Yuuki Rito is suspended in the deep darkness at this moment. It is not the darkness of night. There is no night sky full of stars above. This is a dark space like inside a box. With the excellent vision brought by [Fire Eyes and Golden Eyes], Yuuki Rito can See the only light source far ahead.

Yuuki Rito was not in a hurry to leave. After carefully observing the dark space for a long time, he took steps and followed the attraction that existed faintly before but was forcibly ignored by Yuuki Rito and came to the light. The source, a ball of light with a diameter of six or seven meters, was sucked into it.

In the blink of an eye, he left the dark space.

What Yuuki Rito saw in front of him was a majestic river. On both sides of the river were countless beech trees and oak trees. The surroundings were filled with birdsong, warm sunshine, and dancing butterflies.

The water of the river is very clear, reflecting the blue of the sky.

This is pure natural scenery unspoiled by modern technology.

There is a road in this wilderness, which is not wide and paved with gravel.

Rito Yuuki walked along this road.

The first priority now is to find Mrs. Aisha.

That cave is the power of Mrs. Aisha. Once she leaves, the cave will be closed. Although she has left a back-up, and she has also asked Banriya Yuri and the others, Yuuki Rito must avoid all risks.

"System, that cave seems to have existed for a while, but Lady Elsa has not returned. Can you determine the time ratio between ancient and modern times?"

"Because the host has come here, the original proportion of time has been changed by the 'world'. Please rest assured, the host, before the host returns to modern times, there will never be any major events there, because the world……"

At the end, the system stopped silently.

The big event in modern times seems to be only the King of the Last.

Is that a test that the world has specially prepared for itself? Or does the world want to make its own choices?

Anyway, I can feel at ease for now.

At this time, a carriage drove slowly across the road, with two white men sitting in the driver's seat.

The clothes are simple, or shabby.

The upper body is a long-sleeved singlet, which does not fit very well. There is a belt to restrain the waist, and the lower body is loose trousers.

The sword placed on the driver's seat seemed normal, which also showed from another perspective that this was not a peaceful era.

Rito Yuuki used the wind to erase his figure in front of mortals, sitting on top of the cargo pulled by the carriage, silently listening to their conversation to collect useful information, and followed the carriage to the city where humans gathered.

As a result, the two drivers just chatted about some uninteresting topics from time to time, which was very boring.

Augusta Laurica is the name of the city where Rito Yuki is currently located.

This city seemed to have been attacked before, and the city was on alert, but it did not notice the entry of Yuki Rito, who was filled with [wind].

In the city square, there were more than a dozen wounded soldiers lying. Bruises and even fractures were considered minor symptoms. Some were unconscious, some had burns all over their bodies and were covered with bandages, and some were on the verge of death.

In such an uneven time, there were too many wounded soldiers, so Rito Yuki had no intention of appearing as a saint and turning into a saint who saved the world.

But cheers came from the square

"It's a saint! The Holy Lady is coming to heal us!"

Every soldier had the same thoughts at this moment, and their voices were full of loyal respect and faith.

There was a black-haired woman standing in front of the wounded soldiers on the ground. She was wearing a loose white windbreaker. Although her body shape could not be seen, But her beautiful face showed that she was a girl.

Her slender face perfectly blended elegance and serene temperament, giving people a very gentle impression.

Her skin was dark, and she was obviously not of European ethnicity. However, the soldier stared at her, Mixed with goodwill and admiration, there is no strange look at all

"Saint, please save them."

A soldier begged the girl, making her look troubled.

She hesitated as if to say,"Well, what should I do?"Same. After hesitating for a few seconds, the girl's face showed determination.

"My abilities are limited, and prayer may not be effective, but I will still try my best."

The girl knelt on her knees and clasped her hands on her chest.

She closed her eyes as if a devout nun was praying. At this time, a gust of wind blew in the square. A gentle and comfortable wind, with divine power in it.

The wind After brushing it, the expressions of the wounded soldiers who were seriously injured and dying no longer showed pain, their wounds healed, and those who were in coma came back to life. They were all fully recovered.

This is power.

Rito Yuki confirmed the identity of the girl and walked past the cheering soldiers. Dispersing the wind surrounding him, he came to the girl who had discovered him before

"Lady Elsa?"

The sudden appearance of the stranger made the soldiers subconsciously want to protect the saint in their hearts. However, they soon discovered that an invisible barrier appeared with the stranger and the saint as the center, and outsiders could not get close at all.

"This is the first time someone has called me by my real name since I came here. Are you Rito Yuki? The seventh god-slayer."

Facing Yuuki Rito's question, the girl showed a graceful smile. Her eyes stayed on Yuuki Rito's modern clothes for a moment, and looked at the surrounding wind barrier. The girl could feel that it was a terrifying power.

"Can you please not hurt them? It's just that your sudden appearance scared them, so they showed hostility to you."

"I don’t want to spend energy explaining to this group of irrelevant people that I am a god-killer in the future world. It’s hard for them to understand, isn’t it? Lady Elsa, can you tell me the purpose of your coming here?"

Yuki Rito did not disperse the wind barrier so simply. Even because those soldiers tried to attack the barrier with weapons, they controlled the wind to crush those weapons, causing the soldiers who were filled with indignation before to show panic expressions.

Yuuki Rito looked directly into Elsa's eyes and asked. In his opinion, there may be some valuable god of disobedience in this era, or some magical tool that would attract Madam Elsa here.

Elsa looked down shyly. head

"Well...actually...I, I can't control the power to activate the corridor."


"That corridor couldn't be built when I wanted to do it. But after I forgot that power, the corridor would activate itself every few years when I was traveling around, even if I had no intention of going anywhere else. , the corridor will also connect itself to a certain era in the past or somewhere in the secluded world. I can't resist the strong suction of the corridor, so I have to travel."

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