The Only Magician on Earth

Chapter 403: Collect the breath of the dead

Gu Feng stood beside him with a smile on his face, he could see clearly, Shangguan Qiao's shot looked ruthless, but in fact he was very measured, and it could not only beat this hypocrite, let him lose face, suffer more, but not lose his life. .

   However, Yuyumei pleaded with such an anxious face, and if she continued to watch the play mode, it seemed a little unreasonable.

   reached out and patted Youyou's little hand, "Don't worry! It'll be alright!"

  Youyou's small hands, with slender fingers and smooth skin, are soft and bone-like when they are shot, and they feel quite good.

   However, this impulse must naturally be suppressed. Otherwise, so many people around will definitely be regarded as hooligans. [

  Youyou didn't notice Gu Feng's movements at all, and still watched anxiously, "It's all bleeding! If you don't stop him, you're going to die!"

   "Okay!" Gu Fengnai nodded, the little beauty had never seen blood before, "Shangguan, it's alright!"

"Okay, Brother Feng!" Shangguanqiao was absolutely 100% obedient to Gu Feng's words, and he seized the time to punch his nose twice before the little white face in his hand... Now it has turned into a pig's head face, or in other words, a little red face, **** Well... throw it on the ground.


  There is no suspense, Xiaobai's face Ning immediately slumped to the ground like a dead dog yyng, only panting "huhu", his eyes rolled, and he couldn't even speak.

   "Senior Zining, are you all right?"

  Youyou immediately went to check it out worriedly.

  Shangguanqiao had already stretched out his arm and stopped her. This was a woman who had friendship with Brother Feng. How can you get close to this little white face?

   "Don't worry, you won't die! If you dare to go up and see him, I'll pick him up and continue to beat him."

   "You..." Youyou's face flushed a little, but she had seen Shangguanqiao's madness with her own eyes, and she really didn't dare to disobey this madman.

   "Okay, Shangguan, don't scare the beauty." Gu Feng said with a smile.

   "Okay, Brother Feng." Shangguanqiao immediately agreed. Well behaved like a three-good baby.

  Youyou can't help but look at Shangguan Bridge in surprise. Look at the ancient style.

   She didn't understand, how could this crazy and fierce "neuter person" obey Gu Feng so much?

   Also, it seems that they are all soldiers.

   This apprentice. What is your identity?

   "Bah! Little White Face. You're hypocritical. You're still imitating Americans. You tax payer!" Before leaving, Shangguanqiao still spit at the dead dog Little White Face.

   "What! What are you doing? Why beat people?"

   The movement here has already alarmed the staff in the tomb. Three or four white lab coats came over to drink and ask. [

   "Why beat someone? If you see him upset, you beat him. Where are there so many whys? Why, do you want to taste this too?"

   Moreover, he also has this unscrupulous capital. As a member of the Huaxia Dragon Group, if you play a few small researchers, you will at most be punished internally.

   What's more, he just made a contribution to the action against zombies, I'm afraid there will be no internal punishment.


   The few researchers who came over looked at Zining's tragic state, of course they didn't dare to keep up with Guanqiao.

   "Guards, guards at the gate, what are you all doing! Why do you keep everyone inside?"

   An elderly researcher frowned and shouted outside.

   When they were beating someone inside just now, there were two soldiers looking over there. However, seeing that it was Shangguan Bridge, and Dongfanghong was standing beside him, he continued on duty as if nothing had happened.

   Now I hear someone shouting, so I just pretend not to hear it.

   "Hehe!" Shangguanqiao smiled proudly, "Brother Feng, let's go in! And Captain Dongfang."

After    was finally ignored, Dongfang Hong gave Shangguan Bridge a fierce look, and the three of them walked towards the tomb generously.

   The researchers quickly moved away, and none of them dared to stand in the way.

  Youyou hesitated for a moment, then she gritted her teeth and followed.

   This is a group of tombs. The excavated loess is piled up beside the tomb, which looks quite rolling.

