"The specific locations of the two newly emerged worlds are unknown, but their fates are already connected to the earth. If the earth is destroyed, they will not be easy off. The host does not need to worry too much."

"Is it."

The earth cannot be destroyed, but that doesn't mean that people from those two worlds will never cause destruction on the earth, so the safety of everyone...

When a familiar person calls his name when he is in danger, Rito Yuuki leans on him. The power of [wind] can ignore distance and reach them instantly, but Rito Yuuki never thinks that when he is in the world of Godslayer, he can still feel the danger when people in the main world are in danger. It's simply It forced Yuki Rito to stay in the main world with vigilance.

At nine o'clock, Lala got up energetically.

After all, her physical fitness was beyond that of ordinary people, and her recovery time was much faster than that of ordinary people.

"Rito looks worried, what happened? Can I help?"

Compared to the Yuuki Rito a few hours ago, the current Yuki Rito obviously seems to have more baggage. Lala came to him worriedly and stretched out her slender fingers to smooth the other person's slightly frowned brow, which made Yuuki Rito felt warm in his heart

"An unknown existence has appeared. Although it will not destroy the earth, it is not clear whether it is an enemy or a friend."

"Does Rito have any grudge against them?"

"Not really"

"Then there is no need to regard the other party as an imaginary enemy. If it is really an enemy and Rito cannot handle it, he can take everyone back to Debi Luke with me at the most critical moment. Of course I am willing to believe that Rito can Solving all troubles, so to speak, is just a final guarantee for Rito."

La La held Rito Yuuki's head in her arms as if comforting a child and stroked his head gently. She couldn't see what she was like now from a third party's perspective. This scene It should be funny.

Yuuki Rito was silent for half a minute, letting Lala do it. He felt his mood slowly return to calm. He sat up helplessly and looked at the smiling Lala.

"Don't comfort me like this next time, it's so shameful"

"I know, I know, Rito is a very self-respecting person."

It was about eleven o'clock when Mikan woke up, still looking sleepy. Although staying up late would have made people depressed, but looking at Mikan's behavior, Yuuki Rito probably guessed that he was leaving. How did she spend the night? Wasn't this just a night without sleep?!

"Rito, why didn't you go to school?"

Rubbing her sleepy eyes, Mikan looked at Yuki Rito in a daze, her voice was unusually soft and waxy.

At this time, she still looked like a child.

"If you are worried, you can also check how long you want to sleep. If you sleep all day at once, you may not have to ask your teacher for a whole day's leave."

"Rito, you idiot, if I really sleep for so long, wake me up properly, otherwise your biological clock will be disrupted and you won't be able to sleep at night, which will also affect tomorrow."

Shaving Mikan's nose, which showed off her cute look, Yuuki Rito said with a smile.

"If that's the case, just ask for leave tomorrow."

Whether it is elementary school, junior high school or high school, one thing in common is that students will not go home specifically for lunch at noon. In other words, there is no need to worry about whether there will be no one in the classroom during lunch break. For example, if you take leave in the morning, you can return at any time at noon. School.

Mikan’s elementary school is not far away. Similar to Ainan High School, it only takes a little more than ten minutes to walk, but in the opposite direction, so Yuki Rito and Mikan cannot walk together when they go to school. However

, At this moment, Yuki Rito was sending Mikan to school.

"Rito should go back to school now instead of sending me off, right? It's obvious that I'm not the only one taking leave...Eh? Could it be that Rito took a whole day off for himself? It's very dishonest to deliberately not go to class."

Mikan was very happy that Yuuki Rito insisted on giving it to her, but her tone was filled with anger.

"After sending you to school, I will also go back to Cainan High School. The lunch break at Cainan High School is a little longer, that’s okay."

"——Beautiful mandarin orange?"

When they arrived at the gate of the elementary school, on the playground inside the gate, the girl who was supposed to be sitting on a bench eating lunch saw her classmates from a distance, waved happily, and ran to Mikan's side.

"Why did you ask for leave today? This is the first time I see you not coming to school. Are you feeling unwell? Or something happened? Have you had lunch? If you haven’t eaten yet, I still have some bread. As for the bento, hehe, I’ve already finished it."

"It's just that I didn't sleep well at night and was ordered to rest by Rito."

Standing at the school gate, Yuki Rito, who had not yet walked in, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Mikan chatting with his classmates so easily. He had been worried before that Mikan, who was too precocious, would not be able to make friends.

"Is that your brother? Hee hee, he is very handsome and cares about you so much. If only I had a brother like this."

Do elementary school students today still praise people? Isn't it the so-called communication skills?

When the elementary school student's eyes met and he saw the enthusiasm and friendliness contained in it, Rito Yuki felt a little bit horrified. Sure enough, birds of a feather flock together. People are divided into groups, and Mikan, who matures precociously, doesn't seem to make any naive friends.

After that, Rito Yuki returns to Ainan High School, and naturally enters the school gate guarded by the bodyguards of the Tenjoin Foundation without any hindrance..Yuki

Rito did not return to class directly, but came to the homeroom teacher’s office

"Yuki, is everything okay?"

Facing the concerned gaze of the head teacher, Yuki Rito felt a little guilty for not paying too much attention to his studies.

"Yes, everything is settled now"

"It's very hard. From all aspects, although from the perspective of a teacher, I shouldn't interfere in your private affairs at will, but I still want to advise you. Tenjoin Saki-san is a very good child, and so are you. None of the teachers at Cainan High School will stop you from falling in love. With your current ability, even the Tenjouin Foundation will not let you disappear from the public. If you can see that outstanding students have a bright future, everyone will Very pleased."

Seeing Yuuki Rito's eyes widening in astonishment, the head teacher coughed lightly.

"It's a bit against the school rules of not opposing or over-condoning students' love affairs, but you understand what I mean."

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