The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

: 75. It turned out to be a double child.

In addition to Jiang Zhen, Zhao Jinge almost never handed over to the people. These people are very hot because of the very hot cabin, and they are extremely uncomfortable and clasped.

Because of this, after the first punch hit the leader, Zhao Jinge was forced to retreat several steps and was forced into the corner of the cabin.

This cabin is not big, if you are surrounded by these people, you can only be beaten!

Zhao Jinge suddenly thought of Jiang Zhen’s various teachings for him in the past two months.

What others have learned is how to hold the bamboo poles and poke them in the past. He has learned a lot of skills, and Jiang Zhen teaches him the skills, that is, he hopes that he can not be bullied.

Biting his teeth, Zhao Jinge looked up and suddenly kicked his foot toward the person in front of him and was kicking in the lower abdomen of the man.

Jiang Zhen did teach Zhao Jinge a lot of combat skills, but because of the fight to fight, the main thing is to actually fight, so he first taught Zhao Jinge, is ... anti-wolf.

Anti-wolf technique is also a quick-fighting combat skill. Jiang Zhen does not like to use it himself. But for Zhao Jinge, he is a singer and even teaches Zhao Jinge to practice on his own.

For example, in the more than 20 days they lived on the boat, Jiang Zhen did not let Zhao Jinge fight with him, and then he stopped all of them. Finally, with the extremely gentle movements and Zhao Jinge playing monkeys stealing peaches...

When Zhao Jinge and Jiang Zhen played, they would not use their full strength. Jiang Zhen knew the number of his roads clearly and never succeeded, but the people in front of him were different.

Zhao Jinge used all his strength at this moment, and those people, they did not expect that he would use such a tricky trick.

Before that, Zhao Jinge broke his nose, and the big man who had already covered his face was hit hard. He suddenly jumped up in his place with his crotch, and the other people present were shocked.

But after being scared, they looked at Zhao Jinge’s eyes even worse.

The cabin is very small. In fact, it is not suitable for playing the group. The person who was first smashed by Zhao Jinge blocked the route of others to Zhao Jinge, which made Zhao Jinge not be besieged.

Zhao Jinge is very clear that if he is besieged, he must fight for a fight, but there is nothing to beat, but he is a pair.

He was beaten by a group of two children, and his reputation is always bad!

Thinking this way, Zhao Jinge was worried, and began to do his best to attack these people in front of him, anti-wolf technology alternately used.

Those men may feel that they are too sinister, but when Zhao Jinge used it, there was no psychological barrier.

He is a pair.

"This kid is too sinister!"

"Must teach him a meal!"

"Do you dare to kick me? Don't you die?"

"My eyes! Ah!"


Zhao Jinge’s battle is brilliant, but he has only one person, but the other has a group.

Although he was defeated by several people, he also smashed a few punches... Zhao Jinge grabbed a face and immediately slammed his fist.

The pain made Zhao Jinge more fierce.

Jiang Zhen was called by Zheng Yi, saying that the matter of playing cards went. Zheng Yi also told him about some things in the capital.

It was at this time that Jiang Zhencai knew that the emperor of Daqi was actually a seven-year-old doll, and the affairs of the DPRK were the decision of the Queen Mother to listen to politics.

Obviously, the Zheng family is not going to swear "the chicken is the morning, but the family is the soul", and then the person who fights with the Queen Mother, because the meaning of Zheng Yi's words is that they want to please the Queen Mother.

And the very delicate cards that are made are absolutely attractive to a woman who lives in the palace and has no pastime.

No, that person is not a woman. After listening to it for a while, Jiang Zhencai discovered that the Queen Mother who now controls the political affairs is a double child.

These news should be of no use to Jiang Zhen, but Jiang Zhen still listened very seriously and even asked some things about the capital.

Zheng Yizhen saw Jiang Zhen like this, and he was more satisfied. After chatting about it, he invited Jiang Zhen to dinner with him and said that he could play cards together after eating.

Jiang Zhen refused: "Zheng Shao, the people under my hand have not settled down, I still have to go and see better."

"Also... and your children, you should also go and see." Zheng Yidao.

Jiang Zhen wanted to see Zhao Jinge. He said that Xie Zheng was going to pass, and he didn't want a small sly to rush.

"Young master, not good, something went wrong!"

"What's wrong?" Zheng Yi frowned.

