The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

: 67. Train your people

After Zhao Jinge had a lot of trouble, Jiang Zhen had a feeling of satisfaction. He touched Zhao Jinge’s body over and over again, and Zhao Jinge broke into his arms, so that the two bodies were tightly attached. together. One want n book shu·

Zhao Jinge did not refuse at first, but after being shackled for a while, he still couldn’t help but push Jiang Zhen: "It’s too hot."

Now that the weather is getting hotter and hotter, the scorpion on the bed has been replaced with a straw mat. In this case, it is a tossing person to sleep together!

"Get used to it..." Jiang Zhen is actually a bit hot, but he just likes to glare at Zhao Jinge. He really doesn't want to let people go...

Is it customary for the two people to have contact with sweat?

However, Jiang Zhen is so small, he refused, is it not good?

Zhao Jinge is tangled, Jiang Zhen suddenly pressed on him, and kissed him for a while, then let him go: "Well, I am not pestering you, go to bed early."

Jiang Zhen wanted to be close to Zhao Jinge, but he also knew that the two people had been together. Zhao Jinge definitely did not sleep well and gave up the plan.

In the past few days, Zhao Jinge followed him every day and was tired.

Jiang Zhenping was lying next to Zhao Jinge. He didn't entangle Zhao Jinge again. This time Zhao Jinge was much cooler, but somehow, some inexplicably lost.

Just then, Jiang Zhen suddenly reached out and took his hand.

Zhao Jinge took the hand back, even if the palm of his hand was full of sweat, he did not let go.

These days, Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge slept early, and early in the morning, but Zhao Liu and Zhao Fugui, who were younger and younger, still started earlier than them.

When the two walked out of the door, Zhao Liu was already cooking porridge, and Zhao Fugui was feeding pigs to clean the pigsty. Just a few days ago, Zhao Fugui bought two piglets and planned to raise the New Year. One killed and one sold.

Pig raising is dirty, but Zhao Fugui is very serious and very satisfied.

This is my own pig, it is for the family! As long as he thinks this way, Zhao Fugui will be full of strength. Before Jiang Zhen wanted him to find someone to help him work hard, he was not happy.

Older people have something to do, and they can make their bodies more healthy... Jiang Zhen is so pondered, he does not insist on not letting Zhao Fugui and Zhao Liu work, just bring some meat to the house every day, let them eat Better.

In the modern phase, Zhao Fugui, Zhao Liu, who is in his fifties, is careful to eat three greasy, but this time is not necessary.

In this year, everyone is cooking vegetables, and the fat content of pork is much worse than that of later generations.

In modern times, a lot of chicken and duck skins are under the oil. Jiang Zhen has a comrade-in-arms wife who eats chicken or duck. It’s all about peeling the skin. At this time... find a chicken in the chicken belly. Oil, that can make people happy for a long time.

It was just dawning, and it was too early to go out. Jiang Zhen found out the sand table he had made, and then taught Zhao Jinge to read the word.

He read the enlightenment book at this time, and then found out what "the heavens and the earth is red and the universe is wild". Many people can't understand and can't explain it. Then he threw the book away. He only taught Zhao Jinge from 1234, and taught him by the way. count.

In Jiang Zhen’s opinion, it’s just as important to count and recognize words. It’s not clear that there was a show in the last time and he bought a few things. He couldn’t help it.

Zhao Jinge is very old, learning things is not as fast as a child, but he is more serious than a child, so the speed of literacy is not slow, but in seven or eight days, he has already made seven or eighty simple words.

"Jiang Zhen... How do you write?" Zhao Jinge suddenly asked.壹Reading book·1kanshu·

Jiang Zhenyi.

He taught Zhao Jinge to recognize the words. It was taught step by step. Because of the many traditional characters, he did not know. While teaching Zhao Jinge, he had to learn by himself, so that he forgot to teach Zhao Jinge to write the names of both of them.

As a result, Zhao Jinge offered to learn to write his name.

Jiang Zhen smiled and took out a blank sheet from the side, and wrote the words "Jiang Zhen" on it. He wrote the correct body, which is also a simplified Chinese character.

After Jiang Zhen finished writing, he found that he was not paying attention to it. He wanted to write it again, but he thought about it for a while, but gave up the plan.

He intends to learn traditional characters, Zhao Jinge also wants to learn traditional characters, but only his name, even if Zhao Jinge writes simplified, it does not matter.

Jiang Zhen, who is a simplified person in itself, is also slightly different from the traditional ones.

"This is my name." Jiang Zhen gave Zhao Jinge the paper on his hand, and then wrote it on the sand table several times to Zhao Jinge.

