"Ah ha ha……"

Yuki Rito laughed awkwardly a few times, and for a moment he didn't know how to comfort Kasumigaoka Shiu. But fortunately, Kasumigaoka Shiu didn't mean to be too entangled, and the two quickly returned to the high platform.

"Yuuki-san is indeed amazing. You were the first in the long-distance running just now, right? Being able to exercise well while ensuring study is extremely valuable and commendable!"

"At such a young age, if you can be calm and composed in such situations, you will definitely become a great person in the future."

"Yeah yeah."

Perhaps it was because he saw Rito Yuki and the girl being confused, and it just made Tenjoin Takahiro express his dissatisfaction without having an attack on the spot. He knew that Tenjoin Takahiro had never been a person who liked to suppress his emotions. The big shots began to look at Yuki Rito with admiration and praised Yuki Rito in various ways, all showing their goodwill in an attempt to win Yuki Rito's favor and leave an impression. In the future, Yuki Rito If they can really inherit the Tenjouin Foundation, this goodwill will bring great benefits. Even if they can't, there will be no loss to them. It's just lip service. But after all, they are all guys in high positions and flatterers. He is really not good at kung fu. This kind of praise as an elder is far worse than the almost shameless praise Yuuki Rito received from the group of magic families in the world of Godslayer. Yuuki Rito didn't have any emotional fluctuations. Smiling and nodding, he dealt with it skillfully.

This calmness made Tenjoin Takahiro, who was observing silently, more convinced that Yuuki Rito came from some hidden big family, and also made others secretly sigh that Tenjoin Takahiro's gaze turned out to be true. Vicious, this kind of neither arrogant nor impetuous character is rare among peers. It would be fine if it is specially trained, otherwise, it may be a rare talent.

As for Kasumigaoka Shiyu, she looked at everything in front of her in a daze. Seeing the group of big shots who were treated with caution by Sobu High School praise Yuki Rito without hesitation, I suddenly felt an urgent desire to prove that I was not inferior to Yuki Rito, not for the opinions of others, just for the sake of others. Tell Yuuki Rito that he is not a mediocre person.

In the municipal competition, Yuuki Rito participated in five subjects. Although the results of the competition have not come out yet, Kasumigaoka Shiu feels that she has lost. In the sports competition, girls' physical strength is already poor. Weaker than the boys, Yuki Rito looked like he had easily run 1,500 meters, Kasumigaoka Shiu felt that he could give up, and now Kasumigaoka Shiu could only place his hope on the love metronome to prove his ability.

She would not rely on external forces like Yuuki Rito, relying on girls' likes or something...

Kasumigaoka Shiu looked at Yuuki Rito angrily, and then focused all her attention on conceiving a love metronome.

Maybe she knew Everyone didn't like the meaningless speech, or they considered that they couldn't waste the time of the big shots. At the closing ceremony of the sports meeting, the principal of Sobu High School did not make a long speech like the opening ceremony. He spoke briefly for two minutes, just to give the sports meeting Prizes were awarded to the winners.

The prizes given by Sobu High School were corresponding to the three rankings, gold-silver-bronze-plated medals and worth 100,000 yen, 60,000 yen, and 30,000 yen. The prizes range from school supplies to sports equipment such as badminton. There are almost more than 20 events in the sports meeting. Based on the three winners of each event, Sobu High School only distributed millions of prizes. Yuan, many students were surprised and shocked by the generosity of the school.

But Tenjoin Takahiro showed his fangs at this time. As a capitalist, he would come to a high school to watch sports games for no reason. It was definitely not unintentional. Act of

"Dear students, I am Takahiro Tenjoin from the Tenjoin Foundation. I was honored to see my classmates sweating on the field just now. I am very happy to see the next generation of young people so energetic and motivated."

The reputation and status of Tenjoin Takahiro far exceeds that of the principal of Sobu High School. Even if he talks at length, the students of Sobu High School will not be disgusted. Now he is just giving a word of encouragement to those who have not entered the society." The innocent boys and girls all showed excitement on their faces.

Skillfully adjusting the atmosphere, Tenjoin Takahiro continued.

"I have been thinking, how can I not bring a gift when I come to Sobu High School? Did the winners get their prizes? The funds to purchase the prizes are sponsored by my personal friendship. However, if you think about it carefully, I am the commander-in-chief of the Tenjo-in Foundation. I cannot let the children look down on me. Small prizes are not enough. Therefore, I will make a promise to you now. Not just everyone at Sobu High School, I make a promise to all the hard-working children. As long as you can enter a first-class university in the future, the Tenjo-in Foundation will sponsor children in need and help them complete their studies. Of course, relatively, When you have achieved success in your studies, come to the Tenjo-in Foundation and let me see your progress."

Neon does not have an official university ranking in the strict sense, but private universities are divided into grades S to F. Grade S is an international super-first-class university, grade A is a first-class international university, grade B is a first-class domestic university, and grade C is a domestic first-class university. Quasi-first-class, the rest are D-class, E-class, and F-class.

The first-class universities Tenjoin Takahiro refers to are undoubtedly above B-class. Those who can be admitted to B-class universities are talents, at least They have done well in the first big test of life-study, so they can also have more expectations for their future, because there are more than 700 universities in Neon, including more than 600 universities. They are all classified as E-level and F-level.

With a kind smile, Tenjoin Takahiro showed his kindness to the students and also declared war on the entire neon industry. He tried to plunder talents with the power of tigers and whales, and this In this way, his competitors cannot be discredited and can only fight with similar means. With the financial resources of the Tenjoin Foundation, in Neon, the only person who can fight against it on its own, apart from the official forces, is the Immortal River Bookstore. Got it

"Longxu, you are very generous. Even if the tuition fees at first-class universities are relatively low, it would still cost nearly tens of millions of yen to support a student to complete their studies and ensure their livelihood, right? Even if we conservatively estimate that the Tenjo-in Foundation only supports a few hundred people,The investment of several billion yen is really generous."

The people at the Immortal River Bookstore smiled and praised Tenjoin Takahiro's heroism, but his eyes flashed. It seemed that he also wanted to imitate Tenjoin Takahiro's appearance, but not now, at this moment Sobu The mood of everyone in the high school was aroused by Takahiro Tenjoin. The appearance of the Fusugawa Bookstore was just the icing on the cake. The effort and gain were not equal, and the capitalists refused.

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