"Then the disciplinary committee’s response is……"

"Light novels brought to school will be confiscated, and valuables such as mobile phones will be temporarily kept by the committee and will be returned when school is over. Of course, some students who usually perform well will not have their mobile phones taken away. The committee will keep them Too many mobile phones are stressful."

Furuikawa Yui answered simply, and then looked at Yuuki Rito suspiciously.

"You didn’t bring the light novel too, did you? Seriously, is Sword Art Online really that good-looking?"

How could Rito Yuki say that what he wrote was not good-looking!

"If it wasn't good enough, it wouldn't be so popular now, but I didn't bring it with me, so you can search your bag."

Hearing Yuuki Rito's words, Furutekawa Yui shook her head.

"Searching school bags will only target problem students who often violate disciplines. Only a small number of them. Good students like Yuki-san will not be searched. If everyone is really searched, it would be too exaggerated.."

Furuikawa Yui signaled Yuki Rito to go directly to the school, but the expressions of the students waiting in line to check their schoolbags did not change, and they even felt like they were united and united.

"Yuuki-kun, please don't break the rules. At least you can't let me see it. I won't show favoritism."

When Rito Yuuki walked away, Yui Furukawa reminded him gently.

According to the regulations of Ainan High School, it is strictly forbidden to use mobile phones and read extracurricular books during class, but it is much more relaxed after class. After all, it is not allowed in the classroom at this time. There will be no teachers here.

Yuuki Rito is not so arrogant that he openly does other things in class, he is just wandering around.

Walking on the road, Yuuki Rito saw with his own eyes a student who passed the examination with a victory With the smile of the reporter, he lifted up his clothes and took out a mobile phone from his waist. Others, using similar actions, took out light novels and mobile phones from various parts of the body. They just checked the school bag without searching the body. It was so gentle. The method is childish to them.

When Rito Yuuki came to the classroom, his eyes met Haruna Sairenji. Because of what happened at the aquarium yesterday, Haruna Sairenji now saw Rito Yuuki obviously. It was unnatural, but I was a little happy to see that Yuki Rito came to school well.

Yuki Rito winked at her, and did not take the initiative to say anything more, but sat back in his seat, Sairenji Temple Haruna was just embarrassed.

During class, Yuki Rito, who was sitting in the back row of the classroom, finally felt the influence of Sword Art Online. At a glance, nearly half of the people in the classroom would take out their mobile phones and click on the screen from time to time. After a few moves, the movements were very subtle and skillful. Unless they were at the same table, other people farther away could not see what they were doing. Rito Yuuki could also see this with the help of [Fire Eyes and Golden Eyes]. The guy was playing the demo version of Sword Art Online.

As the discipline committee member, Yui Furutekawa didn't notice that she was listening carefully to the class and didn't deliberately observe the movements in the class. Otherwise, she might have made a fuss now.

The things she made are so addictive. With such an impact on people's study life, Yuki Rito's mood is quite complicated.

For people who are devoted to games and light novels, the time of a class is not long, and for those who listen carefully to the class, it also passes quickly. After class , the students no longer concealed their actions. They were either spreading light novels on the table, playing with their mobile phones, or gathering together in twos and threes, chatting about related things. This time, Yui Furukawa finally discovered

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Mr. Discipline Committee member, it's recess time now. Do you still have to control us even now?"

The student who was very close to Furukawa Yui and was playing with his mobile phone raised his head and glanced at Furukawa Yui, then lowered his eyes again. Both his expression and voice were very dissatisfied.

"Even after class, you are still in school and must abide by……"

"Furotegawa, I'm sorry, come with me."

Halfway through Yui Furutagawa's words, he was pulled out of the classroom by Yuki Rito. If it were in the past, this would undoubtedly be regarded as gossip, and many people would follow it secretly, but now, most students are addicted to games. Just now, Futekawa Yui was scolded and was dragged away by Yuki Rito. Everyone guessed that what happened next was not a confession, so they didn't care much.

"What's wrong?"

Furutekawa Yui seemed confused. She was a little angry and tried to calm down her mood. She looked at Yuuki Rito.

This is a very serious, serious and old-fashioned girl.

Yuuki Rito sighed after coming to this conclusion.

"Furategawa-san, according to the regulations, what you just did is not wrong, but the teacher will not give you a substantial reward for it, but the students will be dissatisfied. Is it worth it?"

"As a member of the disciplinary committee, I should perform my job well. Are you trying to persuade me to turn a blind eye? So what’s the point of me being a disciplinary committee member? I don't do this for rewards."

Furukawa Yui refuted Yuuki Rito's words without hesitation, but she didn't get angry because of it. She had already seen that Yuuki Rito was thinking about her, and she was still a little moved and happy in her heart. Furutekawa Yui turned around and planned to go back to the classroom, and then Educate students who play with mobile phones well

"Most people will distance themselves from you."

Yuki Rito gave her final advice. Although some things are right from the perspective of a bystander, as a person involved, you will have another view. This is also what most people think about management when they were students. The reason why the head teacher has a bad feeling about various things in the class is that even after many years, some people will turn their bad feelings into gratitude or happiness, but how many people will say thank you, a minority among the few.

This is a correct loss-making business..

Furutekawa Yui made a move, and her beautiful eyes closed for a while. When she opened them again, they were full of determination.

"My cherished friends will not be among these people. What about you, Yuki Rito, what will you do?"

"Nature is business as usual."

Yuki Rito watched helplessly as Yui Furukawa returned to the classroom. Then there were sounds of slapping the table and scolding. After various rustling sounds, the classroom returned to calm. When Yuuki Rito walked in, What he saw was Yui Furatekawa who had already sat back in his seat, and other students with different expressions. Many people walked out of the classroom and looked like they were going to the toilet, but Rito Yuki saw them putting their mobile phones in their pockets. The person planned to play with the mobile phone out of Yui Furutekawa's sight.

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