Zhao Jinge just took a stroke and wrote the word "Jiang Zhen" on the sand table.

Jiang Zhen saw his serious appearance and suddenly wanted to kiss him. However, before he could do something, Zhao Liu outside shouted: "Jiang Zhen, Jin Geer, have dinner."

In the morning, I ate porridge, and it was served with pickles. Jiang Zhen was just hungry and a little bit thirsty. He drank three bowls in one breath, and Zhao Jinge’s appetite was not smaller than him. He also drank three bowls in one breath.

After eating, Jiang Zhen let Wang Haisheng and He brothers row, carrying him and Zhao Jinge to Qiaotou Village.

These days, Jiang Zhen was basically mixed in Qiaotou Village. He occupied the gambling workshop of Liu Hetou, and then used this gambling workshop as a place for his training.

In addition to Wang Haisheng and He Chunsheng, He Xiasheng, Jiang Zhen now has other men, and these people, there are gambling thugs, and more have done things under Liu Hetou, now relying on him, add up to three more than ten.

Even Liu Hetou is among them.

At the beginning of Liu Hetou, he was unwilling to follow Jiang Zhen’s work for Jiang Zhen. He could not afford to lose this face, but after Jiang Zhen copied his gambling room that day, he beat him again the next day. By the way, it threatened a bit.

He wanted to find a manager to give himself a head, but Zhang did not care about it. He eventually could only helplessly start following Jiang Zhen and became one of Jiang Zhen’s men.

A few days ago, I was still a leader. In a blink of an eye, I became a small soldier under the hand of others. How can Liu Hetou’s grievances be conceivable, but Jiang Zhen always stares at him, and he will pack him from time to time...

Far away, seeing Jiang Zhen take people into Qiaotou Village, Liu Hetou’s face was once again dark.

Jiang Zhen began to train his men again.

He painted a big cake for those who voted for him, and set some rules for them before they began to train them. In the morning, they stood in a military posture, conducted ideological education at noon, and practiced physical strength in the afternoon.

Jiang Zhen had to admit that these people were the most difficult people he had ever taught.

In modern kindergartens, children know how to line up, but people here don’t know, they can’t even tell the difference.

At the same time, Jiang Zhen let them do the boring practice, these free-skilled thugs are also very disgusted with rejection.

But this can't help but let them do it. These people are people who have little discipline and no discipline. They don’t train well... Jiang Zhen feels that he is in danger in the future, and these people may run away in vain!

He asked them to practice what they did when they were training in the school. They didn't want to make their team so neat and how standard the action was. He hoped that these people would be obedient and a little team spirit.

After the people were all together, Jiang Zhen trained them again, allowing people to stand up and do some unified actions.

Among these people, Zhao Jinge is the best. He listened to Jiang Zhenyan. When Jiang Zhen was at night, he occasionally let him take off his clothes and stand in the military position. He naturally learned very well, and then he learned. Good is Wang Haisheng and He Brothers, and two men in Qiaotou Village.

Most of the rest of the people have learned a lot, and others are particularly resistant.

"Go to fuck! Lao Tzu does not learn! Jiang Zhen, you deliberately toss Lao Tzu? You let Laozi learn this Lao Shizi exactly what do you want?" Liu Hetou was tossed by Jiang Zhen left and right, once again angry, 骂骂咧咧Get up and watch Jiang Zhen at the same time. If there is no accident, then Jiang Zhen will come up and beat him!

Jiang Zhen did go up and beat him.

Playing with Liu Heitou, Jiang Zhen has already figured out the number of Liu Hetou's roads. Liu Hetou did not figure out his number of roads, so that Jiang Zhen hit him more and more easily.

This is not, after a while, Liu Hei's head was shackled again, and he was stunned and bruised.

"Liu Blackhead, are you sure you have to learn to go?" Jiang Zhen smiled and looked at the wound on his face and broke Liu Hetou.

Liu Hetou suddenly snorted and returned to the team. At the same time, all the people who participated in the training were refreshed and never dared to be lazy.

Jiang Zhen is very satisfied with this situation, and this situation has been coming almost every day for these days.

He is actually very grateful to Liu Hetou. Liu Hetou is not provoking himself every time, just let his men provoke him, so that he can slap them up and let these people become more and more obedient...

In the military camp, what should I do if I am not obedient? Of course, it’s a meal to make him obedient!

As for the provocative instructor, this is really nothing to see in Jiang Zhen. He used to always look at the instructor and he didn’t want to go to the instructor... At that time, he was not as powerful as he is now, and the consequences were the same as Liu’s now.

But he knows that he can't beat it, but he still has to go to the instructor. Liu Hetou is estimated to be the same.