The first thing they entered was the main tomb, a large pit about 30 meters long and a dozen meters wide. At the bottom of the tomb, the coffin was still there. The patterns carved on it and the text next to the tomb showed that it was the work of a Qing Dynasty official. grave.

   Of course, this can also be seen from the zombie that jumped out.

  Anti-style spiritual power exploration, and soon found that the material of this coffin is flat, and it does not have the characteristics of condensing the breath of the undead.

   looked up and quickly saw where the problem was.

   In addition to the main tomb, there are two tombs several tens of meters apart, and the buried ones are obviously some relatives of the officials in this main tomb.

   These three tombs are no problem if they are separated separately. However, when they are connected together, the orientation formed is somewhat inappropriate.

There was no cremation in ancient times. The corpse was buried directly, and it was easy to condense the dark elements and form the breath of the dead. The structure of these three tombs turned out to be the prototype of a simple gathering of yin, plus some surrounding small tombs. Embellishment... Gather all the surrounding dark elements.

   In other words, this is a formation formed by a tomb as the base and the corpse as a treasure to suppress the eyes of the formation. [

   Of course, because this great formation is only a simple prototype, its power is very small. However, after more than two hundred years, there is still a strong undead breath, and under the nourishment, these three zombies have been achieved.

Fortunately, Gu Feng sensed the breath in the coffin and knew that the zombie he killed with the meteorite was the one that came out of the main tomb, which meant that the other zombie that escaped was not too strong. As long as it is found, it is not difficult to deal with when the army is equipped with strong firepower such as rockets.

   This gave Gu Feng a sigh of relief.

   As for here, now the zombies who are the treasures of the array have escaped, the tombs have been dug up, and the prototype of the gathering yin formation has been broken. Even if the ancient wind does not come, these undead breaths will slowly dissipate.

   Of course, the result of dispersal is that the people living around will be affected more or less, sick or something.

   "I don't know if someone deliberately wanted to kill this family. If it is true, there is someone on this earth who knows how to gather Yin Great Formation. Is it possible that he is also a magician?"

   Gu Feng pondered, thinking about the dark magic imprint on the old man in the capital, and couldn't help but doubt this even more.

   If this is the case, it is not good news for him.

  Being the only magician on earth, or being a magician on earth, the meaning is very different.

"Forget it! No matter how much it is, let's take away these undead breaths first! These things, stay here to harm people, I take them away, and if there is a chance, I can refine a few undead warriors and guard the gate for me or something. , couldn't be more appropriate."

   Gu Feng said, and pretended to dig out of his clothes with his hands. At the same time, his mind moved, and he took out two glass bottles from the space pendant.

   This kind of thing, the ancient style is always carried with you, anyway, there is a space pendant, so you are not afraid of anything.

   pretended to lean over to look at the coffin, taking the opportunity to block everyone's eyes, clenched the glass bottle with both hands, and moved his lips, while the incantation was being chanted, the undead breath of the entire tomb group suddenly rioted, rolling and circling, all thinking of rushing into the vial.


   Behind him, Youyou suddenly sneezed.

The breath of the undead is surging, and under the invasion, Shangguanqiao and Dongfanghong are both martial arts practitioners, with strong physique, and they have just entered the tomb, nothing else; Youyou has a weak physique, and has been here for the longest time, so it's a little unbearable. .

   shivered and shivered.

Collecting the breath of the undead is not a high-tech job. While Gu Feng is casting spells, he looks at Youyou and secretly sighs, knowing that this little girl is more seriously eroded by the breath of the undead. Unless you help yourself, can you be seriously ill? Life-saving, both are said.

   The breath of the undead was collected very quickly. In the blink of an eye, the two bottles were full, but from the outside, the glass bottles that were originally transparent were now billowing like they were filled with ink.

  Anti-style **** on the cork, a simple sealing magic, seals the bottle mouth.

   Then, put it into the space pendant, and at the same time, take out two empty bottles and continue to collect. (To be continued...)

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