"The cabin is playing over there! The people from Lu Da went to find the troubles of the people under the Chiang Kai-shek, and they fought with the old man who followed Jiang Ye." The little sister followed Zheng Yi and knew Zheng Yi to Chiang. The earthquake is very important, so if you get the news, you will rush to report.

However, he obviously does not know that Zhao Jinge is actually a pair of children.

"What?" Zheng Yi frowned.

Jiang Zhen changed his face and rushed straight out.

Jiang Zhen's speed was very fast. After a while, he had already come to the cabin where he and Zhao Jinge lived. At this time, it was already a mess.

Jiang Zhen had more than forty men, and there was no separate cabin to sleep. They lived in Datong shop, which was a bit far from the cabin here. So when Zhao Jinge and those people just got up, they didn’t know. But after a while, they found out.

Someone even beat Zhao Jinge! Someone is bullying them!

Those people who didn't want to think about it rushed up.

And they came, and those who Zheng Jia raised to protect Zheng Yi’s fleet of protection also came to a group...

Both sides are fighting this way!

Fortunately, everyone still knows a bit of a measure, so there is no knife. At the same time, because the cabin is too narrow, and it is just beginning to work, it is not very bad.

The aisle was crowded with people. Jiang Zhen couldn't see Zhao Jinge's situation. He was so angry that when he went up, he grabbed a person and squatted, and then squeezed while swearing.

Those of Zheng Yi’s men began to cry and wanted to besiege Jiang Zhen. However, after Jiang Zhen grabbed a wooden stick, he was not only not surrounded by them, but they beat the road.

At the same time, the appearance of Jiang Zhen also made his men's spirits alive, and they played even more powerfully.

When Zheng Yi came over, he saw that a group of people headed by Lu Da was beaten and cried.

"Stop!" Zheng Yi shouted.

Zheng Yi’s men dared to find Jiang Zhen’s troubles, but they did not dare to listen to Zheng Yi’s words. Zheng Yi shouted and they stopped.

"Stop!" Jiang Zhen also shouted, his voice just fell, and the people under his hand also stopped.

"Go to the deck!" Zheng Yi frowned, and Jiang Zhen also told him, but he did not go to the deck, but entered his cabin.

Zhao Jinge is really inside.

Zhao Jinge didn’t fight with people for a long time. Wang Haisheng and He’s brothers came over. The three people knew his importance to Jiang Zhen and he didn’t dare to hurt him. Now he rushed over and tried to protect him, so Zhao Jinge though I was swollen with one eye and I was punched, but it didn't matter.

Looking at it, it’s definitely a lot worse with the people he played.

"Golden brother, are you okay?" Jiang Zhen was anxious and rushed to Zhao Jinge.

"I'm fine." Zhao Jin said, and wanted to say something, he was hugged by Jiang Zhen.

This... There are so many people here, Jiang Zhen actually came to hold him! ! Zhao Jinge was shocked.

A person who had just scratched his face and kicked the next three roads by Zhao Jinge saw that he couldn’t help but say: "Dry his mother! What is going on?"

The man who played them badly was actually with the Jiang Zhen! It’s a hell!

Jiang Zhen is not a sticky person. He took Zhao Jinge with excitement. He just heard this sentence when he just let go, and he didn’t want to punch a punch at the man’s face.

The man roared, and he was going to fight Jiang Zhen. Zheng Yi was already at the door of the cabin at this time: "Give me out!"

But for a moment, everyone gathered on the deck of the big ship.

Those who came from the side of Datongpu were not very good at playing. They were mainly pushing, except for a few people who were beaten by Jiang Zhen after a few Jiang Zhen came. Most of them were intact, but those who started to look for it. Zhao Jinge’s jealous people, as well as Zhao Jinge’s Wang Haisheng and He’s brothers, looked a little bit miserable.

In contrast, those who take the initiative to find fault are even worse.

At first, Zhao Jinge hit his nose and slammed his foot. Later, he slowed down and went to fight again. The person who was beaten again was Lu Da.

This Lu Da is the family of Zheng family. He is very good. Zheng Yi’s father has trained him to protect the safety of Zheng’s goods. Zheng Yi’s going out, he is also protected, he is in Zheng Yi. In front of me, there are also a lot of faces.

At this moment, Lu Da actually has a little regret.

He went to Zhao Jinge’s embarrassment and wanted Zheng Yi to know that he and his men were much more powerful than Jiang’s Jiang Zhen, but now...

They were beaten so badly that Zheng Yi was afraid to be disappointed with them.

This person around Jiang Zhen is really a bit of a skill!