After playing Liu Hetou’s meal, Jiang Zhen continued to train in a refreshing manner. He had been tossing these people to the evening before returning to Hexi Village.

In a blink of an eye, it has been another half a month.

When Jiang Zhen taught these people, they encountered a lot of troubles, but as time went by, these people became more and more obedient.

Even under the guidance of Jiang Zhen, there are ideas such as "Jiang Zhen said that it makes sense", "Jiang Zhen is really powerful", "I am a big man, and I have to come up with a career later". .

Most of the people at this time are alive and kicking.

Some people in modern times go to see history books, and they will find it very doubtful. They wonder why the ancient people did not resist after encountering all kinds of injustices. They don’t understand why a soldier can control dozens of people serving the servants. The people who are not slamming the whip are still afraid to say anything.

Jiang Zhen had doubts before, but by this time, he understood the reason.

In fact, most of the people at this time are alive.

A group of zebras were attacked by the lions, and the lions took one. The zebras stopped after the initial panic, and continued to graze and graze.

They think that is their life, and naturally they will not change because of the same kind of death.

The same is true of people at this time.

The vast majority of ordinary people have not read books, only in the vicinity of their own home, their life, is to eat and eat into a biological child, and then let the son continue to grow and eat into a biological child.

When the Jiang family was able to develop, it had a lot to do with the fact that the Jiang butcher went out to join the army.

Now these people under Jiang Zhen’s hands are unknowing. Before that, they never thought about what they could do, what they could do, just wanted to follow Liu Hetou’s full food and have money to buy. Ground.

But now, Jiang Zhen has instilled some other thoughts into them.

They are men, they can go out and do a big business, instead of staying in such a small place, just do something to oppress the neighbors.

As long as they have perseverance, maybe one day, they can also ride the high horses and horses to return home, and they can go to the restaurant to eat, which makes people look at each other.

This world is not just such a small piece of Hexi Village. In fact, it is very, very large, and the land is boundless.

As time passed, those who were initially excluded from training gradually began to work hard.

And when they no longer have rejection, the effect of training will come out.

At this time, people usually have to suffer hard, and they can endure hardships. As long as Jiang Zhen gives them a meal every day, they will not be afraid of being tired or tired.

Of course, Liu Hetou is not rare to eat meat, but he is afraid of Jiang Zhen.

I was afraid of Jiang Zhen, but I couldn’t beat Jiang Zhen. Now my own men have become Jiang Zhen’s men... Liu Hei’s head is so settled down, and he can only talk about Jiang Zhen’s bad words in private.

However, now the big guys are very tired to be trained, and several people are willing to listen to him over and over to say bad things?

On this day, after the morning of the morning training, everyone shouted, and all of them all ran to the place where they ate, and the two people hired by Jiang Zhen had already cooked their meals.

Pork pickles, steamed eggplant and fried leeks.

In the past, when they ate, they all rushed to grab, but now Jiang Zhen has regulations, no matter what to do, they must line up to have rules.

Then, everyone took two bowls, first went to the dinner, then went to the dish.

One spoonful of pork pickles soup per person, each spoon has a two-finger size pork, as for steamed eggplant and fried leeks, it is also a spoonful of no one.

Those people are eating like this, Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge also eat this way.

People put the pickled pork soup on the rice, the other two dishes in the bowl, Jiang Zhen took the bowl, and Zhao Jinge found a table to sit down to eat.

This place used to be a gambling house, and naturally there are a lot of gambling tables. Now, these gambling tables have become dinner tables.

After sitting down, Jiang Zhen quickly ate it. After a while, he ate the food and then smiled and watched Zhao Jinge eat.

Zhao Jinge ate something and liked to leave the delicious food to the end. After eating the rice and cooking, he took the piece of meat into his mouth.

"One day, my golden brother can want to eat what to eat." Jiang Zhen touched Zhao Jinge's head.

Zhao Jinge looked at Jiang Zhen inexplicably. In his opinion, his current life is already beautiful and untrue. What can he eat if he wants to eat? Did he want to eat meat before?

And... He feels like this, they should be poor: "Jiang Zhen, is it really okay to spend money? Do you still have money?" Although Jiang Zhen does not pay for his men, he only has a meal at noon. Meal, but after half a month, I have already spent a lot of money.

In the future, you should also need to give them money to support their families, or else... Why do they follow Jiang Zhen?

"It doesn't matter, I won't be able to make money for a long time." Jiang Zhen laughed.

These people under his hand are already obedient. There are such a group of people, and he still has to worry about not making money?

Zheng Yi promised that the gambling house really didn't know where it was, but Jiang Zhen had already thought about another way to make money.

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