The Only Magician on Earth

Chapter 352: foundation

  Gu Feng pointed the magic wand diagonally forward again:

   His lips twitched, and he saw that a flame shot out and circled in the air. The surrounding temperature rose suddenly.

   Then, the ancient magic wand danced, drawing an arc.


  The empty flame is like a long dragon absorbing water, and it is sucked and empty. [

   Immediately afterwards, the ancient magic wand waved again.


   There was a muffled sound, and thunder broke out on the ground. A azure blue lightning appeared out of thin air and slammed into a table in front of him.

With the sound of   , the table was smashed to pieces, and the sawdust flew and burned.

   Antiquity is another wave of the magic wand.


  The element of water in the air condenses, a burst of rain falls, the temperature drops, and the flame disappears.

   Gu Feng's face finally showed a smile.

   "All types of instant magic can be cast. Although the power is not particularly great, it shouldn't be a problem to easily kill him if you meet Zhu Zian again."

   Think for a moment.

   "I don't know what will be the effect of forcibly casting a more powerful magic with my current magic power?"

  Gu Feng knows that this world is the world of technology. The enemies that he may face in the future are not only human powerhouses, but also technological weapons, such as planes and tanks.

   Not to mention, he once drove an armored vehicle to fight in the jungles of Myanmar.

   If in the past, Gu Feng faced a fully armed armored vehicle, I am afraid that he would only have to flee. But now...

   A smile appeared on the corner of Gu Feng's mouth. Grasp the magic wand and lift it diagonally upwards. Start the mantra:

   "O great earth spirit! At my call, gather your strength and let the meteorites fall from the sky!"


  As the incantation was chanted, Gu Feng only felt that the magic power of his whole body rushed towards the magic wand frantically again.

   However, this time there was no cycle. Whether it was the magic in the body or the surrounding magic elements, after pouring into the magic wand, they were all transformed into rich earth elements. [

The magic elements around    have become a little thin due to a series of magics just now, and it seems that they can't support this seemingly powerful magic.


   Air. Visible to the naked eye. The khaki-colored elements quickly condensed, and a piece of meteorite quickly appeared, about one meter in diameter, which was completed as soon as it was condensed. Immediately whistling down from the sky.



   Two loud bangs.

   was the first to smash through the roof. Then. It fell heavily on the ground, smashing a big hole, and the dust swirled.

   "Hoo! Hoo!"

   Gu Feng gasped. There was a happy smile on his face.

   "The magic of this meteorite is beyond my strength. With the help of a magic wand, I can barely realize it. However, after this magic, the magic and spiritual power in the body will be completely consumed."

   "It seems that large-scale magic that crosses departments is really not easy to cast!"

  Gu Feng took out a piece of Netherstone, pondering while recovering his magic and spiritual power. Take a look at the surrounding environment, you have been destroyed enough by yourself.

   "It seems that the large-scale magic of the wind system cannot be tested here. I am a wind-based magician, and I cast a large-scale wind-based magic, which is much more powerful. I am afraid this small workshop will be wiped out."

  Gu Feng pondered, and after recovering a part of his spiritual power and magic power, his mind moved, and several hundred-yuan bills appeared in his hand, which he placed on a table.

  Then, ride the broomstick to the sky.

   Gu Feng made such a big movement, naturally, he has already alarmed the people around him.

   After just a moment, a few people hurried over, and it was the workshop owner who took the lead:

   "What's going on? What's going on here? Did the boiler explode?"

   "No! Where did this big rock come from! My God! My roof was smashed down! I'm at a big loss!"

   "Where's that young man? Where is that young man?"

   As soon as the owner of the workshop came in, while looking at his dilapidated workshop, he shouted and cried.

   However, when he saw the stacks of big bills on the ground, he was startled at first, and then he thought of something and put it away happily. [

   "Hey! It seems that this young man is not bad!"

   For a small family workshop like him, the construction cost is limited, the simple roof and ground are destroyed, and the tens of thousands of dollars left are earned. With money, I immediately have a much better impression of the ancient style.

   Of course, Gu Feng didn’t know this. He left the money just for the sake of conscience. Anyway, tens of thousands of dollars, he did not take it seriously.

  As the industry under his name gradually gets on the right track, in the future, money will be just a series of numbers to him.

   Now he has reached the top of Phoenix Mountain.


   After landing on a nearby hill, walk back to Luofeng Village. As soon as he entered the 5,000-mu mountain forest area that he contracted, two security guards with big arms and round waist immediately greeted him.

   "Hello! This is a private territory, no entry!" A security guard spoke politely, but his tone was firm.

   "Oh?" Gu Feng was startled, but he didn't care, but smiled slightly.

  When he was making a magic wand, he once received a call from Guan Zishao, and 200 security guards had already been found. It seems that Zhao Zhigang arranged it well. After so many days, they have been officially put on the job. Moreover, as soon as he entered, someone came to check. Obviously, the layout of the sentry was very reasonable.

