Today, Elsa is wearing a white coat and a jumpsuit-like short coat. These are the clothes she loved to wear after arriving in ancient Gaul.

The spring sunshine was warm and comfortable, the sky was cloudless, and Elsa was in a good mood.

She has two special skills, one is that she can sleep soundly anywhere, and the other is that any low-quality food tastes delicious. With these two special skills, she can live a relaxed and happy life no matter where she is.

Of course, this is also related to Elsa's ability to increase her luck and the ability to increase the favorability of ordinary people around her almost like a charm.

Aisha didn't have a very direct purpose. She was just roaming around the ancient Gaul region, looking for people who were oppressed or suffering from diseases or wars. She got off the boat and secretly took a look at the people not far behind her. Yuki Rito was thinking about something and was in a daze.

"Mr. Yuki has been following me. Is he really trying to prevent me from sneaking back through the corridor of the Fairy Realm? I've already told you how to open the corridor, but I think he was a little too cautious."

Ever since Rito Yuki met Aisha in the square and shocked the soldiers in the city, he has made no other moves. He neither intends to take the initiative to help the people in distress and transform himself into a saint walking in the world, nor does he In this era, wealth and treasures are plundered, and the tyrant of the era is meant to use the power of the Godslayer. He even rarely goes out. In

Aisha's view, Yuuki Rito was unexpectedly brought into this era by his own power. , but did not feel resentful, and just stayed by his side. Although there was a reason to prevent him from leaving secretly alone, he never meant to organize outstanding magicians to open the entrance to the corridor and leave quickly. Instead, he chose to follow By her side...

When she thought of this, Aisha suddenly realized

"Could it be that that person - did he fall in love with me?"

Elsa's pace unconsciously slowed down, and she fell into deep thought alone.

The shock of being struck by lightning stimulated Elsa's heart, and she was enveloped in a sense of powerlessness.

"When he said he would follow me to prevent me from escaping, could it be an excuse to hide his shyness? Or is he unable to face his feelings frankly? I think there are probably no more than these two reasons.……"

Elsa felt like she had seen the light of truth, and now everything made sense.

"But, but, Mr. Yuuki is a playboy who has many things to do, and he is a very bad scum.……"

Elsa was frightened by the"truth" she discovered, and began to mutter to herself in a daze.

"However, he came to ancient Gaul because of me without any complaints. He gave me far-sighted advice and treated hostile strangers so coldly. This is also very charming. Could it be that this is the fatal attraction of bad men? ? ——Ah, no, no, no."

All kinds of complicated thoughts are tumbling in Aisha's head.

Negation and affirmation collide with each other like a battle between light and darkness, endless, constantly bursting out fierce sparks of thought.

"no! Aisha, you can't be affected by temporary confusion. Once you accept that person, it will be me who sheds tears in the end. Besides, I am older than him... Ah, no, no, I look very young. It makes sense to be his sister."

Yuki Rito has been listening to Aisha talking to herself for a long time. Compared to Aisha thinking that he fell in love with her, Yuuki Rito was even more speechless about Aisha's last words.

"Oh, no, all I could think about was Mr. Yuki, and I actually saw his phantom. I need to calm down."

Seeing the outline of the person in front of her, Aisha was still mumbling to herself

"Not a phantom"


Aisha was so frightened that she took a step back, and then she remembered that Yuuki Rito was actually not far away from her.

"Mr. Yuki, did you hear what I just said?"

"What did you just say?"

Yuki Rito was pretending to be stupid. He felt that if he gave Elsa a feeling of poor perception, Elsa might have interesting performances like today in the future.

"Please don't care! You're just talking to yourself, don't pry into the girl's privacy!"

Elsa yelled at the top of her voice, trying to hide the shock in her heart.

Yuki Rito didn't intend to do anything more to cause more fluctuations in the fragile mind of this girl who was at least over a hundred years old.

But even if Yuuki Yuuki Rito didn't react at all, and Aisha couldn't bear it.

It's better to do something quickly, so that she can change the current situation,'s better to let Yuuki Rito also fall into embarrassment.

Aisha prayed silently in her heart.

Suddenly There was thunder in the sky.

There were many other people on the river bank, but before they knew it, only Yuuki Rito and Aisha were there.

Thunderclouds gathered in the sky. The clear sky before, in a very short period of time, It turned into darkness in the middle of the night.

This was a precursor to a storm, and it seemed to be quite powerful. The wind gradually picked up, and the water of the Rhine began to roll.

This change in the weather was very strange, Yuki Rito wrinkled Observing carefully with brows, this seems to be the influence of power, enemy?


Looking at the changes in the sky and river, Aisha showed a dumbfounded expression.

And Yuki Rito, who noticed the change in Elsa's expression, guessed what he was looking for, stared at Elsa and asked

"Is it about you?"

"This, that...I'm sorry! I once had no choice but to defeat a kind-hearted patron saint. As a result, I had the power of lucky protection. As long as it is for the purpose of accomplishing good deeds and practicing them, it will be effective. It will give me lucky blessings and bring disasters to those who stand in the way. I just It's like praying to this power……"

Good deeds?

Rito Yuki raised his head and looked at the sky that was now thundering with lightning, and at the roaring Rhine River next to it.

"Is this a disaster?"

Elsa nodded her fingers uncomfortably.

"……The thing I pray for is related to Mr. Yuki. It seems that because Mr. Yuki has too much murderous karma, my power thinks that Mr. Yuki is an evil person. If I can punish the evil person, it is a good deed."

Yuki Rito was shocked to realize at this time that Aisha, this seemingly kind and soft"girl", might have just cursed herself in her heart?

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