Less than two minutes after Yuki Rito entered the classroom after Haruna in Nishirenji Temple, the balding elderly homeroom teacher walked in with the sound of the class bell, his eyes scanned the classroom, and he smiled slightly when he saw Yuki Rito who did come to class on time after taking leave, and then said.

“Today the school conducts surprise quizzes, exams in Chinese, English, mathematics in the morning, and physical chemistry and other subjects in the afternoon.”

The head teacher’s abrupt words are like a bomb, not only the students in the class, but also a little blinded by the city Lidou, what luck, just came back from leave to have an exam, if it is an ordinary student, I am afraid that it will not collapse directly.

“How so?!”

“Explosion, I didn’t review at all, I almost forgot what I learned before!”

“With so many exams in one day, time is too urgent, right?!”

Hearing the whispers coming from the classroom, as well as the words that deliberately raised the volume in protest, the head teacher patted the lecture table, signaled everyone to be quiet, and then said slowly in that somewhat old voice.

“The questions are a little difficult, but it is not the amount of questions like the normal test paper, so there will be plenty of time, everyone does not need to worry, try to think, this exam is just to see everyone’s level, soon after there is a city-level cultural competition, in this test results excellent, will be qualified, if you can achieve good results for the school, in addition to the honors given by the city, the school has other awards.”

After all, he was old, and he was a little tired of saying a long series of words at once, and the head teacher paused for a while, waiting for his students to digest what he said, and continued to speak.

“Although there are many high schools in the city, but the ones who can really become the opponents of our Cainan High School, but only Toyonosaki Gakuen and Sobu High School, the students don’t have to be too nervous, want to give up the reward deliberately to avoid participating in the competition or something, as long as you have the strength to do well, there will be no shame in the competition, in addition, the travel expenses, food and accommodation expenses of the participants this time are all paid by the school.”

In the end, the head teacher glanced at Yuki Ridou, and he was indeed a little afraid that Yuki Rito deliberately failed the exam, leaving the school with one less competitive player.

After the class teacher finished speaking, he directly announced the start of the quiz, and although the students had various thoughts, they could only bury their heads in answering the questions for a while.

Well, it is worthy of the test to select the participants in the competition, there are no sub-questions at all, all of them are rare to die, almost all the students frown and meditate.

But Yuki Rito is different, he originally had a good foundation, and he was a person in two lifetimes, the teaching of high school in his previous life was a little deeper than what Neon High School normally taught, plus the improvement of combat power after not forgetting, Yuki Rito learned a lot of things with this, and now it is easy to complete these quizzes.

This special test is not a separate time for separate subjects, but a one-time distribution of all the papers of the three subjects to be taken in the morning, and perhaps it is still testing the answering time.

Yuki Rito didn’t think about hiding his humble, it was enough to think about ruling the earth or something because he reached the Sengoku high-level, and if he thought about hiding his humble to the extent that even an ordinary person could achieve, it would be a little stupid.

Yuki Rito hopes to be the only male protagonist, not a passerby.

Originally, the exam time of more than three hours, Yuki Rito only took one hour to complete, this is still under his extremely serious and careful situation.

Then there were two hours left, Yuki Rito tried not to make any big moves, becoming a guy who influenced others, and he secretly used [Fire Eye Golden Eye] and stared at the test paper.

Of course, I didn’t see the answer, these are completely two different fields, Yuki Rito is just bored, I want to try to see if I can be like the Marquis of Vauban, extend the power to other abilities according to his own will, not with [Fire Eye Golden Eye] to see the answer to the question or something, but to find the enemy’s weakness and other things.

The biggest role of the golden sword is to slash the godhead, followed by the sealing power.

But in addition to gods, there will be enemies of various races in the future, such as Cheetos, and youkai, there is absolutely no godhead, there is no theory of splitting the godhead, as for whether it can seal special abilities, you must also try.

And for the time being, the [Fire Eye Golden Eye] that can only see through the ability and improve his eyesight must also make changes, and others such as [Wind], [Thunder], [King Kong Not Bad Body], but there is no need to make any changes.

But in a short period of time, of course, Yuki Rito did not study anything, but instead he had worked hard before, which was in staring at the test paper in a daze now, and let the head teacher of the invigilator come over.

The head teacher naturally did not ask, which was a disturbing to Yuki Rito, who might be meditating, and to other students who were also very distressed, and he stood behind Yuki Rito and looked at the test paper without looking at it.

After all, it was a test question from the school, and the head teacher knew most of the answers to the math he taught, and he was surprised to find that Yuki Rito answered them correctly.

Seeing that Yuki Rito was really in a daze, rather than thinking about the answer to the difficult problem, the head teacher stretched out his hand and turned over the math test paper that Yuki Rito spread on the table, and as expected, he also finished writing, and it was all right.

Looking at the three test papers, the head teacher of the other subjects did not know the answer, but he could also see that some of the questions that were not too difficult were written correctly, and he was silent for a while, looking at Yuki Rito Doo.

“Since you have already answered and checked, don’t sit and waste time, I’ll give you a holiday, and then whether it’s exercising in a place like the school playground, or going home, I will tell the school doorman, they won’t stop you, as long as you come back in time for the exam in the afternoon.”

Other students have envy written on their faces, isn’t this equivalent to taking a small vacation?

But envy to envy, can’t learn, answering three test papers in an hour is not a normal person can do, look at the head teacher just looked carefully, Yuki Ridou should be extremely correct, this is the world of Xueba, understand can’t.

Of course, Yuki Rito would not refuse, and he left the classroom with the prepared bento.

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