Among the Four Knights of the Empire, three are all men, and only one is a woman. In addition to her beautiful appearance and the eye-catching blond hair that covers half of her face, her movements that are slower than the other three are also very conspicuous.

It’s not that she has limited mobility, but that Lenas Rockbrus is not a person who is loyal to the empire. She pays more attention to her own etiquette and safety than to be loyal to the Lord. Even now, she and three others are carrying a hundred thousand people. The army was attacking an army of 50,000 undead. She was still very vigilant, and she had a faint attitude of abandoning the others and running away if the situation went bad.

"Hey, there are only 50,000 skeleton soldiers. If we charge forward, we will win."

The other one of the four knights who discovered this chuckled, and then drove the horses under him to speed up, charging towards the simple tents not far away, without even normal defenses. These fifty thousand undead, After a cavalry charge, probably most of them were killed or injured.

When the other soldiers saw that the four knights who led them were so brave and took the lead, their morale was greatly improved. A hundred thousand troops rushed towards the garrison stationed nearby with the force of water flooding the golden mountains. Although the number of the undead army in the distance is twice as large, visually, the imperial knights advancing rapidly are fully armed, and even the war horses have sophisticated saddles and armor. This is a raging torrent of steel. are leading a general crusade against the undead army.

Then, a large number of imperial knights began to engage in hand-to-hand combat with a few skeleton soldiers who rushed out of the tent.

One of the four knights at the forefront,"Gust Wind", and the soldiers following him, When the standard weapon in his hand slashed at the linen cloth draped randomly on the skeleton, he smiled. The linen cloth had no defense function, and the fragile bones of the skeleton itself could not defend against the sword. He and others took the lead, which was already a meritorious service..

Take out the sword and cut down, and you can defeat an enemy.

This is what they think.


The sharp sword cuts through the linen and cuts on the metal. It is the shining golden armor. In the surprised eyes of everyone in the Imperial Army , the sword blade left a shallow mark on the golden armor, and then broke immediately. Then, the imperial army thought that the extremely fragile skeleton soldier opened his arms and stopped abruptly with his own power. The speed was at its peak, and it was unstoppable. The mighty war horse was too powerful. After the horse stopped as if it hit a rope, it whined and died. The empire's excellent war horse was strangled to death by the skeleton soldier.

"This this……!"

That golden armor was definitely not an ordinary piece of equipment. No, it was just ordinary fine armor. It was scary enough when plated with color. As for even more incredible possibilities, the Four Knights of the Empire didn't dare to think about it.

And that terrifying power.

There are fifty thousand such skeletons.

When a golden-armored skeleton came out of the tent and killed the imperial knights who rushed towards him, both men and horses, as if cleaning up garbage, the imperial army was in despair.

One hundred thousand, a number twice as large as the local area, cannot give them the confidence to win, no, it cannot even give them a sense of security.

When I watched it cost dozens of lives to barely slash the sword to the neck of one of the skeletons, one of the few places without armor defense, when I saw with my own eyes that it was no different from the other 50,000 skeleton soldiers, that is, among them When the skeleton of an ordinary member grabbed the sword with its seemingly fragile bone hand and pinched it in half, one hundred thousand imperial knights looked at the Four Imperial Knights with turbulent eyes.

They hope that the four knights will show their invincibility and save the army from disaster.

"Gust Wind", one of the Four Knights of the Empire, who was rushing at the front, endured the fear in his heart, secretly used combat skills to strengthen his physical fitness, and slashed at the skeleton soldier in front of him with a sword that was burning with a faint orange light.


The skeleton soldier did not use the sword in his hand to block it. The standard long sword in his right hand still maintained the previous speed and power, and the round shield in his left hand faced the sword of"Gust Wind". The scream was caused by"Gust Wind". What came out was also his last voice.

The skeleton soldier pierced the chest of"Gust Wind", but Guofeng's sword failed to touch the skeleton soldier. With a blow that almost unleashed its full potential, it only knocked the buckler away. Pierced, and then the power of the sword was greatly reduced, and it was stuck in the middle and could no longer move forward.

One of the Four Knights of the Empire,"Gust Wind" died, and failed to kill an enemy before his death.

This fact was observed The imperial army's fearful eyes wandered back and forth among the skeleton army, hoping to find evidence to prove that the skeleton soldier who killed"Gust Wind" was not an ordinary soldier, but a general-like figure. By the way, although the armor was the same, although the appearance There is no difference, but it seems to be using a round shield? Wasn't there a skeleton soldier who used a bone hand to block attacks before?

When it is seen that all skeleton soldiers are equipped with round shields, but before that, the skeleton soldiers all used round shields. Carrying it on his back, the war has been going on for a while now. After taking it down, everyone in the imperial army was in despair. The four knights of the empire, no, one of the only three knights left today,"Thunder Light" Bajude Persume Well, at this time, I couldn't help but feel happy, because my too strong body shape affected the speed of the war horse. Even though I was leading the horse before, now I fell behind to the middle of the army, so I could save my life.

I glanced at myself The companion next to him, Nasami Aineke, who was"immovable", saw that his half-closed eyes were also full of trembling. Bajude made a stop gesture and took the lead in reining in the war horse, the vanguard of the army. , the 20,000 people who have already fought with the skeleton soldiers are destined to be unable to be saved. At least the remaining troops should be preserved and evaded during the subsequent retreat or even the relocation country. Maybe they can exert some strength, at least delaying time with their lives, allowing the emperor to escape. Time.

Bajiud did not think that the empire could win this war at all.

Even though the imperial knights in the front were panicking, the general did not order a retreat. Behind them were charging horses. They would be trampled to death if they stopped, so they rushed towards the skeleton soldiers one after another. , and then one after another were killed by the skeleton soldiers like slaughtering pigs and dogs.

Bajiude fixedly looked into the distance, while killing the enemy with an extremely relaxed and skillful posture, while quickly forming an array, and even had some strength left to protect. The army of skeletons stationed in the camp trembled and said to their companions.

"Have you seen the strength of that skeleton soldier?"

"……That is the [Hero Realm] that is beyond our reach. There are a total of fifty thousand [Heroes] throughout the ages, including our empire, the Silian Theocracy, and the Kingdom of Li Yestije, all heroic figures. Are there fifty thousand in total? This is an army capable of destroying everything. God is going to destroy our empire.……"

"This army is composed of fifty thousand skeleton soldiers and thousands of monsters. The skeleton soldiers with the largest number are [heroes]. What about those monsters, the leader who has never shown up, and who can command this army? Where is the superior?……"

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