The rich, who are extremely rare compared to the common people, live in an environment isolated from the outside world and live a comfortable life relying on advanced technology. Only the rich can really attack the rich, but even the rich In the opposite situation, it is the civilians who lose their lives. It is the civilians who go to the battlefield because they accept the instructions of the rich and want to get rewards.

Common people eat liquid processed products that exist only to supplement nutrition. Due to pollution, outdoor play is impossible and can only be entertained indoors. Common people who cannot afford the high fees for indoor playgrounds can only play games. The developers of virtual games are also affiliated companies of the giant complex. Virtual games are part of their plan to relieve the pressure on civilians and make them content with the status quo.

The plan proved successful.

Yuki Rito, who spent half a day learning the information about this world, is now thankful that because of the security issue, even if the technology has reached a very high level, a gangster from another world like himself will not encounter any trouble. In reality, there are many thieves and robbers who are free, and there are countless hackers on the Internet who have repeatedly destroyed things. Society is in chaos, but it has not collapsed. It is just that this chaos is being controlled by complex enterprises to the extent that it cannot arouse people's resistance.

A composite enterprise will not give many benefits to its employees, but it will not want them to die too easily.

It is not difficult for civilians to just survive with the goal of staying alive. There are even high-quality games specially developed by complex companies to numb their nerves.

Although there is nothing worthy of pity for the companies that occupy the upper echelons of this world, Yuuki Rito can use violent means to plunder all the resources he needs, but even if he robs from the factory where the product has just been manufactured, the one who will bear the loss in the end will be Workers, if they go to the bank, it will be the poor people who deposit their money in the bank who will suffer the loss.

So -

Rito Yuki came to a large ecological building where rich people live.

Based on some of the actions of the wealthy class in this world, it would not be too much of a psychological burden to loot them. However, these people have temporarily maintained social stability. Rito Yuuki cannot do too much. Through observation, he I found a middle-aged man who is money-oriented.

Because money is paramount, as long as it meets the interests it hopes for

"How about I give you an extinct flower seedling and you give me enough money?"

A strange voice came from the deserted ecological office. The middle-aged man suddenly took out the laser pistol hidden in the drawer and looked around with the gun raised.

"who is it?!"

"Don't be so nervous. If I wanted to take your life, you would have died just now, wouldn't you? Just like this gun in your hand."

The middle-aged man stared blankly at the laser gun that was broken into two parts in his hand. He trembled for a moment, then slumped down on the seat and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"If you're not taking my life, are you asking for money? right? It must be money! I give you!"

I didn't expect this person to be so afraid of death.

Yuki Rito did not dispel the [wind], but still maintained it, and was not afraid of any tricks played by middle-aged people. Although the technology of this era is somewhat advanced, that's it, human beings The means of attack seem to have stagnated. After so long development, there are only laser guns and other gadgets. Compared with Debbie Luke's weapons, they are far inferior. That's right. Now that the earth has become like this, the top human beings are still the same. Living here, now, is not the interstellar era.

"You are one of the top executives of a complex enterprise. Although you are only average among the top executives, you are still very young. I think everyone else has a big beard."

"Ah ha ha……"

The middle-aged man judged from the other party's words that he had probably seen the other high-level officials one by one. In other words, he had the power to kill everyone without anyone noticing.

"I'll give you a rose seedling. Well, does the rose know that? Flowers that were highly praised by women more than a hundred years ago are now extinct. They are rare and valuable. Do you know the value? You give me enough money, well, it doesn’t actually require much. This is a fair transaction and a friendly gesture from me. If you want to investigate my identity or trace the subsequent movements of the money, I will kill you."

"Ming, understand!"

The middle-aged man did not hide his panic. If he continued to act indifferent and pretended not to care based on the principles of doing business at this time, he would probably be cut in half by the other party. It would be like the laser gun in his hand. The alloy is stronger than the human body. The middle-aged man didn't feel that he could bear it even though he was wearing a protective suit that was hidden in his body.

Half an hour later, Yuuki Rito took the forgery and couldn't bear it. , it was a normal account that left.

Seeing the door of the office being opened and closed by Yuki Rito without concealment, the middle-aged man who waited for ten minutes and was tentatively sure that he had really left took a few quick breaths. The fresh air in the building touches the rose seedlings on the table like a treasure.

"One billion yen for a flower, a loss-making business? No, if you use some means to propagate extinct flowers, I can increase their value hundreds of times. Who is he? Alien visitors? No matter, it was a secret account specially set up, and it was also my decision to stop any other thoughts I might have in the future. It would be best not to meet him again."

Compared with greater interests, the middle-aged man cherishes his life more. He thought that the methods shown by Yuuki Rito relied on alien technology, so he did not try to use technology to fight against technology. The unknown is the most terrifying.

On the other side , Yuuki Rito used an account that not only represented the identity of a legal resident, but also had the functions of saving and spending money, to purchase a very cheap residence with equally harsh environment, as well as a set of gaming equipment. Being able to log in to YGGDRASIL, that is Yggdrasil's gaming equipment, everything Yuuki Rito has done so far is to log into this game, then top up money, and train his game character to become a boss.

Because YGGDRASIL represents the world of the King of the Undead.

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