After Yuki Rito got along with Origami for a long time, he completed his date with Tohka, and the weekend rest time passed quickly.

When everything was going smoothly and in an excellent direction, there was also a change that Wuhe Qinli had not expected.

On Monday, when I returned home from school in the evening, Itsuka Kotori's eyes widened when she heard Yuuki Rito's words.

"Tokisaki Kurumi is missing?"

"It’s not that he disappeared, he just gave up playing the role of an ordinary student for the time being and chose to act in a way that he liked more."

"What's your favorite way...?"

"Investigate the roles played by the DEM Society and the Latosk Organization in the many collapses from the past to the present, as well as the truth behind the great Eurasian air disaster. In addition, I probably still have the intention to explore how far I can achieve it."


Although he understood everything Yuki Rito said, Itsuka Kotori always felt that these things he said were not things that an evil elf like Tokisaki Kurumi, whose hands were stained with the blood of thousands of people, should consider.

After a brief silence, Itsuka Kotori decided not to continue to struggle.

After roughly understanding some of Tokisaki Kurumi's past actions, Itsuka Kotori's subjective wish is that she does not want Yuuki Rito to have too many interactions with such a terrifying elf, but her rationality keeps reminding Tokisaki that Compared to Tohka and Yoshino, Kurumi may be the spirit that needs saving more.

Now that Kurumi has disappeared from Raizen High School, it just so happens that Itsuka Kotori saves a lot of trouble.

"Did you hear that the location of the educational trip to Lai Zen High School suddenly changed to Orme Island?"

Since the appearance of Rito Yuki, the Ratatosk Organization has shown a completely different attitude from the past. Itsuka Kotori has reason to believe that Rito Yuki has some kind of power or means that he is unaware of.

Therefore, Itsuka Kotori, who should have been wary of the temporary change of the trip location to Zen High School and investigated in detail, now subconsciously thought that Yuki Rito had made some new arrangement.

Yuuki Rito was because of Five He raised his eyebrows at Kawa Kotori's words.

If you simply say whether you have heard of it, then of course you have.

Before Yuki Rito came to this world, and even when he was an ordinary person at the beginning, he always knew Various plot trends in the world of Date A Live.

According to the original fate, Laizen High School temporarily changed the location of the educational trip because the travel agency under DEM came forward and persuaded the school on the grounds of reimbursing the travel expenses.

The purpose was to determine the identity of the elf. identity, and even violently capture elves on an island far away from the city.

However, many things in the Date A Live world have changed now. Although Yuki Rito has a general understanding of the past because of the vague memories of Kotori and others. Hidden in the depths, he deliberately went to the far away DEM headquarters to explore the changes. However, just by observing the fate connection, Yuki Rito could confirm that the trip to the beautiful island would not have a real meaning. Bad things happen.

In fact, even if an accident does happen, Yuki Rito has the power to force everything under control.

So, there is nothing to worry about

"Well, I've heard of some. It seems that a travel agency named Cross has contacted the school. It is said that in order to promote tourism, the travel agency randomly selected Lai Zen High School, and on the condition that they take photos for promotional brochures, the cost of the educational trip will be fully borne by the company. In addition, the originally booked hotel suddenly collapsed and was completely unusable. The travel agency made an application at this time, so the school hurriedly agreed."

"Oh...the timing is so coincidental that people have to worry about it……"

"If you mind, we can come together when the time comes."


"Orme Island is quite large, and with the strength of the Ratatosk organization, it can hide its existence very well with just a little attention. Generally speaking, educational trips last for a few days. If Shiori, Tohka and I were gone, you and Yoshino would probably feel lonely too, right?"

Hearing this, Itsuka Kotori, who was wearing a black hairband, immediately wanted to refute. She would not be lonely or anything like that!

But considering that once she said such words, it would be equivalent to rejecting Yuuki Rito's favor in disguise. Suggestion, Wuhe Kotori coughed lightly and said in a pretentious manner.

"Yes, it is true that Yoshino cannot have negative emotions. In addition, because the temporary change of the location of this educational trip is too suspicious, as the commander of Fraxinas, I really need to go to the scene to prepare, just in case."

As arrogant as ever.

It can greatly reduce the arrogance of Itsuka Kotori in Commander mode, while the degree of arrogance continues to increase, Yuki Rito feels pretty good

"Remember to prepare some barbecue ingredients and drinks when the time comes. When I find the opportunity, I will bring Shizhi and the others over to join you. Since it is a rare trip, we cannot waste the originally scheduled entertainment time because we are too serious."

Yuuki Rito's words are suspected of deliberately inducing Itsuka Kotori to leave her post without permission.

However, Itsuka Kotori did not take the opportunity to accuse at all.

Although she often shows off after wearing a black headband on weekdays, She has a serious and strong side, but Itsuka Kotori is actually just a junior high school student, and she retains some playful character. At this moment, she was easily persuaded by Yuuki Rito

"BBQ ingredients? I want to eat the children's meal!"

Itsuka Kotori even started to think about the meals she would prepare in the future because of Yuuki Rito's words.

"There is a big difference between the taste of freshly baked food and the children's set meal purchased in advance from a restaurant in Tiangong City and left for a long time before being reheated. You must try it.Children's meal?"

"……uncertain. Okay, okay, what ingredients do you want to buy, make a list to me when the time comes, and I will use Ratatosk's funds to buy it, you're welcome."

Hearing Kotori's words, Yuuki Rito smiled.

"What, are you not worried about those people in the parliament accusing you this time?"

"With the attitude displayed by those people, there is nothing to worry about. Rather, if they knew they were using funds for you, they would take the initiative to show their courtesy."

Yes, be attentive.

Itsuka Kotori is sure that there is no fallacy in his wording.

God knows what Yuki Rito did to make those old-fashioned guys change like this._Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading - Collection

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