"Let's go inside."

Mu Chen did not see Feng Tianling and Daisy, and planned to enter the venue first.

The two women beside Ansha and Wu Naran nodded one after another.

Afterwards, the three entered the venue.


The other side.

The third layer of the galactic continent.

As the recognized entertainment floor of the entire galaxy continent, the prosperity of the third floor is self-evident.

Here, the architectural styles are mixed.

There are not only medieval houses, but also modern houses.

Most importantly, there are many holographic projections like the future holographic city!

The mixture of various styles does not seem to be conflicting, but very harmonious!

On this level, although the city is very much.

But there were no emperors, kings and the like.

Because here, the city lord is the biggest!

Every word and deed of the city lords is linked to the city, which is why the style of each city is different.


The "Future City" in the center of the entertainment floor, the venue of a concert.



"Made!! Get them!

"Abominable! You dare to spoil Nana-chan's concert?!

"I saw their nickname prefix, hurry up and grab these three guys from the Living Beings Guild!"

"I'm going to kill them all!"


violent explosion sounded in the venue, immediately causing public anger!

Everyone looked at the door of the venue at the same time, the three young people who were running madly, and then... They rushed up like a zombie frenzy like crazy!

Look at the three young men again....

As soon as they left the venue, they saw a certain gray-haired girl at the door.

"Duck duck run!"

"Let's go! We helped you get revenge! "


The three shouted one after another, and although the girl did not know the situation, she also ran around them.

That's right!

These three young people are Gu Chuan, Xiao Cheng and Li Ang!

In the afternoon, the three of them arrived at Future City on the entertainment floor, intending to watch the duck show.

But unexpectedly, Duck Duck, who is a four-turn professional, was occupied by a third-tier star of a six-turn professional.

And the third-tier star also threw a bag of gold coins to insult the duck duck.

Seeing that the duck was wronged, the three people, as senior two-dimensional elements, couldn't bear it in an instant!

Not to mention ducks or Terrans!

So as fans, they directly found Duck Duck and explained that they would help her take revenge, and then planned this blasting plan!

This also caused the duck duck to be very worried and followed together.

The result is obvious, the plan is successful!

But they sparked public anger, so now the journey to escape begins!

The black wolf looked at the three people next to her with some confusion, she really didn't expect that she would have such crazy fans.

Is it okay to blow up the concert directly?

After thinking about it, she looked back at the venue.



Next second!

The entrance and exit of the venue shook violently, and one by one the players ran out with hideous faces and chased after them!


"Give me death!"

"Made! Even if you run to other floors today, I will kill you!" "


the players roared madly.

Such a scene frightened the black wolf!

"This, this, this... Zombie frenzy!

She swallowed and sped up.

"There are zombies in your world?"

Xiao Cheng flew with all his might in mid-air and couldn't help but ask, but the speed did not slow down.

"Is it time to say this?"

The black wolf complained, but did not dare to slow down.

With these three of you fans, I've really poured blood mold for eight lifetimes!

"What do we do now? Most of them are four-turn professionals, and there are even a few six-turn professionals!

Gu Chuan was very worried.

Although the action just now is very cool, it is difficult to say whether it can run away now.

Black Wolf is a four-turn professional, the three of them haven't turned four yet, and they can't run them out!

If you are caught, it will be cold directly!


The corners of Li Ang's mouth turned up, "At this time, you need the almighty [Bai La A Yu]!" "

Bai La A Yu??" x2

Gu Chuan and Xiao Cheng were stunned.

But Li Ang did not pay attention to them, but opened the guild chat channel.

【Guild Chat Channel】

【Li Ang: @白羽! White La A feathers! Help me! 【

Jiang Yanran:?? Doraemon? [

Yan Linglong: I want to complain about something. 【

Cao Yang: Me too! 】 【

Wang Bin: Add one! 】

Everyone was a little speechless when they saw Li Ang's words.

Why are there even many Aemons in the guild? Simply outrageous!


What are you doing again?

[Bai Yu: Talk! ] 【

Li Ang: Gu Chuan and Xiao Cheng and I were chased and killed by tens of thousands of people, so we quickly sent an escape equipment! [

Bai Yu: I'll look for it.] "

Groove! Catch up! Hurry up! Leon!

At this time, Gu Chuan's exclamation suddenly came, and Li Ang and the others turned their heads to see it, and they were suddenly a little frightened.

I saw that the distance between those fanatical fans and them was already less than fifty meters!

Black Wolf: "Hurry up and run!"

Xiao Cheng: "Hurry up and think of a way!" "

Everyone is in a hurry!

Li Ang was also very anxious, but he couldn't do anything at all.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and put one hand on Gu Chuan: "Good brother, I have wronged you!" "


Gu Chuan was stunned: "What do you mean?" "

Why are you still wronged yourself?

In the next second, Li Ang's right hand was so strong that he violently pushed Gu Chuan backwards.

Such a scene made Gu Chuan, Xiao Cheng, and Black Wolf all widen their eyes.

"You you you! You sold the partner ?! "

Black Wolf never expected that Li Ang would sell his teammates like this!

This is completely forcing Gu Chuan to die!

The corner of Xiao Cheng's mouth couldn't help but grin to the root of the back ear: "Nice job!"

Li Ang also grinned: "You're welcome." Black

Wolf: "??? "

Not good! It's going to grow a head!

The black wolf felt that his head was not enough and he couldn't keep up with their rhythm at all.

Gu Chuan had already fallen to the ground.

He raised his head and looked at the back of Li Ang and the three running wildly, and two lines of tears couldn't help but fall down his cheeks.

"Woo hoo... You're paralyzed, Li Ang, you're a beast... Does it hurt to be beaten to death? Woo hoo..." As

soon as the words fell, he was directly crushed to the ground by a group of strong men, followed by a violent beating to death!

"Hurry up, hurry up! Kill this dog day!

"This guy's second brother kicked him up!"

"Hmph! Lao Tzu wants him to experience the most painful way to die! A

group of people scrambled to beat each other, and some even greeted Gu Chuan's second brother.


The bitter screams reached Li Ang's side.

This made them shiver, and they did not dare to look back at all.

It was at this time that a message came from the guild channel.

[Bai Yu: @Li Ang @ Xiao Cheng @ Gu Chuan.] I'll send the equipment to the guild warehouse, and the price will be one contribution point, and you will receive it with the contribution point! 【

Li Ang: Thank you! Without

the slightest hesitation, Li Ang opened the guild warehouse and directly bought the equipment that was number one on the list.


In an instant, a blue-and-white heavy-loaded motorcycle with a full sense of technology appeared in front of them!



ps: Recommend a big guy's book "The King: What is the Hexagonal Warrior"

will explode tomorrow, ranging from 6,000 words ~ 10,000 words, not chapters!

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