The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 98: Fighting Against Gm! (Third Update!)

While Li Qing was thinking, dozens of warriors rushed over with a sneer, very fast.

"Wow!" Yila's eyes showed horror, and at this moment his mother rushed out and hugged him tightly: "Yina, don't be afraid, there is a mother..."

"Inari, auntie, don't worry, leave these samurai to us!" Uzumaki Naruto smiled and patted his chest with confidence: "After all, we are ninjas...

After finishing speaking, Naruto was about to use ninjutsu to show off Kamui, but Li Qing's voice came from behind: "Hey, Naruto, your movements are really slow..."

Naruto turned his head and looked, his eyes widened in an instant, and he saw the dozens of warriors rushing in, lying crookedly on the ground one by one, howling in pain, completely different from the arrogant and domineering appearance just now.

Of course, what he saw were warriors howling, but in Li Qing's eyes, it was gold coins and equipment all over the place.

"Uh... your, your speed is so fast."

Uzumaki Naruto looked at Li Qing like a monster, and thought to himself: Is this guy really Genin?

"There are warriors here, I believe Dazna's side is also in danger, let's hurry there!" Li Qing pretended to be in a hurry and said. Hearing this, Naruto recovered from the shock and nodded repeatedly.

The Broken Bridge built by Dazna is not far from here, and the two quickly arrived at the Broken Bridge.

Sure enough, just like the original book, when Naruto arrived, Uchiha Sasuke and Kakashi had already fallen into a bitter fight with Mizumusuebai and Zabuzhan respectively. The only difference is that this time Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng faced each other. It is the shadow of the water without the moon.

The next scene, of course, is Naruto's handsome appearance, with that flamboyant line: "The protagonist is usually the last one to board, Uzumaki Naruto, come on!"

And his special appearance made Zabuzhan, Shuiwuyuebai and others laugh out loud, even Lin Jiachen, Cheng Mengmeng and others covered their mouths and laughed. As for the little Sakura and Sasuke, their faces were red, and they put on a posture that I didn't know who they were at all.

But when Li Qing slowly appeared, Zai Bu Zhan, Shui Wu Yue Bai and the others couldn't laugh anymore, but restrained their smiles.

Although Zai Bu Zhan has never met Li Qing, he has heard comments about Li Qing from Bai, and knows that this guy is the second strongest player in the team, and he has the Blood Successor Limit Sharingan

Not to mention Minazuki Reime, she had heard about Uchiha Qing from the online game development center a long time ago, and knew that this guy was the best player among countless players, and his strength was very strong.

"Looks like we came just in time."

Li Qing smiled faintly, and glanced at the audience.

Although he is a Genin now, all eyes are on him.

"Leave the older ones to me, and the younger ones to you!" At this moment, Naruto leaned over to Li Qing, pointing at Shui Mu Yue Ling Moe and Shui Mu Yue Bai.

Obviously, the older one is Lingmeng, and the younger one is Baibai.

Minazuki Lingmeng in the distance heard this, her face turned red with anger, and she rushed towards Naruto with a kunai in her hand: "What kind of eyes do you have, you dare to say that I am old!?

She cares most about her age.

The speed of Mizunazuki Lingmeng is too fast, the speed of travel is like a flash of lightning, the whole body exudes a faint coldness, wherever it passes, the temperature drops suddenly, and the air freezes and cracks!

At this time, Naruto had no idea that he had caused a catastrophe, and when he saw Minazuki Reime's attack, Minazuki Reime's Kunai had already hit his face.

Seeing that Kunai was about to penetrate Uzumaki Naruto's chest, he saw that Uzumaki Naruto entered the state of [hydration] at this moment, and even avoided her attack. Shows ten MISS!

At this time, Minazuki Lingmoe realized that she had been deceived. Naruto, who had entered the hydration state, froze into an ice sculpture in an instant, and then, the ice sculpture shattered into flying fragments. Countless flying fragments exploded in an instant Became her weapon, galloping away in all directions.

...ask for flowers...

Accompanied by bursts of screams, five clones of Six Paths Uzumaki Naruto were shattered into foam explosions.


Seeing this scene, Minazuki frowned, and looked for the figure of Uchiha Qing, but couldn't find it at all... And just at this moment, two Uzumaki Naruto, one on the left and one on the right, rushed over .

At this time, Reime Minadutsu's attention was all on searching for Uchiha Ao's trail, and she didn't care about the attack of a trash like Uzumaki Naruto at all, she just waved it with Kunai

One of Uzumaki Naruto's avatars shattered under the sharp light of Kunai, while the other Uzumaki Naruto's avatar changed back to Uchiha Qing's appearance at the moment when Kunai hit, and sprayed out a mouthful of explosive bombs.


"Bomb, Fireball Technique!"

The attack was so sudden, who would have thought that Uchiha Qing would use the Transformation Technique to become a clone of Naruto? And at such a close range, Shui Wuyou Lingmeng didn't even have time to react.

The flame bomb full of explosive power carried the explosive power of the thunder attribute Chakra, and it exploded fiercely in the next moment.

"Ice Escape: Ice Prison Technique!"

Minazuki Lingmoe is a game developer after all, and she has received special training. She made the most correct choice in an instant, and saw her hands very quickly [Jie Yin] an abnormally strong ice prison instantly crushed her. Inside the protection, the ruthless raging flames instantly engulfed the ice prison, and the hard ice on the surface of the ice prison was also rapidly melting and shattering. It can be clearly seen that the gaps formed on the ice cube...

The figure of 50,000 to 60,000 jumped out, the blood bar of the ice prison instantly went dark, and the ice prison shattered...

The Minazuki Lingmoe who was hiding in it showed more than 4,000 points of damage on his head, and then he was sent flying, and slid several meters away! Several pieces of his sparse clothes were torn, revealing a A little bit of spring, and how embarrassing it looks like that, there are so many embarrassing people!.

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