The ring device emits a mechanical male voice.

"Leon! Skill entry!

Then, Bai Yu inserted Xiao Cheng's card into it again: "Xiao Cheng senior!

"Xiao Cheng! Skill entry! The

mechanical male voice sounded again.

Bai Yu, on the other hand, took a middle two pose, held the ring device high, and said loudly: "Please two of you lend me your strength!" This

was followed by a series of mechanical tones.


"Xiao Cheng!"

"Card entry, fusion upgrade!"

"Fusion complete!"

"Fusion Warrior, Hakuha-Aung Sei Form !!"

Everyone: "..." Everyone

saw the slowly rising shadow behind Bai Yu, and they fell silent one after another.


Isn't this Obu Ultraman?

Are you a debt king?

Saying...... Fusion upgrade is fusion upgrade, what the hell is the last Aung Cheng form? ?

As the parties, Li Ang and Xiao Cheng are extremely complicated in their hearts.

The two of them seemed to remember that Bai Yu came to them before and gave them a lot of cards, saying that this was a skill memory card that could store skills.

Now it seems... Skills are indeed stored, but what the hell is Fusion Upgrade? What a blacksmith are you guy?

Bai Yu turned his head, looked at Gu Chuan, and brushed his hair back: "Cadre Gu, am I handsome?"

"Very handsome!"

Gu Chuan nodded, and then said strangely: "But why do you keep losing your life value?" "


Although the device of the white feather looks very strong.

But his health is constantly declining!

"Oh, this is because my class is only a rare class, using the card that hides the class skill, I can't carry it physically, and this device is only blue quality, so my health points have always dropped."

After Bai Yu responded, his hands made a downward splitting pose.

"Huanghuang Weiling, honor me for pardon, there is no pardon!"


Golden Thunder slashes the boss.


The boss obviously received damage, roared madly, and fell to the ground from mid-air.

I saw a value rising in the boss.

-1187 (crit)

and Bai Yu also died directly because of his health to zero.

Resurrected again, he looked at the boss's gaze and became excited.

"Made! It's really possible! Bai

Yu was excited.

It's really cool that he, a blacksmith profession, can also send out such high damage!

Without the slightest hesitation, he pulled out the ring device and two cards again.

"Senior Xue Qianfeng!"

"Snow Qianfeng! Skill entry! "

Senior Li Ang!"

"Leon! Skill entry!

"Please lend me your power!"

Bai Yu said, holding the ring device high again, and the mechanical sound also appeared again.

"Xue Qianfeng!"


"Card entry, fusion upgrade!"

"Fusion complete!"

"Fusion Warrior, Shiraha-Senang Form !!"

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched.

They watched Bai Yu play so happily, and felt that something was wrong with the current situation.

Why is such a serious scene that makes you feel like the Second Secondary School Conference?

The Beast Emperor was also speechless.

As a dragon clan, even if it is a young dragon, it has a good wisdom, and now the appearance of Bai Yu obviously makes it not know what to say.

This power borrows the diligence of the real horse.


Cold currents of blizzard, blowing towards the Beast Emperor.

The Beast Emperor only felt as if he had been scraped, and looked at the newly resurrected White Feather with disdain.

No more ink, the Beast Emperor roared!


The silver-white breath swept across all the players present, and countless players died on the spot!

Seeing this, Mu Chen took the lead in floating into the air and raised his right hand!


A golden giant hand appeared in the sky clouds!

"The hand of domination!"

He drank in a low voice, and the giant hand emitted brilliant golden light, forming several palms, and slapped straight towards the Beast Emperor!


-8290 (crit)


The Beast Emperor was in pain and was slapped back one meter.

The newly resurrected players saw this scene and their eyes lit up one by one.

"It's worthy of being a grown-up, and this skill is handsome!"

"Barren Heavenly Emperor? Hand of God?

"I have to say! If I had such a handsome skill, I would be happy to take off!

"The damage is really high, more than 8,000 damage."

"The elder has not released the big move, it is estimated that the damage of the big move is higher!"


players spoke, and at the same time took action.

Although they can't cause damage to the Beast Emperor, they can stop the Beast Emperor to some extent.

Mu Chen saw the damage of the Dominating Hand, and shook his head slightly.

It is better to dominate the command.

But overall, it's pretty good.

After all, Dominating the Order is a big move type skill!

"Brother, I'll help you!"

"Will grow up, and me!"

Beigong Qianyin and Li Ang both rushed up at the same time and attacked together with Mu Chen.

Although their skill damage is not as good as Mu Chen, they can also speed up the progress of pushing the Beast Emperor.

The three began a frenzied attack.

After they didn't have blue, they directly committed suicide, returned to full blue again, and bombarded the beast emperor indiscriminately!

And the Beast Emperor was not to be outdone!

Tails, claws, skills, crazy releases!

Blockbuster players die!

The scene was chaotic for a while.

Bai Yu, who had just been resurrected, wanted to continue operating, but was stopped by Xiao Cheng, who flew over from the side.

"Bai Yu, give me the ring device and card, your damage is too low, I will attack."

Xiao Cheng stretched out his right hand.

White Feather is just a rare class.

The damage of the other party is definitely not as high as his hidden profession!

Instead of letting Bai Yu continue to use this device, it is better for Xiao Chenglai.


After Bai Yu listened, he also felt very reasonable.

After all, he is only a rare profession, no matter how he operates, the damage is definitely not as high as Xiao Cheng!

Without the slightest hesitation, he gave all the devices and cards to Xiao Cheng, and at the same time instructed: "The cards will be scrapped after they are used up once, and there are still ten cards for Li Ang's cadres, it is best to release them together with the rest of the cadres!" "Good


Xiao Cheng nodded, took the device, and then chose two cards to start the operation!

"Xiao Cheng! Skill entry!

"Leon! Skill entry!

After entering the two cards, Xiao Cheng held the ring device aloft: "Please two lend me your power!" "

White feather:"..."Borrow

strength from yourself?

What is this operation?

Before he could react, the mechanical sound started.

"Xiao Cheng!"


"Card entry, fusion upgrade!"

"Fusion complete!"

"Fusion Warrior, Xiao Chengcheng-Li Ang Form !!"

White feather: "Poof~~!! Hearing

this voice, Bai Yu laughed directly.


Xiao Chengcheng? What's your name?

And also...... Xiao Chengcheng-Liang form?

Are you sure you're not kidding me?

Xiao Cheng was also a little embarrassed, he didn't expect that after entering his name, there would be such a situation.

And yet....

When the two of them saw the giant spirit behind Xiao Cheng, they were stunned at the same time.

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