There are many shops on this shopping street, including ordinary daily necessities stores, bookstores, toy shops, snack bars and even restaurants of various flavors.

Now that Yatogami Tohka has escaped from the surveillance of AST for the first time and can freely travel through human society, she should be interested in every store here.

However, she completely followed her sense of smell, followed the aroma of food, and walked into one snack bar after another, ignoring all other shops that had nothing to do with eating.

Although the first thing Tohka ate was takoyaki, the one that stood out among all the snacks was the soybean flour bread.

"What about soybean flour bread? Is there no soybean flour bread here?"

In a new snack shop, Yatogami Tohka's eyes were wandering around, looking for something he liked.

"No, they are not sold here. By the way, didn’t you eat a lot of portions at the bakery you found earlier?"

Wukawa Shiori looked at this and Yatogami Touka with a look of astonishment.

Because the prices of all kinds of goods on this street are not high, Shiori doesn't feel sorry for Yuuki Rito's treat during this period. What she paid was not an exaggerated amount of money, but she was just surprised by Tohka's appetite.

She had probably eaten food for two people, the kind of food that could satisfy a hungry person. Times.

What an exaggerated appetite

"You won’t get tired of eating such delicious food no matter what, so is it really gone?"

When Itsuka Shiori was hesitating whether he should turn around and go back to the previous bakery to buy soybean flour bread because of Yatogami Tohka's words, Yuki Rito spoke.

"Tohka, can you still eat a lot now?"

"Hmm... I'm probably almost full... I'd rather say I'm full."

Yatogami Tohka felt her stomach and felt troubled.

If this continues, even if the food is close at hand, she won't be able to eat it.

"I will buy more soybean flour bread to store in the future. This kind of food can be stored longer than food and can be eaten at any time when you are hungry. So, let’s have some dinner first, right? That is a different style of snacks and snacks."

Of course Yuuki Rito will not care about one thing and the other. Because Tohka is an elf, he only considers her feelings during this shopping trip.

The others, Itsuka Shiori and Tobiichi Origami, are also looking for delicious food in these dozens of minutes. He was constantly consuming his physical strength during the whole time.

Unlike Yatogami Tohka, Itsuka Shiori was probably fighting to make friends with the elves this time and had temporarily forgotten his own physical feelings, while Tobiichi Origami simply would not take the initiative. To Yuki, neither of them ate like Tohka did.

It should be said that they almost didn't eat anything.

Now that it was almost time for dinner, Itsuka Shiori and Tobiichi Origami had a lot of physical exertion. Cheng Lidou will not forget this.

Next, it is time for everyone to eat together

"Xiao Qinli, why don't you find an excuse to come over and eat together? Can I go to your favorite restaurant and order a kid's set meal for you?"

Considering that Itsuka Kotori in Fraxinus would be bored without being monitored by a micro-drone, Yuki Rito thoughtfully put on the headset again and let her listen to the conversation between him and Tohka and the others. , and would chat with Kotori in a low voice from time to time.

Now, Rito Yuki even extended an invitation to Kotori.

Whether it was Kotori's lack of majesty in calling him, or Rito Yuuki only letting him know when he was in contact with the elves. His behavior of not letting himself listen made Itsuka Kotori very annoyed.

However, seeing that Yuki Rito was giving him special treatment after all, and other people in Fraxinas relied on Yuki Rito. Apart from using the location of Tou and Itsuka Shiori's mobile phones to determine the route of the two of them, Ohkawa Kotori had no idea what was going on. Compared with being dissatisfied, Ohkawa Kotori actually had a strange sense of joy brewing. However,

Ohkawa Kotori In commander mode, Li will not express his inner emotions frankly.

"You don't have enough money, but you're too embarrassed to tell Sister Shiori and Tobiichi Origami, so you want me to help you in this way, right?"

There was doubt in Qinri's words.

"Money is just a series of numbers to me. I haven't felt the trouble of lack of money for a long time. Since the Ratatosk organization is committed to making elves and humans live in harmony, then, under the current situation, Ratatosk should provide financial support as a matter of course."

Although Itsuka Kotori doesn't quite believe what Yuuki Rito said, she doesn't want to quarrel with him.

If Yuuki Rito is angry, it will be bad if he can't eat the children's meal.

Although as the commander of Fraxinas Official, one of the top leaders of the Ratatosk Organization, Itsuka Kotori's salary is not a small amount, but she has never spent money to eat the children's meal.

Because after eating the children's meal, she will eat when her stomach is full. There is nothing else left, and if she doesn’t eat much during the dinner at the Itsuka family, Sister Shiori will doubt her own cooking skills.

Kotori Itsuka is very worried about Shiori’s feelings

"I'll be there right away."

Said Yuki Rito through the headset, Itsuka Kotori thought for a moment, and finally changed the black hairband on her head to a white one.

Anyway, she was eating at public expense, not a representative. The Tatosk organization negotiates with the elves, so it turns out that there is no need to appear in commander mode.

"I'll leave this to you, Lingyin."

Itsukawa Kotori said to Murasame Reine, who was the analyst and the only one below him in the air battleship, and left the battleship through the teleportation device. Murasame Reine was silent for a long time, and then looked through Passing through the transparent wall of Fraxinas, looking thoughtfully at the blue sky and white clouds outside

"Yuuki Rito...Have you and I ever crossed paths before...In any case, let's follow the original plan and let the elves appear one by one."_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-Collection

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