graduation exam, they will be able to successfully become Genin and be assigned to task classes. middle."

As soon as the reminder sounded, the players who passed through only felt a flash in front of their eyes, and the scene changed instantly. Then, they were teleported to a place of green grass, where a Jōnin was waiting for them.

Li Qing was also teleported over, and there were two other players with him.

One is Lin Jiachen, the captain of [Huaxia Shenlong Alliance], and the other is actually Cheng Mengmeng, a member of [Huaxia Alliance] who once thanked Li Qing, who donated money to children in impoverished mountainous areas, and is known as a goddess player!


Seeing the two old friends, Li Qing's mouth instantly burst into a smile. Being able to perform missions with them is a good destination, right? Originally, he thought that he could perform missions with anime characters.

"Huh? Isn't this Uchiha Qing god-tier?" Lin Jiachen noticed Li Qing at this moment, and couldn't help but widen his eyes, asking in surprise.

Cheng Mengmeng on the side blinked her beautiful big eyes, lowered her head and blushed without speaking. The last time she had a big embarrassment in front of Li Qing, she fainted out of embarrassment, feeling that she could no longer see people. Now she is actually in a group with Li Qing, her heart can only be described as a deer bump...

"Lin Jiachen, it's actually you..." Li Qing laughed, and patted the old buddy on the shoulder.

"I've been looking for you all the time, but it's a pity that you come and go without a trace. It's really hard to find... Now you can't run away even if you want to!" Lin Jiachen laughed heartily: "Yes Alright, Uchihaqing god-tier, can you give me an autograph? Your fans are all over the world, so if you come over with your autograph, you will be able to sell it for a good price! Also, Cheng Mengmeng, what’s wrong with you, your face is so red , it's not because of Uchiha Ao..."

"That, this..." Cheng Mengmeng's face was quite red, but when she heard Lin Jiachen's ridicule, she sneaked a glance at Li Qing, this lovely girl was tragic again, and fainted from embarrassment. …………

Li Qing was speechless towards Cheng Mengmeng, and hurried forward to hug her in her arms.

"Ah, let me introduce myself. My name is Kakashi. From now on, I will be your team leader Jōnin. You have to listen to me, but before that, you must pass my exam."

At this time, a figure suddenly jumped down and appeared in front of the two of them. It was Naruto and Sasuke's teacher Kakashi in the original book, wearing a mask that covered half of his face, and he looked lazy and relaxed from beginning to end.

With two bells dangling in his hand, his tone was full of playfulness: "Originally your Jōnin was called Yamada, but it's a pity that Yamada died suddenly during the mission, so I can only lead your eleventh class. .... Naruto, Sasuke, and little Sakura are also your partners."

"As long as you get the bell, you will pass my exam successfully. If you don't get it, then I'm sorry... I can only send you back to the Ninja Academy and wait for graduation next year."

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