When Rito Yuuki returned to the classroom, he naturally caused a small commotion. As a student, he disappeared for more than ten days. Although Rito Yuuki had been individually tested by teachers in various subjects before, he had permission not to come to school. But this was too long, and it also made other students full of malicious hopes. When the class morning meeting was over, Yuki Rito was scolded by the class teacher, and at the same time he was also very curious about Yuki Rito's movements after disappearing for such a long time..

The number of people in the entire class who have a good relationship with Rito Yuuki can be counted on one hand, and they are all girls. The others are waiting for them to ask about Rito Yuuki's condition and eavesdrop on some gossip. However, until the morning meeting begins, Apart from saying hello, Haruna Sairenji, Yui Furutekawa, and even the most lively Risa Mooka, did not specifically ask what Rito Yuki was doing these days, which disappointed everyone who was full of curiosity and wanted to eavesdrop.

"Oh, Rito Yuuki is here."

The head teacher opened the classroom door and was slightly surprised to see Rito Yuuki sitting in his seat. The students who were originally disappointed were a little bit excited at this time, expecting the head teacher to lecture Yuuki Rito. However,——

"Then start the morning meeting."

There was no reprimand, no preaching. The class teacher started the morning meeting normally. In just ten minutes today, the students in the class were disappointed twice in a row. This time the disappointment was bigger than the last and formed a lot of negative emotions. Second only to the sadness and anger that they had to pay money into the game after repeatedly struggling, but could not get any good things.

During the end of class, Rito Yuki was reading a book seriously in his seat. With such excellent grades, he was still reading and studying. , many students did not want to know which subject Yuuki Rito was reading, but stayed away from him full of resentment, and finally stopped studying after class, thinking that what Yuuki Rito did these days might be important, Therefore, Sairenji Haruna and the others, who deliberately did not ask questions in a public place like the classroom, did not disturb Yuki Rito. They spent the morning like this.

After Yuki Rito kept winking at Mooka Risa, she went to Sairen Shortly after Terharuna and Mooka Risa left the classroom, they also took their own bento boxes out.

The bento was not made by Mikan, but came from the lovely sister-in-law Mengmeng. According to her, it was a gift full of love. The bento.

Mengmeng is not a cooking waste like Lala. Yuki Rito still trusts the things made by her sister-in-law.

The rooftop of the teaching building

"Now, Yuuki-kun, what did you do? What super big invention are you working on? save the world? Or something else?"

The moment Yuuki Rito appeared, Hooka Risa couldn't wait to ask. She had another guess she didn't say. Yuuki Rito went to work related to the Sword Art Online game. There was no way. Risa Mooka felt that Rito Yuuki was not only an excellent student, but also that Rito Yuuki was called a"authority dog" in the game. Risa Mooka gradually thought that Rito Yuuki might be a good student in the game. developers think so

"Go on an adventure, because the journey is far away and the place is remote, so there is no cell phone signal."

Yuki Rito lied skillfully while sitting down opposite Haruna Sairenji and Risa Mooka, and opened his lunch box.

"Oh oh oh?!"

Mooka Risa exclaimed, and Sairenji Haruna also widened her eyes slightly, and then looked a little gloomy. Yuuki Rito

's lunch box, in addition to the rich dishes, also has a heart shape drawn with jam, and"LOVE"No matter how you think about it, this is not an ordinary lunch box, but more like one prepared by a couple.

It is really as Mengmeng said, it is a lunch full of love.

Yuki Rito recalled that when Meng Meng gave him a lunch, besides being gentle, there was also a hidden smile. Now that he thought about it, it was undoubtedly a bad smile.

"Yuuki-kun is so good, so it’s only natural that someone would give him a love lunch."

Mooka Risa's casual compliment made Sairenji Haruna feel even more depressed, and her depressed mood was about to turn into reality.

Yuuki Rito couldn't answer, but if he nodded, it would make Sairenji Haruna feel a little bit show off. Rendera Haruna's mood became worse, but Yuki Rito felt sorry for Mengmeng when he belittled the lunch.

Looking at Mooka Risa who was smiling innocently, Yuki Rito's eyes were very dangerous, and he dared to pick a Thing, do you know that if you were in the world of God Killers or the King of the Undead, a troublemaker like you would be well-disciplined. Rito Yuki has now surpassed the Sengoku level, while Risa Hooka is still As an ordinary person, although Rito Yuuki has only slightly evil intentions, to Risa Mooka, she feels as if she is defenseless facing a hungry beast, and she has a creepy feeling.

"Ahaha, I think it might have been given by Yuki-kun's sister."

Risa Mooka smartly began to make amends for what she said. Haruna Sairenji, who was slightly touched at first, did not feel Rito Yuuki's targeted malice, but she could probably see what was going on now. , Xirenji Haruna, who didn’t want her emotions to affect others, smiled and changed the topic.

"Exploration should be fun, right?"

"Well, now that I think about it, the scenery alone is very beautiful, and the sky is filled with stars."

Yuki Rito subconsciously looked up at the sky, stretched out his hand to hold it, and came back to his senses after a moment, then continued.

"I have something else to do in the afternoon, so I won’t come to school."

"Eh? so envious! It would be great if I could come when I want to and not come when I don’t want to."

Risa Mooka was frightened by Rito Yuuki, but she recovered quickly. She was convinced that Rito Yuuki was not an ordinary person, so she didn't take it seriously at all.

"If you can get more than 90 points in the test papers given by teachers in various subjects that are more difficult than the unified pre-graduation examination, I think you can be like me. Come on, your dream will come true. It will not be far away. Have the courage and determination. Move forward, and miracles will surely happen."

Is this sarcasm? This must be sarcasm, right?

Risa Mooka glanced angrily at Rito Yuki and ate her bento meal without saying a word. It was not only the effect of negative emotions, but also Rito Yuuki's share. The bento was really delicious and delicious, but Risa Mooka felt that the rice in her mouth was bland and tasteless. She looked at Yuuki Rito and found that he was reading like he did in the morning. He was already a top student, and he was still working so hard. , how can an ordinary person like herself be embarrassed? Risa Mooka looked away unhappily.

And Haruna Sairenji hesitantly said

"Yuuki-kun, what you are looking at is……?"

From the perspective of Haruna Seirenji, the book Rito Yuuki read had a simple cover, like some kind of treasure, but there were no words, no pictures, nothing on the pages.

"[[Uninscribed Document], something I got from my adventure. You didn’t see any content, right? Haha, just think that I am suffering from the secondary disease, and I am pretending to study the Wordless Book of Heaven."

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