However, even if this is the case, the complaint still has to be advertised. Lu Da immediately said: "Zheng Shao, who is the one who has a slap on the head hit me first! He overturned the bucket, I just said a few words, he Just hit me up!"

"Is it like this?" Zheng Yi asked.

"No, he rushed into my cabin and kicked the water!" Zhao Jin said.

"You are nonsense." Lu Da immediately said.

People around Lu Da also said: "Zheng Shao, he first started!"

"He is still hot!"

"We are all smashed by him!"

The more these people feel more wronged, they all hope that Zheng Yi can give them the master.

Although they have not been beaten a bit shameful, but they are so miserable, Zheng Yi can not help but give them the master?

Zheng Yi looked at these people and his mouth was pumping.

He has seen Zhao Jinge, this person can sit silently next to one afternoon without saying a word, is not a troublemaker, let alone a pair of children, I also know that it is impossible to provoke a group of men, so, Today, most of them are Lu Da and others who want to give a lesson. As a result...

"Come with me!" Zheng Yidao: "A group of big men went to find a pair of troubles, and they were beaten like this. You still think that you are reasonable?" Zheng Dashao felt very embarrassed at this moment. He The person under the hand was actually beaten by a pair of children...

Lu Da suddenly froze, double children? Where are the children?

They still wanted to cry that Zhao Jinge started to scream, but this time... Looking at Zhao Jinge, they have a feeling of being a ghost.

So this is a pair of pregnant women? It’s already not like a pair of children, but I’ve dug the pregnancy, is this person deliberate?

However... as far as the fineness he had just cleaned the cabin, only the two children could do it.

Lu Da and others were shocked, and those of Lu Da were also paralyzed.

Just then, Jiang Zhen stood up again: "Zheng Shao, I want to talk to these people."

Jiang Zhen, is this the name of the students who want to learn from it? Zheng Yi promised: "Yes." Lu Da these people have been smooth in the past few years, some arrogant, it is time to be taught!

With the permission of Zheng Yi, Jiang Zhen immediately went to the people in front of him: "You a few, all come out." He pointed to the people around Lu Da and Lu Da, about seven or eight.

These people, before Jiang Zhen saw the waiting in the cabin.

"Do you want to beat us a group?" Lu Da asked.

"Yes." Jiang Zhendao.

Luda’s eyes suddenly brightened. Before, the place in the cabin was too small. Zhao Jinge was hiding in the corner. They couldn’t encircle him. He was too ruined, and they would suffer, but now...

Lu Da and others are eager to get back a little bit. They stand up and go to Jiang Zhenchong...

Then, they were all beaten by Jiang Zhen, even when they were playing with Zhao Jinge.

Lu Da was beaten to the ground and only felt that his face had been thrown away.

Who is Zheng Shao? He values ​​Jiang Zhen. There must be a reason. Why don’t he think about it and think about picking up Jiang Zhen?

"Zheng Shao, I can't help, my two children are being encircled, I can't control the strength of my hand..." Jiang Zhen was facing Zheng Yidao.

Before Zheng Yi, he heard Yang Jiang say how powerful Jiang Zhen was, but he always thought that Jiang Zhen was only a little more powerful than ordinary people. He did not expect that Jiang Zhen would be so powerful.

However, Jiang Zhen is a good thing for him!

After taking a clap, Zheng Yi smiled and said: "The Jiang brothers are really powerful!" Then he looked at Lu Da and others: "Lu Da, you took your people, cleaned the boat all over, and, your cabin. The room was given out to Jiang Zhen. The people under your hand also went to sleep in Datong shop, and the cabin was arranged by Jiang Zhen."

Although Zheng Yi was concerned about Jiang Zhen before, he only gave Jiang Zhen a normal cabin, while Lu Da lived in a relatively large cabin with windows on the upper floor.

Lu Da was a little wrong.

He did not think that the cabin that should have been given to him became Jiang Zhen. Now... his cabin has become Jiang Zhen!

"Jiang Zhen, I have a doctor on board, you take your children to see it." Zheng Yi said again, and then left.

"Xie Zheng Shao." Jiang Zhendao thanked, and Zhao Jinge also left.

Lu Da looked at Zhao Jinge's back and looked at a part of his own pain that was still faintly hurt. It was a shameful and speechless: "That turned out to be a pair!"

"Yeah... turned out to be a pair of children... I have never been able to harden my son in this life..." Lu Da’s right arm.

Others nodded.

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