   "Please wait a moment, I'll make a call." Gu Feng motioned to the security guard, took out his phone and dialed the number, "Hello, Brother Zhao? I just returned to Phoenix Mountain and was stopped by two security guards."

   The two security guards looked at each other with a flash of surprise in their eyes. Their leader's surname is Zhao, of course they know this. It seems that this young man's identity is not simple!

   "Hehe! It's okay! Of course I wouldn't mind! It means they did their job well. Okay, I'll give them the phone."

   Gu Feng said, and handed over the phone to the security guard.

  He is the boss here, however. And don't show prestige to the security guards. Everything is done according to the rules and regulations, in order to make the environment more orderly.

   "Team Zhao!" The security guard answered the phone, listening to the familiar voice over there, and immediately showed a respectful expression.

   Obviously, Zhao Zhigang has a lot of prestige among them.

   "Okay, got it!" The security guard agreed immediately after what was said over the phone. He handed the phone back and looked at Gu Feng with respect, "I'm sorry, Young Master Gu! We didn't know it was you."

   "It doesn't matter." Gu Feng smiled. "This is your job."

   A simple vignette. The old mood became happy.

   The health resort has gradually taken shape, and it is not as undefended as before.

   "Gufeng boy, you are finally back." Just after returning, Shi Taishan came to the door. "How? Are you ready?"

   "Yeah!" Gu Feng nodded.

   With a magic wand. Gufeng's confidence is now at an all-time high.

"Hey! Great! I've already arranged the plane. When are we going? The old man is not in good health and can't run back and forth, so we can only make a trip to the capital. Otherwise, the environment of your Phoenix Mountain is quite good. "Shi Taishan explained.

   "You can leave at any time." Gu Feng thought about it, and since he had promised others, it would be better if the disease was cured earlier.

"Okay! I'll find someone, and the plane will come in an hour later." Shi Taishan was very happy when he heard this, "That's right! I have all the herbs you asked for, and they're in my place now, when do you want them? I'll find someone to send it to you right away. How about it, the old man is still very strong, right?"

   "It's all done?" Gu Feng's face flashed with joy when he heard it, "Okay! I want it right now. Let's be late for tomorrow morning!"

  Shi Taishan was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly, "Hey! I'm not talking too much! I thought it would be good to sell you! If I knew this, I would give you these herbs when I came back from the capital."

   "Hehe, Mr. Shi, how can you be such an unkind person!" Gu Feng smiled, "I'll go back to Sansheng Pavilion first, please ask Mr. Shi to have someone help deliver the medicinal materials there."

   "Okay!" Shi Taishan sighed, only to suffer the consequences.

  Sansheng Pavilion, in a military tent.

   Looking at the boxes full of medicinal herbs, Gu Feng's face was delighted.

  Although the time is very short, the quality of these medicinal materials is quite good. Obviously, most of them must be in the library of medicinal materials.

   It seems that with the backing of the state, it is convenient to do things! If you let yourself find it, no matter how fast you fly your broomstick, you don't know how much time you will waste.

   Not too much sigh. When the medicinal materials were gathered, Gu Feng immediately started to prepare the medicinal materials.

   Promoted to an intermediate-level magician, the spiritual power of the ancient style has been greatly improved, and the efficiency of configuring medicinal materials has also been greatly improved.

   The medicinal herbs were thrown into the crucible, and under the blessing of fire magic, they were quickly refined. Spiritual power precisely controls the "degree" of refining.

   I was busy all night, and the next day, all the medicinal herbs in the house had disappeared. Instead, there were several glass bottles on the table. In the glass bottles, there were red-red medicinal herbs with a refreshing fragrance.

  Gu Feng reached out and put away most of the bottle, leaving only one.

   This was originally a bottle that was prepared to hold magic potions. It had a small mouth and a big belly.

   Then, Zhao Zhigang, Jiang Yiyan, Shangguanqiao, Hongying, Cao Wenlong, Erniu, old man Zhang Tieshan, and even Fat Uncle were all called over.

   These people, for Gufeng, are all trustworthy people. Except for Zhao Zhigang, who is Shi Taishan's subordinate, who is only doing things for himself temporarily, everyone else can be called a team from ancient times.

  Only when these people are strengthened, can Gufeng have a huge help.

   Therefore, in the face of them, Gufeng did not spare resources at all.

  The spirit of the ancient style first swept across Jiang Yiyan's body. In a short period of time, Jiang Yiyan's internal strength has more than doubled compared to the original, and he has reached the state of great consummation of a third-rate ancient warrior, and it seems that he is only one step away from a second-rate warrior.

   Jiang Yiyan understood that these changes were given to him by the ancient style, and when he looked at the ancient style, in awe, there was more admiration and gratitude.

   This makes the ancient style feel dark mny. (To be continued...)

  ps: Thank you Jin Guiguan for his continuous reward of 100 coins per day for indecent assault; thanks to Huiyi (588 coins) for the reward.

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